EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on August 18, 2010, 01:31:21 pm

Title: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Hunter on August 18, 2010, 01:31:21 pm

  • Incomplete Epic Book 3.5
  • Completed Epic Book 3.5
  • Epic 3.5 Pages 1-10
  • Epic 3.5 Boss
  • 20 Epic 3.5 Weapons (16 classes, 1 bow, 3 2hs->1hs alternatives)
  • Recipe so combine creates completed book
  • Correct stats for Epic 3.5 Weapons. Whole set was copy/paste from 4.0 Epics.

Updated Hohonora:

  • Avatars changed Augs from 50% to 25% drop rate.
  • Avatars added Epic Pages 1-10 at 5% drop rate (Subject to change)
  • Epic 3.5 Boss spawns opposite side from zone in at 4 hour respawn rate with 100% chance to drop Epic 3.5 Book. Has more HP but less min/max melee damage than the 4.0 boss, so more focus on DPS instead of big HP tank. Has same spell set as the Epic 4.0 boss for now, subject to change to make easier later.

Not Finished Yet!

  • Need to add turn in quest on Epic Vendor so you can upgrade 3.0 to 3.5
  • Need to add turn in quest on Epic Vendor so you can upgrade 3.5 to 4.0

I'll try to complete everything this weekend. Currently, you can still turn in your Epic 3.0 Weapon with an Epic 4.0 Book to get your Epic 4.0 but obviously very soon you'll need to go from 3.0 to 3.5 to 4.0 in order. Epic 3.5 Page drop rates subject to change too. You can farm your pages in advance and click combine after I create the recipe later.



Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Micah on August 18, 2010, 01:41:38 pm
While you're creating 3.5s, can you make sure the instrument modifier on the bard epic is correct and fix the modifier on the 4.0? The 3.0 is 250, and the 4.0 is the same (so not really an upgrade except hp and (lol) ratio). I think it should be something more like 3.0 -> 250, 3.5 -> 350, 4.0 -> 500.


Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Hunter on August 18, 2010, 01:46:52 pm
Forgot about the Bard Mod lol, I'll see what I can do.

Plan to change graphics on 3.5 and 4.0's as well.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: sohami on August 18, 2010, 02:03:06 pm
Please have rune etched bamboo bo icon for monk 3.5/4.0!! :)

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Narcissus on August 18, 2010, 02:03:24 pm
So there is a 5% drop rate for any avatar to drop a page 1-10, or is it the case that certain avatars have a 5% drop rate for a certain page?  Such as Avatar of Heavens can drop page 1 & 2 ect...

I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying this but it would be fun to see people have to take on the storm avatars and see them throwing toons all over the place.

I know it was a shocker when I first took one on.   :)

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: swamphy on August 18, 2010, 02:22:11 pm
I'm so excited I can't sit still.


Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Thyl on August 18, 2010, 02:54:45 pm

  • Need to edit Epic 3.5 Weapon stats. Whole set was copy/paste from 4.0 Epics so far.

Feel free to skip that part

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: sohami on August 18, 2010, 03:11:44 pm


Any hopefully change the click effect from the monk previous 1.5-3.0 epics (the one that sucks) haha

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: ieawenpo on August 18, 2010, 03:22:17 pm
This is awesome!
Some players were talking the other day about burnout in progress from t2 to t3 gear to 4.0 weapons.
This is a huge welcome addition!!!

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Chane Laforet on August 18, 2010, 05:42:51 pm
This is great news for those moving into T3 right now, as I am one myself. Although I really hope this will shut those that were so greatly complaining against the 4.0 because it was 'impossible' but now maybe with the 3.5 they will learn that they will always have it easier than those who completed these new tasks first.\

Truly appreciate this update to come Hunter and am ecstatic to see all these updates (T5, 3.5, The bandwidth issue) coming with great responses that do nothing but please those of us here on the server. Especially coming all within 1 weeks notice, we can tell just how much time you put towards this when you have the time, so in short, thank you so much Hunter :D Can't wait to hear more about all the recent topics coming up.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Hunter on August 18, 2010, 09:19:00 pm
If anyone looks at the lore descriptions, you'll see which Avatars the pages drop from. We only have 9 Avatars, so pages 9+10 drop off Avatar of Hell.

Also, pretty high on the to-do list is moving Tacvi into Anguish, which used to be our T1/T2 zone, so its all set up and quest are all written, just need to edit npc stats and loot and we're done. That'll make the Tacvi gear more fun and challenging to get.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Scootz on August 19, 2010, 03:42:55 am

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Balthor2 on August 19, 2010, 05:16:02 am
Gave shadow a try with an average setup. Was just curious what it was going to be like. Hope xiggie can upload the video for you to view hunter.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Narcissus on August 19, 2010, 07:06:15 am
Shadow is pretty well tuned for something like a 3.5 book.  DPS is a must have for that fight.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: sohami on August 19, 2010, 07:18:35 am
Also, pretty high on the to-do list is moving Tacvi into Anguish, which used to be our T1/T2 zone, so its all set up and quest are all written, just need to edit npc stats and loot and we're done. That'll make the Tacvi gear more fun and challenging to get.

Can you expand on this Hunter? So Tacvi will no long exist perse, it will be Anguish mobs, but be the 'new Tacvi' so-to speak in terms of progression?

Quests as in gear rewards, etc? This would be completely new.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Narcissus on August 19, 2010, 08:12:14 am
I think this means the armor will be the same but the zone will obviously be different.  Envision qvic 2.0.  There will be trash to clear, bosses spread out.  Things to that effect.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Thyl on August 19, 2010, 08:28:57 am
Anguish was a very interesting zone.  But I also thought it was very resource intensive.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: sohami on August 19, 2010, 10:27:18 am
So, the anguish "zone" with tacvi mobs?

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Loyal on August 19, 2010, 11:07:51 am

The major point here is that instead of zoning in and spending 15 minutes killing 8 bosses, rince and repeating every hour - You will spend over an hour to get the same gear (multiple hours for those just breaking into the zone). I for one am making it a point to farm every tacvi piece i need for my new chars before this change occurs :D

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: sohami on August 19, 2010, 11:15:12 am

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Chane Laforet on August 19, 2010, 11:30:52 am
This is also great news... I found it weird that I was able to take down Tacvi easier than Qvic with my box group back in the day lol

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Thyl on August 19, 2010, 01:38:27 pm
So, the anguish "zone" with tacvi mobs?

More likely Anguish zone with Anguish mobs and tacvi level gear drops.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Uxt on August 19, 2010, 02:42:53 pm
Would be nice to not only change the graphic of the weapons, but the type of attack so the graphic suggestions aren't limited to one kind (1hs or 2hs only swords). That means beastlords/bards can get piercing weapons, warriors and warriors can get 1hb, etc. There's bound to be some badass piercing or 1hb weapons some classes would look awesome holding.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Narcissus on August 19, 2010, 03:43:08 pm
I think Hunter should change your 4.0 graphic to a rubber chicken.  Something to commemorate Uxt's undying loyalty to the pally class before it was cool to play a pally.   :)

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: sohami on August 20, 2010, 07:14:17 am
How much harder are anguish mobs?

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Thyl on August 20, 2010, 08:20:44 am
How much harder are anguish mobs?

The bosses were a hell of a lot tougher than Tacvi mobs because it was a T1/T2 zone before. So it would probably be toned down to be post Qvic.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Loyal on August 20, 2010, 10:08:01 am
My guess would be that if you can easily tank Qvic with no real worries as to wiping (unless the Sand Monster jumps up on ya) then you should probably be able to get through tacvi.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: sohami on August 20, 2010, 10:18:42 am
As of the last few days, I can 3 box tacvi with not much issue with:

3.0 SK, 22k hp
3.0 cleric
3.0 Bow Ranger

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 20, 2010, 11:12:23 am
If they go with the same script and just change, min/max dmg and hp then the fights will be more dynamic then anyone at that lvl has seen before. Here is a run down of examples of what some of the boss fights were. I am not going to list specifics about each boss nor will I list any tactics because I do not want to spoil the content for anyone.

  • Most bosses have an aoe dd. The biggest headache to this dd is that you have to put your pet back on the trash so you can burn them off. Don't let these pile up on you.
  • Most of the bosses in there spawn adds. There are a few of them that don't, but then there are some that spawn 4 at a time.
  • 6, 7, 8 spawn one behind the other and require patience and thinking.
    • Some mobs think a little farther than just dd's and have other spells they cast that require tact and experience to get past.
    A little bit after the content is released I will make a post detailing each mob. Frankly I enjoyed anguish a lot. I hope others do as well. I do not want to spoil that experience for others so I am holding off on posting tacts and detailing each mob. I am asking others that do have experience in that zone to do the same.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: sohami on August 20, 2010, 11:23:05 am
I dont know why, but with the challenge of boxing multiple toons, I want the fights to be relatively easy. So Im not exactly welcoming the change.

That's why i'm farming Tacvi the way it is, and hope I finish up before the change.

Title: Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done
Post by: Hunter on August 22, 2010, 02:17:13 pm
Updated Aug 22, 2010.

Only thing left to do is create the quest code for Epic Vendor to trade the 3.0 to 3.5 to 4.0.

For now you can go strait from 3.0 to 4.0 or continue farming your Epic 3.5 Book for when the code goes in probably next weekend.

So yes, 1 more week of trading 3.0s into 4.0s until I change the code. Items are all created though, just need time for editing the code.

