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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: eqalon on April 04, 2010, 08:27:02 am

Title: Solo issues with 3.0's?
Post by: eqalon on April 04, 2010, 08:27:02 am
I have a monk with two 3.0's, about 450 AA's, and gear evenly distributed from potimea, LDON, and qvic.  His total HP is only about 13k with the buffbot.  He has trouble soloing Alucard (the first boss in LDON 2), which surprises me.  My first instinct is to find a way to vastly increase his HP. So I just started doing my first ROA.  However, for technical reasons, I am unable to box.  My question is: is doing the ROA (solo) the fastest way to increase my HP, or is there some faster method?
Meanwhile, will be both working on ROA, and attempting to find a way to box.

Title: Re: Solo issues with 3.0's?
Post by: Supreme on April 04, 2010, 11:33:59 am
Get full Tacvi and you will not have any problems.

The problems with soloing is your AC as a monk. Get around 2300 ac and you should be able to do it just fine.

Title: Re: Solo issues with 3.0's?
Post by: Reed on April 04, 2010, 11:40:22 am
I completely agree with Supreme.
Solo RoA would be extremely painful, and getting LDoN charms is equally awful alone.
Tacvi and even T1 gear is often (during non-main play times) rot status. I cant count the number of times i have done Tacvi to just let Leather legs, BP, etc... just rot cause 1.) i dont have a 3.0 flagged leather class or 2.) im to lazy to log one in *shrug*
with respawns only being 1 hour, find something to do and just sit your char in the zone in or even first boss. wait for a group to come by and normally they have no problem with people taking rots.
Hope it helps

Title: Re: Solo issues with 3.0's?
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 05, 2010, 10:51:24 am
i have a monk with dual 3.0's as well, and im wondering whats goin on with yours cuz i have no problems at all and my best gear are my 4 pieces from qvic (qvic quest gear) and the rest of my armor is pretty much from ldon (i think i still have a piece or 2 from Potime). Whats your weight looking like because as monks weight affects our AC. The less weight u have on you the better your ac will be. Best piece of advice i can give you is dont carry copper/silver/gold/plat and get a bunch of tinkers bags (5k plat each) from the noobie vendor. With no weight other then weight of bags and gear im at about 2500 ac and have no problems soloing any part of LDON at all. I've even solod some trash in qvic (granted it had me at the edge of my seat and almost dying). If you need some help hit me up in game. My main is lilnoob (my monk) or you can find me on ellviira (my necro).