EZ Server

General Category => Guild Recruitment => Topic started by: Vrexx on August 23, 2010, 08:27:29 am

Title: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Vrexx on August 23, 2010, 08:27:29 am
Hello all,

I joined EZ Server yesterday and I am having a blast. I am looking for a friendly / social guild which operate mainly around euro times as this is when I play most. I am mainly in it for the fun and frolicks. I am not too bothered by progression (although doing something along those lines would be nice).


Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Loyal on August 23, 2010, 10:50:07 am
If you dont find anything you may want to start a guild yourself.

I would suggust naming it "For Fun and Frolicks"

I wish I could play on euro times.

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Lithiar on September 05, 2010, 04:53:17 pm
I am also looking for a euro time guild here, let me know if you find or have already found something, i am interested.

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Kylekurth on September 22, 2010, 06:36:04 pm
I am also looking for a guild that runs on Euro times.  I play mornings EST to Afternoons EST.

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Gnaughty on October 03, 2010, 11:55:21 pm
I don't think there are any euro time guilds but I do know there are many euro players here.  I even have one in my guild a Frenchman.  I keep him around so he can speak French to my wife in mumble.

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: northerntroll on October 13, 2010, 04:57:55 pm
am on gmt, so also euro guild plz.

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Gnaughty on October 31, 2010, 12:52:37 am
You all should organize and get a guild started.

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: BattleB on October 31, 2010, 01:39:12 pm
I have sent Hunter an  email to create us a Euro Guild. If your interested, please send Pobac or Smackme a tell for an invite. As of right now, I do not wish to be leader, but I am willing to do the invite work. As it grows, we can figure out how we wish to run the guild, pick leaders, officers, etc.

Name: Eurovea

Contact for invite: Pobac or Smackme

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Aname on October 31, 2010, 05:51:00 pm
Hi guys.  I live in England and play lot in the mornings by myself.  I'm in a guild (they play American times) that I'm completely happy with but would love to group with you guys sometimes.  I have a 70 Ranger (Aname) and a 70 Pally (Snocone).  Both are full T2 geared.  If you want or need any help or just someone to run around with, gimme a shout in game.

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Kreemo on November 02, 2010, 04:33:24 am
I'm from England too and am quite new to the server so I'm still 1.0's on my toons. I only play very casually due to work and family life but do try to get on most evenings.

I'm really enjoying discovering the custom content and some of the places I didn't see on live so although I am a lowbie I am in no real hurry to be uber as I am enjoying the ride. I have just broken into Time and am enjoying that for now.

I don't know what level of commitment you need for the euro guild but if I can help out in any way I will time permitting.

These are my toons:

kreemo 70 monk
krusha 70 warrior
ranier 70 Mage
vern 70 cleric
grimshaw 70 pally
legolad 50ish ranga
babble 50ish bard
chewie 50ish shammy

and my wife has just made her first ever character which is

Willows 70 pally

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Bludlust on November 02, 2010, 05:03:07 am
Hey Gnaughty, wanna help me with my avatar sometime? :D

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: BattleB on November 03, 2010, 02:20:42 pm
Eurovea created.

If your interested in getting this new Euro guild off the ground, please send me a tell in game when you see me on line. Currently i'm on between 7pm and 11:30pm ish GMT+1

Contact for invite: Pobac or Smackme
As we get more in, will add Officers to do invites also.

Or leave your toon names here, I try and check if you are on to send you an invite if your interested.

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Follow Me on November 03, 2010, 03:12:23 pm
I live in Ireland and play mornings GMT primarily.  Shoot me a tell if ya need any help as well! 

Follow Me
Pummel Me
Excommunicate Me
Revive Me

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Fugitive on November 03, 2010, 09:41:59 pm
Follow Me... if you was Uxt's alt.. you would have a name

Touch Me...

/shock :o

Title: Re: Hello - Looking for a guild which is fairly active around euro times.
Post by: Sulphuric on November 09, 2010, 04:27:04 pm
Hiya folks
another engish guy here, gmt, suffolk,england....got a small guild with my boy and workmate in atm we're nothing special just used to play live for like 4 yrs from 2001, enjoying the server lots of great folks about and after wow i have to say its nice seeing decent friendly folks, if you need a few more to make a group we tend to be on quite a bit like i say doing nothing special a few of toons have 2's and 3's but thats it, not really been at it that long. guild we formed is <Ancient Flame>  used to be on the euro server antonius bayle if anyone else was about that was there would be nice to have a chat about old times :)

Sulph    aka Jilce if anyone knows that name well done :)