EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Kaldar on April 05, 2010, 10:10:46 am

Title: T2 NPC Slow stacking issue with enc haste 3.0
Post by: Kaldar on April 05, 2010, 10:10:46 am
I see that when Mentu casts his AE slowspell, it's icon is overwriting the enc 3.0 haste. Once the icon for 3.0 haste has been overwritten, I am unable to land any other form of haste on the affected toons until 90 mins is up on the 3.0 haste or I recast 3.0 haste on them. So hailing pets will give "spell was unable to take hold" error even though there is no icon for haste on the toons and the EQ client thinks it has no haste buff on.

Other hastes such as ancient: melee haste and salik's are not overwritten by Mentu's slow.

I think mentu's spell is NPC Balance of Discord.

Title: Re: T2 NPC Slow stacking issue with enc haste 3.0
Post by: Uxt on April 05, 2010, 10:34:45 am
Since it's a slow, shouldn't it be a disease, thus curable? The T1 boss (purple ghost, whatever his name is) has a curable slow AE that my epic 3.0 (palalalalaladin) could cure. It also overwrites Salik, but if you zone out the buff re-appears. Wondering if it's the same sort of issue.

Title: Re: T2 NPC Slow stacking issue with enc haste 3.0
Post by: Zartaxis on April 24, 2010, 11:29:40 pm
bumping this because its annoying having mentu pop and then having to rebuff everytime.