EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Everwes on August 29, 2010, 03:59:51 pm

Title: Brawler's charm
Post by: Everwes on August 29, 2010, 03:59:51 pm
I have read that this charm is broken and doesn't do what it is supposed to do.  I would love to know exactly what my monk is missing.  I am done in ldon with him, that is, his charm is level 25.  What is it that needs to be done and how can I help to see that happen?

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Lexington on August 29, 2010, 04:31:43 pm
as far as I know, the charm works- I hear that's it broken all the time from players tho. Brawlers Focus I is = to cleave 6 + 10% dmg modifier to all melee skills. it gains 1 cleave with each Focus rank, and an additional 10% dmg modifier per rank to I believe.

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: zomgDanyelle on August 29, 2010, 04:33:42 pm
as far as I know, the charm works- I hear that's it broken all the time from players tho. Brawlers Focus I is = to cleave 6 + 10% dmg modifier to all melee skills. it gains 1 cleave with each Focus rank, and an additional 10% dmg modifier per rank to I believe.

It does, i made it. People just QQ because it doesn't affect archery...

>Implying one of the most OP classes on EZ next to warriors NEEDS he dps increase...

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 29, 2010, 07:03:29 pm
Actually I parsed it and the brawlers does absolutely nothing right now. The haste used to work but does no more.


Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Everwes on August 30, 2010, 08:09:54 am
This is exactly the kind of confusion that I see.  One person says that it works fine, or even, "it does, I made it", and another posts logs to show that it is not working as intended, due to haste? 

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 30, 2010, 08:53:52 am
Due to haste and anything else on it. One of my parses was done with a brawlers lvl 31 and one with a guardian charm lvl 22. There was virtually no difference between the two. What minor difference there was actually put the guardian out performing the brawler in dps but was within the rng variable.

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: zomgDanyelle on August 30, 2010, 09:59:02 am
This is exactly the kind of confusion that I see.  One person says that it works fine, or even, "it does, I made it", and another posts logs to show that it is not working as intended, due to haste? 

I did... in fact here's the thread, parses and all:

Is it possible someone fucked with it since i made it? Of course. Once i submitted it it's out of my hands.

If you want me to make it again i will but i'm busy with BoTA atm so i don't have time to screw around the bush this time, you guys would have to tell me exactly what you want.

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Sickem on August 30, 2010, 10:32:04 am
i don't have time to screw around the bush this time, you guys would have to tell me exactly what you want.

Does it have to be related to this post? O.o :D

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: zomgDanyelle on August 30, 2010, 10:42:12 am
i don't have time to screw around the bush this time, you guys would have to tell me exactly what you want.

Does it have to be related to this post? O.o :D
wat? lol

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: walk2k on August 30, 2010, 11:45:38 am
I don't see why it shouldn't work on archery - ranger's melee damage is for crap, my paladin out DPS my ranger in melee due to the insane procs on the pal epic...  that's with Oracle on the pal and Brawler on ranger...

If it simply worked as-advertised I think that would be fine though.. better than completely broken :p

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: zomgDanyelle on August 30, 2010, 12:07:35 pm
I don't see why it shouldn't work on archery - ranger's melee damage is for crap, my paladin out DPS my ranger in melee due to the insane procs on the pal epic...  that's with Oracle on the pal and Brawler on ranger...

If it simply worked as-advertised I think that would be fine though.. better than completely broken :p

that's melee though which it does, or did, work on.) Ranger's archery puts them at one of the best dps, they don't need the mods for bows they're already OP

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: sohami on August 30, 2010, 01:19:46 pm
I was originally told brawlers is supposed to give a dmg mod % to melee DPS. Which makes sense to me. If thats what it WAS and its BROKEN, remake it to fix it. (or haste, dont care as long as the dmg increase is anywhere close to the awesomesauce oracle is to sk/pal/healers)

Sounds like, to me, it worked for a while and after one of the recent patches, it no longer. Happens sometimes. Nothing to do really with the original or new code, sometimes new things can bork around with other things. Ask the code. /shrug.

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Otaduke on August 30, 2010, 01:26:41 pm
Still a bit confused on this thread. Does the Brawler work yes/no?

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: sohami on August 30, 2010, 01:29:36 pm
Currently, I assess, it does nothing. So if we intended it to do something (YES) then it's broken.


Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Lexington on August 30, 2010, 01:30:58 pm
well shammy 3.0 is suppose to give the same dmg modifier as brawler focus 1, so parse them against eachother and see. I may just do this later for folks but atm i'm doing the Simple Jack grind thru ldon for charms, yay charms ~_~

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: zomgDanyelle on August 30, 2010, 01:47:24 pm
I was originally told brawlers is supposed to give a dmg mod % to melee DPS. Which makes sense to me. If thats what it WAS and its BROKEN, remake it to fix it. (or haste, dont care as long as the dmg increase is anywhere close to the awesomesauce oracle is to sk/pal/healers)

Sounds like, to me, it worked for a while and after one of the recent patches, it no longer. Happens sometimes. Nothing to do really with the original or new code, sometimes new things can bork around with other things. Ask the code. /shrug.

Did you read the thread i linked? lol

It was Champions with a dmg mod. It DID work for all but archery (which looking back i believe was a "limit" effect line that caused it to only affect melee as per the copy of champions but i would have to look at it again) however i think someone messed with it, which is fine, not my server therefore i handed it over so no longer my spell either.

The thing is no one ever is satisfied with this charm, it's been the subject of criticism for as long as it's existed. I could do the focus again and it would still have posts about it every couple days. That's why i said if you want me to fix it again you all gotta tell me EXACTLY what you want, that way when it's not what you guys want (notice i said "when" not "if") it'll be your own faults, not mine.

Tbh if i were in Hunter's position i would have removed the charm from the game entirely a long time ago but meh.

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: sohami on August 30, 2010, 02:01:30 pm
My bad-no, i didnt read the thread hah but champions+dmg mod makes sense.

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Lexington on August 30, 2010, 04:11:26 pm
if it were to change at all, and tbh- i like it how it is, but anyhow- if you were to change it, what do y'all think about making it just  a base crit % chance increase on everything: Heals, melee, spells, range- the works. and no dmg modifier.  Would make it more appealing to all classes i'd assume, but I would think that focus would then get added to ultimate charm.  But ya if changed why not that? crit on everything across the board, and just remove the haste- t2 bp's have good haste, not much difference after 100% worn haste from what my naked eyes can see.
Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 30, 2010, 06:27:36 pm
I would really like to see the haste put back on. I lost over 2k dps, I consider that pretty significant. It would be nice to have the crit mods but not nearly important as the haste. Going from 131 haste to 70 haste is quite a large drop. There was supposed to be a scaling damage mod on it, since my average and high dps never changed with our without the brawlers I don't know if it has ever worked. That would be super nice. If those things can be gotten to work and someone still complains I will coth them into the caves in SFG.

Title: Re: Brawler's charm
Post by: walk2k on August 30, 2010, 08:49:05 pm
I think we just "want" it to work... whatever it's supposed to do...  Currently it does nothing, that's the main problem. ;)