EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 06:30:33 am

Title: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 06:30:33 am
I got new gaming PC ordered, which has dual (SLI) video cards. I decided to get a 1000 watt Power Supply. Running a line from a different circuit since my living room is already getting over loaded with multiple PCs and TVs. I think each circuit is 20 amps each from what my dad told me, but I'm no electrical expert.

1) Will the PC power supply always use 1000 watt, or does it only take what it needs, and probably will average 600 watt usage instead most of the time?

2) In addition to, or even instead of, a surge protector, I would like to get a UPS (Battery Backup) to protect my new investment. I have one already for EZ Server at my friends house with higher watt output then the PC needs, and same with my MajorMUD Server (Text based RPG). I'd like to get one for my new gaming PC, but seems like anything with 1000+ watt output is getting expensive $700-4,000. I noticed most of the UPS list their VA and some their WATT. Would this http://www.bestbuy.com/site/APC+-+1500VA+Battery+Back-Up+System+-+Black/9307831.p?id=1218081367518&skuId=9307831&st=APC&cp=1&lp=2 "APC - 1500VA Battery Back-Up System - Black
Model: BX1500G | SKU: 9307831"
be enough even though it was only 865 Watt output? Or do I need to get one that has 1000+ watt output?

3) What is the best Virus Scanner out there? I'll probably start doing google searches for pros and cons of major virus scanners, etc. I like ZoneAlarm (with Virus Scanner) due to the firewall that I've used forever. SpyBot S&D is standard, and when run into problems or want to limit stuff that boots up, I pull out my good old Hijackthis. Some big names off top of my head would be Nortan AV, Kaspersky, McAfee, Trend Micro, BitDefender, Webroot, AVG, etc. Will probably do my own searches for info. I know some of them are good and bad. I recall some like Nortan embeding itself and hard to remove, or screwing around with their systems. If anyone has expert advise or experience, then I'd definately like to know.

In addition, I've already ordered maximum fans, fans on each HD, extra large & quiet case fans, case is full tower, good air flow. Power supply with good/quiet fan, etc.

Just tired of PC's dying on me. I've had at least 2 laptops die on me, probably more, and always when I was gaming, probably video card over heating the system. Now that I have a job that allows me to be home almost every day, I'm going back to Desktop PC's again which seem to die less often, or at least they last longer than Laptops, cheaper too, etc. I never went all out before. my Q6600 2.40 Quadcore was biggest I've even done for a gaming PC but now I got something nice and want to make sure it last for a while.

Just want to protect my investment. Sorry for being lazy and not google searching first. Figure I'd bug you guys first, save some (limited) time.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Isaaru on September 05, 2010, 08:10:43 am
For the UPS use this calculator to see how much your average usage would be.  It shows continuous power, not idle or peak.  Pick a UPS that covers this number and then some.


For antivirus, Avira has been proven the best time and time again.  It's lightweight, you get 1 pop-up per day in the free version (usually 24 hours from the time you installed it), and that's it.


Other good tools to have available:

Spybot S&D, Ad-Aware, Panda Activescan, Super AntiSpyware, Malwarebytes, HijackThis and HijackReader.

The best defense though is just being aware of what you're clicking and installing.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 08:13:51 am
Based on reviews, BitDefender is looking real good, with Kaspersky as a 2nd choice. Popups annoy me and I wouldn't mind paying a little bit for solid protections.

Already used, or currently using, Spybot S&D, Malwarebytes, and Hijackthis. Gonna check out those others.


Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Padme on September 05, 2010, 08:18:20 am
1) it will only take what he need, dont worry about the 1000w :)
2) since its not consumming 1000w; the one you choosed is enough ;)
3) i m actually using the microsoft security essential, its running pretty well, i also like a lot Norton, but not the public one  ::)

If i can give you the best advice to give extra life to your computer, if you comp is running 24/7, each month, open your comp and remove all the dust you can find, i m working as a comp repair, and trust me, all your component will leave much longer if you save them from dust :)


Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 08:22:10 am
Dusted out my MajorMUD server today heh.

Yeah, not sure if I'll leave my new PC online 24hr or not, but either way, dusting is good idea. I got an air can and might get another.

Super Anti Virus looks like a great portable program with easy to use features. Throw on USB and scan my other PCs etc. Just checked it out and looks good.

Norton was my first AV a LONG time ago. Haven't used it recently. Heard reports of it screwing with PC's embedding itself, hard to uninstall, or interfere with stuff, not sure if true and if was, could have changed with newer versions, shrug.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Padme on September 05, 2010, 08:28:23 am
hard to uninstall norton, thats right, you need a secret software to uninstall it :p i just dont like the public version, at work i m using Symantec Endpoint Protection http://www.symantec.com/fr/fr/business/endpoint-protection (http://www.symantec.com/fr/fr/business/endpoint-protection)

For the Dust, honestly it depend of the place your comp is, if he is close to the ground, near a wall, you better to clean him a lot ;) just take a look from time to time, sometimes at my work i open client comp with so many dust, that i dont want to put my hand inside  ::)

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 08:32:39 am
My PC's can go over a year with minimum dust, they are sitting on table, not on floor.

http://www.antec.outervision.com/PSUEngine looked good. Appears my calc is about 522W.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Isaaru on September 05, 2010, 08:42:03 am
Heh I'm at 655w with a single vid card.  My CPU is heavily oc'd though.

I also do the table thing, helps a lot with dust, pet dander, KIDS, etc.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 08:52:55 am
I used to have a Green Winged Macaw, and omg the dust! Yes pets = bad for PC's.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: krujo81 on September 05, 2010, 11:31:59 am
adblock plus plugin (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865/) for  firefox (http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/) blocks about 99% of popups, Adblock also keeps you from getting many of those browser addons cuased by popups. I like   Ad Ware   (http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware.php) for spyware, trojans, rootkits, and keyloggers. as for a virus? I find either of these 2 free online scanners House Call (http://housecall.trendmicro.com/) or Panda ActiveScan (http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/solutions/activescan/)

I haven't had a virus in a long time but if i do happen to get one am pretty good at finding out what it is and cleaning it with the tools above or googling the virus that these tools tell me that it is.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Kejek on September 05, 2010, 11:45:25 am
For firefox: Noscript is the BEST thing you will ever get on your browser. ever.

It will not allow any scripts to run on a webpage. You can choose to allow a specific website if you feel comfortable with it, or something requires that javascript be used (this is getting more and more rare though).

Hands down though, get NoScript addon for Firefox. I rarely get popups anymore with just that, since most are triggered by java script anyways.

For antivirus, ive actually had very good luck with microsofts Security Essentials. Its completely free if your running windows, and its worked extremely well for me. It doesnt use much system resources, so I rarely even notice it running.

If your getting a Dual SLI computer, you need to purchase some games that take advantage of it! :P

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 12:26:20 pm
I'll use some benchmark software that pushes my graphics beyond what anything can handle just so see how it rates itself vs other people.

I know Crysis is talked about needing a powerful PC. What other games take advantage of dual SLI? Either way, I guess the 2 video cards will help with Fraps.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Sineroth on September 05, 2010, 12:28:40 pm
If your getting a Dual SLI computer, you need to purchase some games that take advantage of it! Tongue

WTF u mean a text based game wont use duel sli full power?

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: walk2k on September 05, 2010, 12:49:11 pm
It's highly unlikely that PC will use more than 400w even fully loaded (ie playing a game that stresses the video card).

Do yourself a favor and get one of these:  P3 Kill a Watt (http://www.amazon.com/P3-International-P4400-Electricity-Monitor/dp/B00009MDBU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1283708426&sr=8-1) power meters, it will tell you exactly how much juice it's actually using.

Most modern PCs are going to use about 100w idle and maybe closer to 200w under full load (that is, single-video card system).  SLI systems (or multi-processor systems) will use more but nothing like 800-1000w that the power supply companies want you to believe..

For example that doo-hicky says my PC would use 430W (!!) at 90% load... LOL I have measured it with the P3, it uses about 150w when first turned on, then settles to about 125w when idle at the desktop, and peaks around 220w with the cpu and video card maxed out.   lol 430w .. total joke.

Of course that doesn't include monitor(s) which you have to include for UPS backups - if you want to see anything..  Personally I have 2 500w UPS, the main pc box is plugged into one, and the monitor, modem, router etc on the other.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Kejek on September 05, 2010, 12:50:47 pm
When you get the PC, check out the nvidia control panel and the profiles. There will be a ton of games listed, each profile is basically set to use SLI to the full advantage. So if the game is on the list, it uses SLI right out of the box.


Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: walk2k on September 05, 2010, 12:53:59 pm
20 amps btw is 2400 watts at 120 volts (watts = amps x volts), to draw that much on a single circuit you'd need to have multiple space-heaters or microwave ovens or something... VERY unlikely that computers/TVs etc will get near that, unless we are talking 3 huge plasma TVs, several computers, half a dozen LCD monitors, etc...

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 02:10:16 pm
Yeah, I got a lot going on in my living room, so I'm going to put my new system on a new circuit with UPS. My dad was the one that told me we got 20 amp circuits and its 120 x amp = watt so yeah, thanks for confirming what he told me.

I went ahead and bought "P3 International P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor" already. Thanks for the tip.

Starting to feel comfortable protecting my investment, on new circuit, UPS, AntiVirus programs, air can to dust insides, and just got an ion air filter for the room to keep the dust level down. Usually I only need to dust the place 1-2x per year at most.

Thanks for advise and feed backs.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: walk2k on September 05, 2010, 02:36:41 pm
The best thing you can do is get a case with dust filters on all the inlets, and clean them once a month or so.  The case I got has filters on the front but not for the side inlet/video card fan, so I got one of these

Those ion things only make the dust stick to any and all surfaces in your home.  It does take it out of the air though...  Real dust filters are much better (like one with a fan and a filter) they actually remove the dust.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Costa on September 05, 2010, 02:44:03 pm
As far as the antivirus goes, you need to keep in mind that what was once good doesn't always stay that way.

There was a time when McAffee was one of the best on the market. Since then, they've become the Fox News of antivirus software. Norton then took over as king of the hill and once they became popular and widespread, took their foot off the gas and just lost their cutting edge. Kapersky, from what I hear, is among the best these days. Solid protection and very stable.

The rest of the tools you've mentioned are probably in the e-toolkit of anyone who knows how to take care of their computer, but they tend to really be of any use once you actually have a problem.

The ABSOLUTE best way to avoid virii on your computer is to not let anybody else use it. And know what you're clicking.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 08:11:32 pm
I've done good about anti virus over last 16 years, just recently had a problem cause I turned it off for a bit to speed up my slow PC. Yeah, bad choice. Just hate how Virus Scanners take up resources and slow stuff down.

The air purifier as an air filter, which I bought extras, and as option to turn ion on or off. Hopefully makes a difference.

Yeah, I saw some new case towers that had filters on their intake fans.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Concho Pete on September 06, 2010, 09:03:06 pm
Going to second the nod for MSSE.  Low overhead and simple.  Throw in some Malewarebytes for good measure and you will be good to go.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: Hunter on September 06, 2010, 09:30:40 pm
Yeah, discovered Malewarebytes recently, pretty cool.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: revloc06 on September 12, 2010, 08:46:06 pm
Just found this thread when I registered.  Sorry if the information is late, nonetheless...

1) Power supplies need to be rated for spikes, not for general usage.  So while your computer likely won't use more than a couple hundred watts, occasionally they may spike and hence why SLI setups demand high wattage PSUs, like your 1000W.  I had SLI'd 8800GTs back in the day and used the kill-o-watt to track the usage, at full load running a heavily intensive game like crysis it would still use just under 300watts.  The problem is, spikes can be high and if they exceed your wattage, your computer crashes.  So depending on your dual SLI'd cards, you likely "need" the 1000W, even though you likely aren't "using" it.

2) So as per #1, you would probably be more than covered with the 1500 you linked or something similar.  Mine is only a 875 and I'm perfectly comfortable.  I almost always have the latest GPUs as well (SLI 8800GTs --> GTX 285 --> 5850 --> ???? getting ancy....:-)

3) I have always liked AVG Free (even though I can get McAfee for free from the college I teach at).  All my computer buddies including my boss who is a systems administrator use it (I work a sidejob as an IT professional).  It does it's job without any of the bloatware that Norton has ALWAYS been and McAfee has become.  I don't know Kapersky, but have heard good things about it.

And yes MalwareBytes is the bomb, we use it at work when one of our employees infects one of our machines.

Title: Re: UPS & VS Advice
Post by: revloc06 on September 12, 2010, 08:48:27 pm
Sorry, I forgot to mention, if I were going to ever pay for Anti-Virus, I'd pay for VIPRE...not Norton or McAfee.