EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Zealpath on September 05, 2010, 01:09:28 pm

Title: Jimmag, KSing a named in Ldon
Post by: Zealpath on September 05, 2010, 01:09:28 pm
I had a small train with me and the named. I hit the named a few times then i started killing the lesser guys first.
Jimmag comes along and sicks his pet on the named, i see some Flurry remarks from a Xarer and realize someones pet is attacking Something of mine, i switch targets quick and find out its the named he's hitting. named dies, i do not gain exp and he stole the kill. I said "Hey thanks for the KS" he replied in a tell "everthing is in, just took 1 page"

Notice how the Arcanist Rampages on Me, then his pet Flurries on it twice and it died. Then he admittedly replied with "oh its ok, i only took 1 page everything Else is on it.
Apparently i'm not the only one whom has had a problem with this guy..
Hopefully something can be done.


Title: Re: Jimmag, KSing a named in Ldon
Post by: Isaaru on September 05, 2010, 01:12:01 pm
Pic fixed.  I retract my picture  ;D

Title: Re: Jimmag, KSing a named in Ldon
Post by: Isaaru on September 05, 2010, 01:21:19 pm
Negative.  Use photobucket or something.

Title: Re: Jimmag, KSing a named in Ldon
Post by: walk2k on September 05, 2010, 01:49:38 pm
Did the exact same thing to me, I'm killing the boss and he sicks his pet on it, then loots and /q's before I can even say anything.  That's at least 3 complaints on this "Jim*" guy now.

Ban this idiot already!

Title: Re: Jimmag, KSing a named in Ldon
Post by: sohami on September 07, 2010, 07:37:56 am
this thread is too low on the forums "recent" for it's own good.


Title: Re: Jimmag, KSing a named in Ldon
Post by: Thyl on September 07, 2010, 09:19:26 am
This guy's type sounds all too familiar.