EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: walk2k on September 05, 2010, 01:53:31 pm

Title: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: walk2k on September 05, 2010, 01:53:31 pm
If you give the LDON instance guy 1/2k he eats it right away, and if you get an error about the instance "not ready for visitors" (wtf is that anyway?) you don't get your money back.

Can we do something about this?  Can the instance be checked first and if it's not ready give the money back?  Or just make it work like the other instances where you hand in the money first then click "enter" when it's ready?

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Boraxo on September 05, 2010, 02:09:10 pm
If you think that is unique to LDoN instances, you haven't been doing many instances lately.  I made a BoT group instance last night and finally gave up after 45 minutes of that message.  Someone said in OOC that they'd been waiting an hour for their instance to load. 

The same thing will also happen in an existing instance if you have logged out of it and try to log back in.  Took me about 10 minutes to get back into a Seb instance just a little while ago.

You can, by the way, keep trying.  If you're not in primetime, chances are that it will load eventually.  If you ARE in primetime, all I can say is good luck.  I've started treating these like gambling in Vegas: don't spend more than you can afford to lose. 

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: walk2k on September 05, 2010, 02:50:03 pm
The difference with those other instances is you pay your money then eventually (hopefully) you can click "enter" and go inside.  The LDON instances take your money and teleport you right away, and then just eat it if the instance isn't ready.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Boraxo on September 05, 2010, 04:13:13 pm
Ahhh, you're right.  I haven't had a failure going into an LDoN instance (only been in a couple), so I wasn't thinking about the implications of how that system works. 

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: walk2k on September 05, 2010, 05:03:00 pm
It seems like right now the server can't create ANY new zones, that includes non-custom like Freeport, Qeynos etc... just getting "not ready" and ported to bind point from the npcs..

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Soprano on September 05, 2010, 05:44:14 pm
As I understand it, and I could be totally wrong, the number of allowable open zones are limited to the servers population.  If so, then maybe it is time to consider limiting the number of toons boxed from a single IP? Perhaps to 2 or 3?

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Akkadius on September 05, 2010, 06:06:30 pm
No, based on the code that I have seen Hunter post, it doesn't have anything to do but with the code that was implemented behind the LDON instances.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Demin on September 05, 2010, 06:09:53 pm
The backlash on limiting boxing would be deafening.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Loyal on September 05, 2010, 06:25:56 pm
I Just bought a guild instance in Qvic - I thought i was super lucky that i zone in immediately!

When I got to the other side I was in another guilds instance and the time remaining on the instance was 34 hours.

Some wires are crossed on the server.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Hunter on September 05, 2010, 08:04:47 pm
LDoN Instances need to be fixed, they are some how using up all the available zones or resources or something. Hopefully we'll get a fix within a week. Just know that instances can eat your money so use at your own risk.



Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Gnaughty on September 05, 2010, 11:37:11 pm
Ah that just sucks, I have faith you'll get r fixed as long as you can find time. 

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Chunka on September 06, 2010, 05:09:51 am
Today it wasnt just LDON instances. I spent an hour trying to get to ANY starting city....all gave the zone not available message. 5 mins later, same message. 3 mins after that...same. 5 more mins, same...well, you get the idea.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Isaaru on September 06, 2010, 09:24:51 am
Today it wasnt just LDON instances. I spent an hour trying to get to ANY starting city....all gave the zone not available message. 5 mins later, same message. 3 mins after that...same. 5 more mins, same...well, you get the idea.

Any zone that is not a static zone has to bootup just like an instance.  Generally this is done instantly (just like instances).  If hunter says it's affecting all instances, this means it will also affect non-static zones.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Hunter on September 06, 2010, 12:42:41 pm
Yes, I'll get it fixed.

Also, we have 62 zones as static, and I can add more to the static list if we need, such as starting cities or other common zones that people go to that I didn't think of yet.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Akkadius on September 06, 2010, 05:15:22 pm
Yes, I'll get it fixed.

Also, we have 62 zones as static, and I can add more to the static list if we need, such as starting cities or other common zones that people go to that I didn't think of yet.

I haven't seen you e-mail me, do you need me to help you get this running? I've been putting tongue and groove up in our office room we have been building this weekend. Just got done putting up sheet rock and spraying knock down. If you need me to do this for you I can, I just need to know.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Akkadius on September 07, 2010, 12:56:56 pm
Wherever you check first, I posted the new script for you Hunter. If you need anything just E-Mail me bro.


Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: revloc02 on September 10, 2010, 12:52:11 am
This is a somewhat related issue. I paid a 1k ldon instance and then died in there and I couldn't get back in until I paid again. Is that how it is supposed to work? It seems like it is not because when you hail the instance guy he tells you a couple of purple clickies. If ya click one he tells you that you haven't paid yet. So the only reason I can figure them clickies being there is if you had paid and you need to get back in. If they are for something else someone please enlighten me. Otherwise I am chiming in that it is not working correctly.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 10, 2010, 01:09:56 am

It is my understanding that you pay every time you enter to discourage people hopping through all of them and killing everything.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: swamphy on September 10, 2010, 07:50:55 am
This is a somewhat related issue. I paid a 1k ldon instance and then died in there and I couldn't get back in until I paid again. Is that how it is supposed to work? It seems like it is not because when you hail the instance guy he tells you a couple of purple clickies. If ya click one he tells you that you haven't paid yet. So the only reason I can figure them clickies being there is if you had paid and you need to get back in. If they are for something else someone please enlighten me. Otherwise I am chiming in that it is not working correctly.

They are working correctly.

it's 1k/2k to get through the door, no matter how many times you  have paid it in the past.  If you die, you can get rez'd back if someone is there to do it. Otherwise you are out your cash.

You don't have to talk to the npc to get into a 1k/2k instance. Just hand them 1k or 2k plat and you are zoned into the correct instance.

They are also on a timer, just like guild instances. If there is no instance up, it creates it when you zone in and you have the full 24 hours. IF the timer has 10 minutes left on it when you enter, your 1k/2k plat only buys 10 minutes. That's just the way it is, no refunds.

I love the concept. Wouldn't change a thing (except maybe the timer). Been using it a couple days for charm upgrades.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: revloc02 on September 10, 2010, 12:47:23 pm
It is my understanding that you pay every time you enter to discourage people hopping through all of them and killing everything.
Ah, understood.

They are working correctly.

it's 1k/2k to get through the door, no matter how many times you  have paid it in the past.  If you die, you can get rez'd back if someone is there to do it. Otherwise you are out your cash.
Good idea.

You don't have to talk to the npc to get into a 1k/2k instance. Just hand them 1k or 2k plat and you are zoned into the correct instance.
Yup, knew that already, but thanks.

They are also on a timer, just like guild instances. If there is no instance up, it creates it when you zone in and you have the full 24 hours. IF the timer has 10 minutes left on it when you enter, your 1k/2k plat only buys 10 minutes. That's just the way it is, no refunds.
Read that in an earlier post.

I love the concept. Wouldn't change a thing (except maybe the timer). Been using it a couple days for charm upgrades.
Good for you. It's working for me too.

But here's my not-so-earth-shattering-but-I-can't-help-my-curiosity question: Why the purple clicky links when you hail him? What are they for? I'm just wondering ???

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: Fugitive on September 10, 2010, 01:02:54 pm

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: sohami on September 10, 2010, 01:06:33 pm
But here's my not-so-earth-shattering-but-I-can't-help-my-curiosity question: Why the purple clicky links when you hail him? What are they for? I'm just wondering

if we're on the same page, its to go to the individual [regular] ldon levels?

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: swamphy on September 10, 2010, 01:50:20 pm
The purple clicky links worked last time I tried them. When I clicked it, the NPC tells me to hand him the cash.

I think Hunter originally was planning to code them just like waypoints and take the 2k from an account. But it is less buggy to just use the cash turn-in as the trigger because waypoints are known to eat your plat if in an account.

I suggested before that the newbie vendor sell a weightless item for the turn in. Hunter liked the idea but I think he is focused on other area's... so get used to lugging some plat around.

Title: Re: LDON instances "not ready" stole my plats!
Post by: swamphy on September 10, 2010, 04:25:55 pm

Just see what happens, I gave the instance bot 2173 plat instead of 2000.

IMPORTANT if you give him anything other than exact amounts, you LOSE your plat. It just takes it and does not teleport you.

So, ONLY GIVE EXACT AMOUNTS. 1000 or 2000.