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General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Curry on September 07, 2010, 03:52:52 am

Title: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Curry on September 07, 2010, 03:52:52 am
Hate em.

Think of Darth Vader (episodes 4-6, none of that Anacrap). Badass theme plays whenever he shows up, cloak flowing about, pitch black armor, overall awesome beyond measure.

Then think of Ewoks. Furry noisy little runts that pretty much made you feel embarassed of what was going on in the latter parts of episode 6.

If you combine the two, it doesn't make Ewoks cooler. It makes Vader look uncool. Like they turn the armor pink, shrink him down to 25% of his size, give him a squeaky voice that constantly goes "derrrhurrrrr durrrrrr!" and he stumbles on his cloak. It's as if they chop off his gentleman's vegetables and put an apron on him and send him to cook vegetarian-lunch.

Gnomes = Ewoks.
Shadowknights = Darth Vader.

Gnome Shadowknights = /cry.

Don't click off the illusions I cast on you little chumps, think of Darth Vader.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Chane Laforet on September 07, 2010, 04:47:28 am

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Zealpath on September 07, 2010, 05:32:43 am
gnomes PERIOD are ugly.
i used to get in arguments with gnomes whom entered my group.. hate gnomes >.>

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: sohami on September 07, 2010, 07:06:31 am
gnomes are awesome! I bet gnaughty could kick your ass! hehe but seriously yeah they're certainly ugly tho

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Thalia on September 07, 2010, 01:39:49 pm
No you want to see ugly go look at the troll, ogres and the eudrites.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Curry on September 08, 2010, 02:43:04 am
No you want to see ugly go look at the troll, ogres and the eudrites.
Turn Luclin models off, 2/3rd of problem solved.
Regardless, ogres/trolls/erudites are relatively evil and threatening as races. Big nasties and wicked wizards. While gnomes are just chubby bookweights.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Concho Pete on September 08, 2010, 03:29:29 am
In the end, Vader was a emotional mush pot.  Not me, I stabbed my mama in the eye with my epix!

Don't be hatin' on my Gnomish good looks.  Good things come in small packages, send your ladies MY way!

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Lyricz on September 11, 2010, 11:26:26 pm
gnomes PERIOD are ugly.
i used to get in arguments with gnomes whom entered my group.. hate gnomes >.>

That's what I call, mental illness.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Curry on September 17, 2010, 05:44:33 am
Just for the record the OP isn't about what gnomes look like, it's about gnomes being able to be SKs. Think this change came around luclin, and it was like the whole SK-class got kicked in the groin.

It's like Jarjar Binks had come out at the end of EP1, shanked that sith-guy with red-face-tattoos (who's name I can't remember), put on some black robes and started swinging a red lightsaber around furiously fighting the jedi with a chorus going "oooiiiiiiioaaaaahhhh" in the background. Them sith would be embarassed to the point of no hope.

And if George Lucas were to find this thread he'd probably adapt these ideas to some crappy sequel. Darth Binks and Darth Ewog? /groan

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: sohami on September 17, 2010, 10:22:36 am
Darth Maul.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Concho Pete on September 17, 2010, 06:08:12 pm
Just for the record the OP isn't about what gnomes look like, it's about gnomes being able to be SKs. Think this change came around luclin, and it was like the whole SK-class got kicked in the groin.

How so?  Gnomes already had the Rogue and Necro guilds that were down in the pits of Ak'anon, away from the goody two shoe Gnomes, so it's really not that far fetched for them to extend their evil shortness into the SK realm.  It's not like High Elves were thrown into the SK mix....now THAT I could see someone getting all LARP-aggro over.   But Gnomes....don't see it.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Loyal on September 17, 2010, 06:11:20 pm

I lol'd at this - which made people in my office look at me oddly.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Curry on September 18, 2010, 07:01:41 am
How so?
They're on the same pile as asslings imo (you know, the lads who have goofy music and guys dressed up in a wild-west-theme). I never recall seeing a gnome necro ingame, NPC or PC, being all "gahaha I will eat your souls peons!". They were just goofy stumps with potbellies and skulls on a stick. Something you'd see on halloween and smirk at. Gnomes were never threatening necros in any way whatsoever, while the gnomes warriors were something I thought were just uber-geared rogues.

And as SK I used to have tons of pride, hating on paladins being an essential part of the lifestyle. Gnomes suddenly running around with Inny's Curses was just humiliating to the class as whole.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Concho Pete on September 20, 2010, 06:53:12 am
Sounds like you aren't comfortable in your own skin.  As far as I recall, Gnomes, no matter what class, have the same spells/abilities as their cohorts of the same class.  Why not hate on the Euridite SKs? Or even Humans, since half of them were goody-two shoes?
2 damage, 2 damage, 2 damage!

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: sohami on September 20, 2010, 07:18:28 am
on a roleplaying aspect, gnome anything is kind of a fail! But its fun for some people. Shit, i loved my gnome mage.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Thyl on September 20, 2010, 10:42:59 am
on a roleplaying aspect, gnome anything is kind of a fail! But its fun for some people. Shit, i loved my gnome mage.

I always considered Human Rangers a fail actually. I mean if that really was a fantasy for you, you could go do that in real life.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Concho Pete on September 20, 2010, 02:46:53 pm
on a roleplaying aspect, gnome anything is kind of a fail! But its fun for some people. Shit, i loved my gnome mage.

Because tinkering and being a magical race isn't fantasy at all!
+1 to humans being fail.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Curry on September 21, 2010, 12:20:47 am
Sounds like you aren't comfortable in your own skin.  As far as I recall, Gnomes, no matter what class, have the same spells/abilities as their cohorts of the same class.  Why not hate on the Euridite SKs? Or even Humans, since half of them were goody-two shoes?
2 damage, 2 damage, 2 damage!
Ogre/Troll/Dark Elf/Human/Erudite/Dragkin (or w/e?) are relatively menacing, and thus can be convincing in the role of a menacing class. Anything punt-oriented isn't particularly menacing.

Title: Re: Gnome Shadowknights
Post by: Purris on September 21, 2010, 01:44:36 am
IMO I think that there could be nothing more evil then a gnome with a big sword that has good eyeshot to your ............... well you get the idea, cackling madly with a gleem in his eye pissed off because the world thinks of him of nothing more than a good arm rest. Hows that for hate to draw from.