EZ Server

General Category => Quest and Guides => Topic started by: Kejek on September 09, 2010, 07:04:11 pm

Title: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Kejek on September 09, 2010, 07:04:11 pm
Thought I would post this (I didn't see it here at all) so I (and others) can have quick access to the order you turn in tokens (makes it so easy so you can just get them ready to turn in and do it quickly).. anyways:

1. Aganetti the Keeper
2. Averixx Quimeri
3. Lxt Rslav
4. Ptav Msha
5. Pixtt Llan Kvish
6. Rav Marnkki
7. Rav Karnkki
8. Mnat Msha
9. Igthinxa Karnkvi
10. Hexxt Iik Klokk
11. Hexxt Jkak Mig
12. Pixtt Sho val Kgi
13. Rav Gernkki
14. Dovin Msha
15. Sand Monster

Yay :P

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Fugitive on September 09, 2010, 07:15:52 pm
Post from Blackee including the map.

 In Epics Epics Epics..

I in no way claim credit, or anything undue my status by just copying and pasting these guides over, but I thought to make us feel more at home over here, I'd copy the guides complete with pictures. I was just bored and figured it'd make the new place look better.

Epic 3.0
Collect 15 tokens from bosses in Qvic (map below), and hand into the Qvic vendor located in the Nexus to gain access to chambersa to fight Twinkle Toes who drops the completed book.

*All bosses in Qvic are tank and spank that spawn 1 add every 10 or so % of HP. Doable with a 2.5 Epic with LDoN/Qvic geared group.*
*Twinkle Toes hits very fast, so you will need a decent tank to kill her.*


Hand in Complete 3.0 Book and Epic 2.5 to Epic Vendor located in the Nexus to recieve your Epic 3.0.

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Isaaru on September 09, 2010, 09:06:39 pm

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 09, 2010, 10:01:35 pm
Lmao, so true.

Nice initiative though.

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Loyal on September 10, 2010, 10:19:25 am
I memorized the order to the tune of the national anthem.

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 10, 2010, 10:20:55 am
I memorized the order to the tune of the national anthem.


All in good jest

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Smoka on September 10, 2010, 12:49:22 pm
I memorized the order to the tune of the national anthem.


All in good jest

Correction! Patriotic Nerd

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Loyal on September 10, 2010, 01:33:16 pm
I memorized the order to the tune of the national anthem.


All in good jest

Correction! Patriotic Nerd

You guys are just jeleous that when the EZserver con comes around in 2045 I am going to win the talent show with my song.

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: swamphy on September 10, 2010, 01:51:34 pm
rofl too funny.

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Lyricz on September 11, 2010, 11:31:30 pm
I memorized the order to the tune of the national anthem.

Teach me?

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: sylkkdaskr on July 08, 2011, 01:46:14 pm
I memorized the order to the tune of the national anthem.

I really hate to necro a thread, but that was just too funny. I found myself singing those names to the Tune of the national anthem. It totally works untill you get to the last two... i forced sand monster in there...

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: hn77 on May 21, 2019, 09:31:16 pm
Do you really have to turn the tokens in in this order, or can you just turn them in as you get them?

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Nota on May 22, 2019, 06:36:27 pm
Turn in order doesn't matter.

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Loyal on August 11, 2019, 06:40:34 pm
And 2010 me is brought back from the dead...i have since forgotten the song

Title: Re: Qvic Tokens Turn In Order
Post by: Sarthin on August 15, 2019, 07:07:40 am
And 2010 me is brought back from the dead...i have since forgotten the song

You still got 26 years to re-learn it!