EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Zealpath on September 21, 2010, 05:45:14 pm

Title: Washrio, Team Discovery Channel
Post by: Zealpath on September 21, 2010, 05:45:14 pm
Anyone else had trouble with this guy? he trained my alts in fire on purpose... Twice.
Anyone else?

Title: Re: Washrio, Team Discovery Channel
Post by: ♫§µÄdÖBlÖÖd♫ on September 22, 2010, 01:03:15 pm
I can honestly say this does not sound like something he would do -- Do you have a screen shot or fraps?

Title: Re: Washrio, Team Discovery Channel
Post by: Zealpath on September 22, 2010, 03:20:16 pm
nope, There is another whom was with me that can confirm his actions.
Also after i sent him a tell asking him why he's doing it he laughed at me and called me a nerd.
Not that i'm seeking any action against him, i do however think it warrents calling his actions to attention here on the forums.

Title: Re: Washrio, Team Discovery Channel
Post by: Soakked on September 22, 2010, 07:37:02 pm
And why wouldn't you have taken a screen shot of you asking for a reason and him laughing and calling you a nerd?

Title: Re: Washrio, Team Discovery Channel
Post by: ♫§µÄdÖBlÖÖd♫ on September 22, 2010, 07:48:11 pm
Idk.. I am not saying he didn't do it -- but I used to be in his guild and he doesn't seem like the kinda person that would do it. So I am sorry if he did. But without proof Idk what you want done -- sorry to say. Next time take a screen shot so he can be black listed if nothing else.

Title: Re: Washrio, Team Discovery Channel
Post by: ieawenpo on September 22, 2010, 08:37:15 pm
Ban him.

Seriously, if you offended someone enough that they are posting on a forum, move to a different server, this one isnt for you.

Title: Re: Washrio, Team Discovery Channel
Post by: Zealpath on September 23, 2010, 12:03:46 am
actually the problem was i pushed Print screen and meant to paste it to a jpeg, it even prompted me to download Camstudio finallty.
I forgot to paste it to a jpeg, i didnt use the in game screen shot key.

In either case like i said, i dont have any proof and i'm not expecting anything to be done about it but i thought it important enough to post to the forums to alert others to his actions.

Title: Re: Washrio, Team Discovery Channel
Post by: ♫§µÄdÖBlÖÖd♫ on September 23, 2010, 02:53:46 am
Well hopefully some action is taken no matter how slight it is -- sucks to have people ruining server like that for shure.