EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chunka on September 22, 2010, 01:29:03 am

Title: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Chunka on September 22, 2010, 01:29:03 am
I keep randomly getting buffs that have a 2 min timer, from both buff bots and players, and on a lvl 70 character. Anyone else?

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Secrets on September 22, 2010, 03:07:41 am
I keep randomly getting buffs that have a 2 min timer, from both buff bots and players, and on a lvl 70 character. Anyone else?

I'll look into it when I have the time.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Gnaughty on September 22, 2010, 04:17:00 am
Yessir was happening to me all day yesterday.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Nova5555 on September 22, 2010, 08:21:52 am
I am seeing something similar.
I'll cast a group damage shield spell (Circle of Fireskin) and on 1 or 2 of my 6 box I'll see the spell land normally with the correct time but after a few seconds (one tic maybe) it looks like it drops down to the timer of a level 1 toon.
I'll try to list my observations:
1) Logging seems to correct it
2) Does not seem to happen consistently
3) Variety of spells effected (I dont think its based on the spell)
4) Recasting the spell on the effected player can correct it but often doesn't.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: ♫§µÄdÖBlÖÖd♫ on September 22, 2010, 07:51:00 pm
I have noticed it from buff bots but normally if you just hail again you will get the full timer -- only had it happen once from pet but not that big of a deal on most pet classes. But yea it's def bad. Really sucks to zone and lose all your buffs so you have to go back :P

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Chunka on September 23, 2010, 05:23:49 am
Buff bots doing this aint that big of a deal, if you notice it....

But doing an RoA, and you see that your shammy 3.0 buff you just got is suddenly mid fight on 10 mobs counting down to 3....2....1.....

Well, the death isnt that big of a deal :) But the 20 min wait for the 3.0 recast can be a pain.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 23, 2010, 06:10:38 am

Hadn't noticed it before today, but had it happen repeatedly on my new toon.  The buffs start at the normal time and then adjust to 3 minutes.  The adjustment happens just like when the timers go up because the caster has an item or the aa that extends the timers.  A couple ticks of default time, then the adjusted time.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Chunka on September 25, 2010, 11:05:19 pm
Ok, it is getting rather frustrating. Hits me randomly, either on buff bots or from PC's epic buffs. I cant get ANY buff to stick to a new rogue my wife created (rogue is 37, buffs should last longer than 3 mins).

Also my shammy 3.0 click was doing 54 mins, but now duration is 35 mins. No gear change. Any idea why?

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Boraxo on September 26, 2010, 07:21:40 am
Picked a bad time to do an RoA run.  Was happening with buff bot timers most of the morning, and then started happening with my druid buffs also.  Sometimes the buff but buffs land with low timers, and sometimes they just go down after a tick or two.  Same thing with druid buffs and it's unpredictable.  It did seem to get worse and worse the longer I stayed on. 

Giving up for now. 

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Hunter on September 26, 2010, 12:27:58 pm
Either has to do with the new source code, or that I been editing the database a lot doing updates. Not sure yet. Will try to find out.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Demin on September 26, 2010, 12:40:09 pm
I am 37% sure it was happening before the db updates you have been doing.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Chunka on September 27, 2010, 05:08:29 am
Yeah, Hunter, this has been happening for about a week or so now.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Gallank on September 28, 2010, 08:11:08 am
I got buffed, all buffs started out with their correct timers, after a few seconds, they changed to 3 minutes or less.. This happened every time I rebuffed, so I clicked off all my buffs, logged out and back in and rebuffed, and they all stayed the time they were supposed to..
Second time I tried that though, it failed...  :(

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Bhanshei on September 28, 2010, 08:46:41 am
I have been doing this the last few days to keep buffs up.  Although this probably won't help those doing RoA but....

1. Hail Buffbot
2. Use a level 70 click buff
3. Hail Buffbot again

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Chunka on September 28, 2010, 10:00:19 am
Another thing I noticed: buff extension AA's are no longer effecting my buffs, epic or otherwise.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Secrets on September 28, 2010, 03:54:05 pm
It's related to focusing duration timers, the amount of AA + item focus is stacking too high, causing it to reset the buff timer. I think I had a fix for this at one point, i'll have to dig through source to get a fix.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: ♫§µÄdÖBlÖÖd♫ on September 28, 2010, 04:21:49 pm
What I have noticed with my bard atleast is sometimes in Nexus/SFG the buffs will reset down to 3 min duration -- but then the FG/CG buffs will last the full time. Dunno what is different with that but it's chill :)

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Secrets on September 28, 2010, 04:23:53 pm
I'm just gonna disable calculating the AA/Spell buffs that increase duration to see if that fixes it. The issue only seems to be on characters that have those AAs/Buffs.

I sent Hunter the diff so it should be in for the 6AM reboot, provided he's around tonight.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 28, 2010, 06:39:48 pm

It happens on my level 59 bard with no AA more than any other toon.  I doubt it is focus/AA related.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 28, 2010, 07:56:09 pm

My best guess, and only a guess, from looking at the vanilla emulator code is that somehow the caster level is being set to level 1.

That would explain why Conviction which uses the duration formula of (level * 30) tics is affected, and Acumen which uses the actual value from the spell as the duration is unaffected.

Does that make any sense?

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Nova5555 on September 29, 2010, 07:49:14 am
Yes, that explanation works.
This is not AA related as it happens when I cast with characters that have no AA's.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 29, 2010, 10:19:23 am

One other thing I was just thinking of.  I've only noticed this on buffs that come from the buff bot, and on characters that aren't fg/cg flagged so they need to click the confirmation text. 

Maybe whatever is handling responding to that dynamically generated saylink is doing something wrong.  I never had the problem until after the buff bots were broken a few weeks back.  Did something change in the script right about then?

Has anyone had this problem when they get buffs just by hailing and not clicking the secondary confirmation link?

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Chunka on September 30, 2010, 06:26:40 am
It just occurred to me....this started also about the time that self click buffs were corrected to work at the required item level rather than lvl 1. Might that have something to do with it?

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Razormaw on September 30, 2010, 12:13:00 pm
I have yet to have this happen to any of my characters. SoD client, if that matters. Mage DS works fine, Mage's pet buff bot works fine, Monk buff bot and Paladin buff bot and castable buffs.

It seems the bug is not from the caster, but the receiver.

I was in a party with some guildies last night, and my group Mage DS was wearing off our tank at odd times without being dispelled. It was very random.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Chunka on September 30, 2010, 02:21:29 pm
Its happened on Titanium, SoF and SoD clients so far from what I have heard....and ya, it only happens for me on characters that have not been cg/fg flagged

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: Gallank on October 02, 2010, 09:04:15 am
Its happened on Titanium, SoF and SoD clients so far from what I have heard....and ya, it only happens for me on characters that have not been cg/fg flagged

Happened to me just now, boxing my Cleric and Warrior, got buffed and zoned, timers on most went down to 2 minutes... :(
I gated, rebuffed, the Warriors stayed correct this time, but the Clerics went back to 2 minutes for most...
I am running SoD on both accounts...

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: throeplith on November 07, 2010, 10:59:45 am
Glad I found this thread, because I am having the same issue.  All my timers get severely reduced once they stick.   For instance, Regrowth goes from 18:27 to 1:18.  I relogged once and it fixed the issue, but now sometimes when I zone with Buff Bot buffs and then try to Regen/DS with my druid they don't stick.  Not the end of the world, just trying to figure out what causes this.

None of the characters I am using right now have AA's (they're only in the 40's)
Edit: Druid is 58 but no AAs

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: lwaggie on November 07, 2010, 11:52:22 am
Happened to me yesterday. After they flashed after 3 min I potted back to FG and rebuffed at raid bot. Timers were wrong clicked each off manually and rebuffed Belford fine after that. Was odd. Was on my 70 SHD 3.0. Baby pally had no issue with SFG buff bot.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 07, 2010, 05:04:46 pm
Self buff first and then hail the buff bot, or remove your newbie charm and hail the buff bot then replace it.

The interesting thing is that the newbie charm seems to cause the issue.  At least one person has had trouble where their normal spells were doing far less damage and healing than normal which makes me think those spells were being cast as level 1 as well.

Perhaps reverting the change to make click levels match required levels only on the newbie charms would help?  One thing I noticed when looking at this is that the newbie charm has a required level of 1 and a recommended level of 30.  Perhaps that is throwing things off.

Title: Re: Whats with buff timers??
Post by: throeplith on November 08, 2010, 06:25:43 am
Thanks for the tip.  I will definitely try that next time it happens.