EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: b33tlejuice on April 07, 2010, 04:40:06 am

Title: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 07, 2010, 04:40:06 am
Ok, so i've been in this damn place for over 4 freakin hours, barely any keys, and not to mention ass tons of guys popping in, and taking the barrels i've been waiting to respawn, this place needs to be INSTANCED!!!!! its horrible not only having to deal with the beholders (who seem to have an infinite aggro range for me) but also with the other players coming in an jackin barrels. enough of my QQ, had ta get that out, time ta get out some pew pew, oh if u dont wanna instance it, make it so we can kill us some beholders xD

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Blackee on April 07, 2010, 10:22:02 am
I already had a post for this here:


I asked if we could simply get the barrel time lowered, because anyone else in there with you jacks the barrels and don't even bat an eyelash. Point in fact, on my shaman Billeh, a warrior consistently would follow me around and jack the barrels before I could hit autoattack. It peeved me off to no end. But if the times were lowered, I'd figure we could just space out when we go in, by doing a /who all hushed or etc.

Regardless, this is the only bottleneck at the moment I can think of that seriously needs some tweaking.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Reed on April 07, 2010, 07:17:54 pm
</rant on>

MMOs are about bottle necks imo. Who can work around and waste most amount of time to get ahead of their peers. If it was easy to get all your epics, what sense of accomplishment do you have after completing them?
Make everything a 10min timer like, for example, in PoTimeA. All the bosses spawn super fast. Then you have new folks complaining about how hard it is to keep up with spawns and dying all the time. In the mean time, you have people figuring it would be quicker to lvl and epic a character in 2 hours or so, than to make friends. thus creating an even bigger gap between veterans of EZ and new blood.
Don't get me wrong, im all for boxing. I frequently box every character i have in my signature at the same time.... And am a freak and epic'd them all/ working on epic'ing them all. But not everyone is like me.
I think the Hushed Banquet is the worst part of the epic, but it does add "flavor" to the quest. Rather than collect item X 10 times, and turn in you get to take a new approach.
With that, taking the time to sneak around, wait for the Beholders to cycle around is tedious. But its always the stupid lame BS stuff you do that afterwards you feel good about completing

</rant off>

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Blackee on April 07, 2010, 08:44:03 pm

That's a bit of generalizing. I'm not asking for any other timer to be adjusted. Nor am I suggesting we make everything "EASY"

Dropping of Barrel time would mean almost next to no change. It'd still be thousands of barrels a key. It'd still be thousands of key for a locked chest to spawn a book. (I'm exaggerating, of course) but the point remains if three or four people are in that zone, waiting for them all to go ahead and not fighting over barrels is  nearly impossible. It creates a sense of "I've got to jack this barrel before he does or I have to spend another four hours doing this."

This zone is the only zone atm I have any type of gripe with due to this fact. The rest of the game I don't mind waiting on timers, I usually just pick up an anime and wait the timer out. Can't do that in a "Stealth" mission with beholders and barrel respawns, because you have to actually play it actively. In this type of situation, with only one linear path in the zone, if someone gets ahead of you, you're screwed for another 15-20 minutes. I can't even wait on a respawn because if I do, someone ELSE might get ahead of me. If this is not enough to change respawns, B33t is right. Make this instanced. It seems to me if it'd be personal instances, it'd still be a grind to get the book, but no ridiculous wait time that I could have been having fun with my friends by then.


Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Supreme on April 08, 2010, 08:16:19 am

It isn't that hard.

Dodge Beholders and break open barrels to get keys. Turn in keys to get your book.

It isn't Field of Bone easy but it is pretty easy.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Blackee on April 08, 2010, 09:57:29 am

It is that hard, when there's four to five people in there, and there's 0 barrels and you're barely lucky with getting 1 key every 10-20 barrels because in between everyone else is jacking barrels. When there's other people, which when I play there always is, it's nigh impossible unless you spend four to five hours consistently doing it.

Perhaps this was designed to be a bottleneck, I don't know. But this IS a huge bottleneck, waste of time, what have you. This is the only part of the entire EZ server that is like it. It's retarded how long you have to wait just for a shot at one key with three people in zone.

I'm not talking about dodging beholders to get keys to get book. That is indeed easy, I'm talking battling 2+ people in there for the barrels to get the keys, it's retarded. That's all.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Supreme on April 08, 2010, 10:43:13 am
Use a pet.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Teehee on April 08, 2010, 10:52:43 am
Theres ways around it by either moving to the end of the zone into the safe room and waiting for the barrels there while watching a movie and then save up the keys and use them when you have a bunch. If you are racing from one zone to the other you will have an issue.

Tacvi can be more annoying when people just sit in there waiting for the repop.
plane of dragons can be more annoying by people camping the shards and just sitting there.
T3/T4 is annoying cause jydyta is there.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Gantrathor on April 08, 2010, 12:57:47 pm
First off...this is the rants section.  People come here to vent and blow off steam.

Second...any/all issues with game play have some validity because everyone has a different idea of what the game should be.  Hunter checks em out and acts on those that strike a chord with him.  (ie he sees something in a new light and think 'hmmm...that wasn't what I was intending here.'

As to this particular one, I don't consider it to be a huge issue.  Every other epic quest requires a fair amount of time to complete.  This one, if you're REALLY lucky, and be completed in 10 minutes.  On the flip side, if you're really unlucky it can take many hours.  The perception is, this is one task and it's taking hours and hours.  But since it's literally a one and done, I don't think that kind of disparity is unreasonable.

But as I said earlier, that doesn't mean my perception is right and someone elses is wrong.  My gameplay experience matters to me, and I'm ok with this one.  Blackee's is important to him, and he's not.  Both points are valid.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Supreme on April 08, 2010, 02:49:34 pm
First off...this is the rants section.  People come here to vent and blow off steam.

Second...any/all issues with game play have some validity because everyone has a different idea of what the game should be.  Hunter checks em out and acts on those that strike a chord with him.  (ie he sees something in a new light and think 'hmmm...that wasn't what I was intending here.'

As to this particular one, I don't consider it to be a huge issue.  Every other epic quest requires a fair amount of time to complete.  This one, if you're REALLY lucky, and be completed in 10 minutes.  On the flip side, if you're really unlucky it can take many hours.  The perception is, this is one task and it's taking hours and hours.  But since it's literally a one and done, I don't think that kind of disparity is unreasonable.

But as I said earlier, that doesn't mean my perception is right and someone elses is wrong.  My gameplay experience matters to me, and I'm ok with this one.  Blackee's is important to him, and he's not.  Both points are valid.

u r wrong!

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Tarq on April 08, 2010, 03:10:07 pm
T3/T4 is annoying cause jydyta is there.


Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 08, 2010, 03:58:34 pm
see i dont mind the beholders i dont mind havin to be stealthy (its kind of fun) what bothers me, is i zone in, hey im the only person here, but the barrels have been hit, they pop in about 5 mins an some new guy zones in and starts running around, ends up catching up to me and running ahead, u r then FUCKED, might as well rezone and go back to the beggining and wait for a repop again. All i care about is it being INSTANCED, i dont want faster repops, its a solo zone, so it should be thus, SOLO. but, thats what i belive, i really think its a good point and hopefully a couple more people back me up on this. It wouldnt change anything, other then having to wait on other people.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Reed on April 08, 2010, 08:05:00 pm
Kinda goes along with the whole, dont be a douche unwritted rule.
It comes back at you in the end if you're a jerk though. Tosser for example is a good player and alot of people like him, because he helps everyone and isnt a total tool. For that, he often gets tells from people doing T1, T2, T3 content (sometimes anyway) asking if he needs item X or spell Y....
If you're one of those people taking all the barrels and screwing over people, cant expect any kind of respect later by anyone

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Reed on April 08, 2010, 08:05:59 pm
everytime i've been there and im neck and neck with someone, i ensure i take half the barrels and leave the other person half. if he doesnt break them, hey whatever. they're his barrels to do whatever with. takes longer to finish but at least you're not a dick

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 09, 2010, 07:42:46 am
thats what i try to do if someones in there with me, my normal thing with the barrels is hit 1 leave 1 just in case someone does come in while im running my way through

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Hunter on April 09, 2010, 07:46:04 am
If this continues to be a problem, we can try to make it an instance zone, but limited number of available instances that you can choose.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 09, 2010, 07:54:05 am
hopefully once p99 goes back live we wont have this problem, but either way hunter, ur the man

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Blackee on April 09, 2010, 01:33:44 pm
If this continues to be a problem, we can try to make it an instance zone, but limited number of available instances that you can choose.

Most awesome idea ever. This is why Hunter GMs.

Please, make it so. This would solve everything and people would still meet, but with even 2 or 3 instances, this would fix this problem entirely.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 11, 2010, 09:47:59 pm
So I logged in today (3rd day of going for my warriors 2.5 due to zone overcrowding) and again find the Hushed Bankquet overcrowded as normal. 8 ppl in zone, Impossible to get my 2.5 for yet another night, I want to get to qvic already and this is all im waiting for. For those who dont believe me, here ya go check out the screenie. (http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/6494/hushedbankquet.jpg) (http://img245.imageshack.us/i/hushedbankquet.jpg/)

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Teehee on April 11, 2010, 09:49:20 pm
Poor murfman :(

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 11, 2010, 09:52:56 pm
lol i guess the beholders are the only kind of crowd control were going to get xD

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: yt2005 on April 16, 2010, 10:06:05 am
Having a pet is both the least frustrating way to get keys and the most irritating to others.

Spawn a pet (or, if you're a non-pet class, grab a dragon tooth that spawns a pet for you)

Make a bind like this:
Quote from: Hotkey
/target a_barrel
/pet attack

Go to the room with the 3 (or is it 4?) barrels, stand next to the locked chest and spam away the bind. The /target command will even highlight barrels not in your line of sight, and the pet will go through walls to attack them.

There are 6 or 7 different barrels that you'll be able to target and zero chance of being caught and sent back to the nexus. The best part is that you don't have to "save up" keys or anything like that since you can continuously try each one against the locked chest you're standing next to.

You get decent barrel-breaking-per-minute, and is foolproof and brainless: once you're in your spot, you can just spam-click the mouse or hotkey; no turning, no manual targeting, no need for quick reaction time. You don't even need to be looking at the screen, you can just keep clicking or pressing while watching a movie

...which leads me to wonder, are there "camping" rules in the hushed banquet, or can you do something like this and own a fair portion of the zone?

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: sebekl on April 16, 2010, 10:10:18 am
Having a pet is both the least frustrating way to get keys and the most irritating to others.

Spawn a pet (or, if you're a non-pet class, grab a dragon tooth that spawns a pet for you)

Make a bind like this:
Quote from: Hotkey
/target a_barrel
/pet attack

Go to the room with the 3 (or is it 4?) barrels, stand next to the locked chest and spam away the bind. The /target command will even highlight barrels not in your line of sight, and the pet will go through walls to attack them.

There are 6 or 7 different barrels that you'll be able to target and zero chance of being caught and sent back to the nexus. The best part is that you don't have to "save up" keys or anything like that since you can continuously try each one against the locked chest you're standing next to.

You get decent barrel-breaking-per-minute, and is foolproof and brainless: once you're in your spot, you can just spam-click the mouse or hotkey; no turning, no manual targeting, no need for quick reaction time. You don't even need to be looking at the screen, you can just keep clicking or pressing while watching a movie

...which leads me to wonder, are there "camping" rules in the hushed banquet, or can you do something like this and own a fair portion of the zone?

I would not suggest doing this. This is just like using MQ2 to send pet through walls. just my 2 cents. dont know how hunter would feel about this but seems like an exploit to me.  I do use the dragon tooth but I am in the room that the barrels are in and click on them. 

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Supreme on April 16, 2010, 10:32:08 am
There is a room with 6 barrels that can be gotten by the pet without using mq2.

the hotkey is:

/tar a_barrel
/pet attack

With modern keyboards you can make it so the number 1 key is pressed every 1 second and then you can AFK.

Remember that the you will target any barrel in LOS and the pet will attack the barrel if it is in its LOS.

Hushed Banquet is not that hard folks.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Reed on April 16, 2010, 10:41:23 am
Having a pet is both the least frustrating way to get keys and the most irritating to others.

Spawn a pet (or, if you're a non-pet class, grab a dragon tooth that spawns a pet for you)

Make a bind like this:
Quote from: Hotkey
/target a_barrel
/pet attack

Probably one of the reason Hunter didn't support the use of MQ2 to begin with.

Go to the room with the 3 (or is it 4?) barrels, stand next to the locked chest and spam away the bind. The /target command will even highlight barrels not in your line of sight, and the pet will go through walls to attack them.

There are 6 or 7 different barrels that you'll be able to target and zero chance of being caught and sent back to the nexus. The best part is that you don't have to "save up" keys or anything like that since you can continuously try each one against the locked chest you're standing next to.

You get decent barrel-breaking-per-minute, and is foolproof and brainless: once you're in your spot, you can just spam-click the mouse or hotkey; no turning, no manual targeting, no need for quick reaction time. You don't even need to be looking at the screen, you can just keep clicking or pressing while watching a movie

...which leads me to wonder, are there "camping" rules in the hushed banquet, or can you do something like this and own a fair portion of the zone?

I would not suggest doing this. This is just like using MQ2 to send pet through walls. just my 2 cents. dont know how hunter would feel about this but seems like an exploit to me.  I do use the dragon tooth but I am in the room that the barrels are in and click on them. 

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: yt2005 on April 16, 2010, 05:36:32 pm
This is just like using MQ2 to send pet through walls. just my 2 cents. dont know how hunter would feel about this but seems like an exploit to me. 

Probably something that should be clarified ASAP. I'm sure I'm not the first and won't be the last person to think of this.

Can we get an official ruling as per the legality of using /target to target enemies behind walls?

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Reed on April 16, 2010, 09:19:39 pm
Hunter already said the ONLY things you can use MQ2 for is Map and /stick.
That is all.
Ghost targeting and stuff to send in a pet or anything to that effect will get you banned.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Balthor on April 17, 2010, 12:04:54 am
Hushed has always sucked. Here is what you do.
Collect keys. Collect more keys. Then get some more.
Find a chest and feed it keys. My number is 10.
I have walked away with a book every single time in 10 keys or less.

Yes you have a lot of people in the zone so you get less keys per run but its whats called RNG (random number gen for clueless folks) and pure luck.

I have gone over 20 hours straight on a long weekend with no keys. That really sucked. I was really pist. Shy might remember my rants about that weekend.

Other days I have gone in and collected 20-30 keys in a clear. Pure luck and cream in the pants.

So you zone in and you /who and see 4+ people in the zone. Not all is lost. just run around and see if anything is up near zone in, see if anyone is near zone in. Decide if its worth it to wait for a respawn cycle and try to get a few keys before moving on or try to move deeper and jump past someone to get a chance at keys.
Then just come back later.
Chances are if you need the 2.5 you are not max AA so go work on that for 20min-1hr then try again.

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: adamalh on April 17, 2010, 10:59:45 pm
I've brought multiple characters through the Banquet.  Some of them were quick, some were not.  I do have a rant about it though.

Pathing.  The NPC's path very poorly.  Especially up and down ramps/stairs.  I can't count how many dozens of times I've been "seen" by an NPC that wasn't visible on my screen due to the NPC A: pathing through the wall or B: pathing through the floor/stairs.

/rant off

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: marbach1 on April 18, 2010, 01:36:40 am
my bard is 2 keys for 2 books =D

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Reed on April 18, 2010, 07:50:47 pm
my bard is 2 keys for 2 books =D

congratz, if only we could be so lucky.
You know, with double drop weekend.... wouldn't 1 chest that drops the book (100% on right chest) drop 2 instead? just seems logical to me. 1 key = 2 books

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: yt2005 on May 09, 2010, 10:40:17 pm
Hunter already said the ONLY things you can use MQ2 for is Map and /stick.
That is all.
Ghost targeting and stuff to send in a pet or anything to that effect will get you banned.

Reviving an ancient thread, I know, but just for clarification: since in fact you don't need MQ2 or any add-on at all to use /target , is it a bannable offense to use it when the target is behind a wall?

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: Reed on May 09, 2010, 11:37:38 pm
the only thing you are going to get from reviving this is people reposting how wrong it is for you to use MQ2 to wall hack.

Everyone has spoken their piece, just waiting on a verdict from Hunter really.
You can short distance /target a_barrel. but the way some people are doing it with MQ2 is like, zone wide which is not intended.

My advice would be to just not risk it and use LoS.
If you're the only one in zone, well... then no one is there to FRAPs you now is there?

Title: Re: The Hushed Bankquet
Post by: b33tlejuice on May 10, 2010, 01:40:32 am
shhh reed, dont kick a dead horse, u 2 yt, shame on u both, but like reed said, if no ones there well, i guess no one then knows what your doing, but if I remember correctly, hunter said he had some code in place to check for that mq targeting crap, but i could be wrong which according to the woman i always am *snickers*