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1  General Category / Updates / Re: Botter Suspended! (01-19-16) on: January 31, 2016, 05:08:49 pm
Why not just let people bot? theres only 20 people that play on the server, the content is obnoxiously monotonus, people will still donate, everyone plays in their own instance who cares.

But then how will they be able to measure their e-peens?

I check-in from time to time to play and get my dose of EQ nostalgia, and even my EZ nostalgia, but for such a small group of people, everyone is so concerned with what others have and do even when it doesn't affect them. That attitude has always been a huge turn off for me.

"I rushed my UW X back when certain parts were easier, but let me weigh-in on how the process is too easy now since everyone is at about V and they're in danger of catching up."

As much as we regular players like to hear the has beens or never beens who dont play but feel they need to enlighten the unwashed masses.. please continue!

2  General Category / Updates / Re: Botter Suspended! (01-19-16) on: January 31, 2016, 01:53:36 pm
Why not just let people bot? theres only 20 people that play on the server, the content is obnoxiously monotonus, people will still donate, everyone plays in their own instance who cares.

But then how will they be able to measure their e-peens?

I check-in from time to time to play and get my dose of EQ nostalgia, and even my EZ nostalgia, but for such a small group of people, everyone is so concerned with what others have and do even when it doesn't affect them. That attitude has always been a huge turn off for me.

"I rushed my UW X back when certain parts were easier, but let me weigh-in on how the process is too easy now since everyone is at about V and they're in danger of catching up."

3  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs on: February 07, 2015, 12:19:21 pm
I've been away playing more interesting and less drama-driven games and this thread is hilarious. 

EZ's great for whenever I get a serious EQ craving but that's about it. I used to really like it because Hunter was pretty damned immune to 95% of the whining. He wouldn't really obsess over the server, and usually was off playing some other game. He treated everything professionally in terms of management and just did whatever the hell he wanted for development; I respected that.

The one thing that he seemed to cave over was the Halloween items, because certain giant titty babies were upset that other people they never interacted with had cooler items than them. So then the UW's came and half the titty babies had max swords within weeks because Hunter had hinted at what he was going to do. Then the titty babies were upset again because the quest was too easy and their weapons weren't as shiny and cool when everyone else had them, and Hunter realized that now EVERYONE basically had replacement Halloween weapons, so he made it harder. Once again the titty babies got their way, but this bred a new class of giant titty babies --those who were working on UWs and got the shaft. This is the point at which pretty much everyone became some sort of giant titty baby.

In short: delete everyone's UWs. We're all giant titty babies now anyways. Everyone complains about everything, so it wouldn't even matter that they're complaining about their UWs disappearing.

At this point I'm cheering for chaos -- not perceived persecution over every tiny little thing and the constant bickering. I don't want the constant policing to enforce authority. I WANT REAL CHAOS.
4  General Category / Updates / Re: Mini Dungeons Locked Temporarily! :-O on: December 21, 2014, 02:00:42 am
There was, I reported it to hate a few weeks back. You could leave a few toons out of raid, do daily, have left out toon request daily, then #e invite toons regardless of lockout. Finish daily and get more berries.
So I could technically do it 18 times a day if I used the sploit, since I could solo the t5.

The fact that you explained it, and I still don't have any idea how that would work in practice, makes me more frustrated than the people who go and abuse it.
5  General Category / Updates / Re: Mini Dungeons Locked Temporarily! :-O on: December 19, 2014, 09:27:39 am
lol   A few quarters of the high end would no longer exist and the server would be half empty if they were banned.   Anyone who looked at Magelo in the last couple months (since the dungeons were created) knows who all has been exploiting them in various ways.     

Sure as hell wouldn't be me and my 65 Buzzing berries. I think the first three times I did it I didn't even know you had to hail the miner in Stonehive -_-.
6  General Category / Updates / Re: Incoming! (12-1-14) on: December 19, 2014, 09:25:38 am
A wild pancreas appears.
Pancreas casts grow.
Hate is confused! It hurts itself in it's confusion!

^--- The last week. I'll try to get it ready by tonight. :-)


Hopefully you're getting better and your abdomen wasn't too inflamed. Inflamed abdomen = vagus nerve telling your body you're always ten seconds from death. Persistent flight or fight isn't a hell I would wish on anyone.
7  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0 on: November 09, 2014, 01:52:37 pm
Is the Noobie Merchant pet sans buyable items intentional? Used to like having it around for when I run out of water.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Post Halloween event discussion. on: November 06, 2014, 09:09:06 am
Great post Kiwis, very well put

I'm glad the zone stayed open for another day(s), cause I turned in all my no-drop quest items that I had forgotten about for the three "food" items... and I think THOSE are my favorite item from halloween Smiley

Kabob - random group illusion? yes please

Yeah, if I had one suggestion, it would be batteries for like 50k-250k depending on item to make the item rechargeable.
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: CT dropping UW's? proof.... on: November 03, 2014, 05:56:58 pm
Lol @ only x amount of loot obtainable. Though I ended up getting my mistress and actually did have a fun time. The imbalance of this event towards players who basically weren't t9 for a "seasonal event" is mind boggling. I know there will be haters to this comment and take it as something negative when it's actually on the contrary, it's just pretty astonishing to create stuff that really just caters to them, even more so have only X amount of crap that can drop that anyone can obtain (which actually again caters to t9 players since they have an easier time pulling / killing bosses, not even claiming they got the drops, I even got a couple strikes, just simply pointing out a fault). Now I couldn't care less, if the event was advertised as t9 or gtfo, or didn't see comments from people specifically like hate talking about using the event to possibly bring back players and see all the new content added in the game, while slapping them across the face for not being one of the people to obtain an UW while some random person who thinks anyone new should just f off, and sense of entitlement, flaunts their drops. Now I may be sounding entitled, but due to an event being created that supposedly everyone is suppose to enjoy, the entitlement should be equivalent across the board.

Anyways, I'll keep playing and keep grinding because ultimately I got everything from the event I wanted to obtain. I enjoyed the event. I made a ton of plat and AAs to progress my characters. Just hope this feedback may be taken into consideration the next time an event is created.

Must comment on this...  CT was quite doable back with a T5 group with the right  setup.  The road between T5 and T9 is quite.... Long. CT was the mob that dropped the UW/Augs/Creds.   Lvl 78 mobs in that event with a real solid 12 man still had decent Hp's and scaled up to that level.  So that comment is rubbish BS.  Years ago many of us obtained these items by asking in ooc for someone to kill them to get a chance at the augs or other some loot in exchange for the pet, or getting a guildie to do it.   You could still kill mobs which dropped the honey/miner items which with enough effort could have given your tank an IG pet with minimal effort.  This was Not available previously.  You either killed it yourself or had someone kill it for you.

 To be fair,  I do agree that everyone should be able to participate in some manner or form.  I believe last halloween there were 2 chains before CT?  Could just be re-introduced in new tiers and at least put some kind of reward on them so T1ish has a shot at something.  

Additionally, if anyone didn't notice the sheer amount of platinum gained from this event, you were clearly Not playing during Halloween.  That kind of plat is going to have noticeable inflation on the server.

Yeah I agree with this. Two years ago for Halloween I spent most of it trying to spawn CTs for other people to kill and hope they share in the loot. Way more to do this year.
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Post Halloween event discussion. on: November 03, 2014, 05:53:42 pm
I didn't loot much plat compared to everyone else (maybe ~20 million or just under), as I had limited play time, but focusing on tokens alone I was able to get MoFs on all six of my main characters. I probably had about 65 CTs, 20ish SMs, and about 6 IGs. Never got beyond IG to spawn, but I had a blast anyways and got everything I wanted.

The zone was amazing and the system was about as fair/pleasant as you could ask for. Great work by the whole team on that one. I think this was the best Halloween yet, and Hunter would be proud.
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: CT dropping UW's? proof.... on: November 01, 2014, 07:06:16 pm
Yeah I also found a fs 5 and 10 ez credit on two separate CTs today. I killed maybe 20 to 30 CTs so those are fairly decent odds all things considered.
12  General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween 2014 on: October 31, 2014, 10:45:26 am
So I was curious, what are other peoples strats with the new pets? Mistress of flame on dps seems like a given, but do you do anything else for your tank/off tank?
13  General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween 2014 on: October 30, 2014, 08:45:04 am
Yeah I bought the arc flame pet for my tank because I figured the t8 pet would likely be better, but is the HP worth the stonewall and spellshield loss?
14  General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween 2014 on: October 29, 2014, 01:21:55 pm
Might have been said, but if you're having expedition issues, do "/say #expedition" for options
15  General Category / Updates / Re: 8-29-14 Misc Updates on: August 30, 2014, 11:33:53 am
Reports of downing the Commons wisp in thirty seconds are probably exaggerated accounts of what a warrior can do with VP weapons, the appropriate discs, and veteran AA's popped.
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