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136  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 09, 2017, 05:36:57 pm
I enjoyed my struggles through T1/T2...perhaps it wasnt boring to me because half the bosses would wipe my raid if i wasnt johnny on the spot with heals.....uber buffs turn fun challenging content into boring grinds.
137  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0 on: January 31, 2017, 02:11:09 pm
I dunno if the issue has been addressed before or what,

well I just sold 139pcs of Big Box of Platinum, should be 10.8M @78,030 a pc.

But I only got 2.1M plat from them.

Its been mentioned either here or on another thread. At a certain stack size issues arise similar to what you have described. Until it gets fixed, sell more often or in smaller stacks. Others also mentioned they found the plat boxes in their inventory, likely making up for the difference once they logged out and back in. Give that a shot to try to get back what you have lost.
138  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server Lag on: January 09, 2017, 06:37:57 pm
The Lag occurs throughout the day. I have also noticed a lot more DC'ing over the past few days.
139  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Item Stack Sizes on: January 08, 2017, 11:22:44 am
Such a small thing - such a big impact Smiley love it
140  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Few questions from a newbie on: January 06, 2017, 02:19:14 pm
It was mentioned before but its worth repeating. Take time to read the MQ2 guide on the wiki/forums. It takes a little bit of effort to understand how it functions. It can get soo much more done than what ISBox alone sounds like it can. This makes boxing 12 toons no different from boxing 6 in terms of controlling your characters.
141  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Newbie, first week. Getting buffed??? on: January 05, 2017, 09:48:49 pm
There are three main player types when it comes to buffing:

1.) Those who just buff themselves and dont want to go back to the nexus every hour to re-buff. These people typically dont bother publicly buffing because they arent used to thinking about /ooc'ing when they get on.
2.) Those who /ooc and buff in nexus ever few hours if not on the hour. Most of these people are currently on hiatus. The recent T10 revamp may bring these folks back, cross your fingers.
3.) Those who /ooc and buff somewhere else. Typically i have seen them buffing in Stonehive. These people typically are just trying to avoid giving buffs to the AFK squatters parked in the nexus.

I havent seen anyone going into a deep dark corner for buffing....typically if they are informing people in ooc they are buffing, then they are doing it in a location that players can get to pretty easily.

Just to give some perspective...a lot of the more veteran players came up in an era where the buff bot was all they had unless they were running a buff class to give them something more special. As time has passed, the buffs a T10 character gives to a lower class, trivializes the lower content for the player progressing through that content. Many players do not want to be a party to trivializing content for new players. You can find several threads that get into peoples personal feelings on this but the short of it is that more often then not, you will run into people who will call you down for asking for buffs if you are ooc'ing for buffs repeatedly.....and sometimes even once.

Another part of it simply that people are buffing every hour (in time with their experience buff). Depending on what the person is doing, it can be very inconvenient to move your 18 boxes back into the nexus to buff....wait on a few stragglers to get there....buff.... then back into your instance and back to the location where you are. Some people do it, but not everyone. Now layer in the fact that 90% of the time someone asks for buffs in ooc, even if there was someone who would be willing to stop what they are doing to move somewhere to buff, you need to be lucky enough to be asking right before their 1 hour buff is going to wear off.

I played long ago when the buff bot was the best i could get in advancing, and advancing was hard. I took a significant break and came back to the current era. If i caught T9 buffs, i could have 3 hours of god mode for the lower content. I faced the same thing you are facing now. The way i went through my progression was to hope i was lucky enough catch someone buffing, if not i just grind it out the way it was meant to be played. Typically this only meant i had to pay more attention to healing the tank.....but i was playing the content the way it was meant to be played.

TLDR: you wont find much sympathy on the forums, if anything you will just catch shit for appearing to be entitled (im not saying you are, just saying thats how some people will react).
142  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Few questions from a newbie on: January 04, 2017, 08:29:00 am

Question1: Toons needed to Progress

I know this is a boxing server and I am fine with that. Question being the amount of toons needed to progress from one tier to the other. Probably as many of you, I have played during the era of Kunark - PoP on live servers. The difficulty of each raid zones depended on how geared you were, or how many bodies you could bring. Now question being what is the minimum characters needed to progress through out the Tiers. For example, can you down say boss 1 and 2 of one tier having enough AAs and best gear to this point, farm enough for lets say 6-12 characters and with enough AA grinded can you slowly progress to boss 3-4 of that tier?

This is not a simple question and changes depending on the tiers. However, a simple answer is that you can progress through at least T9 with just 6 characters. Its possible to do it with a few less but it will be slow going and you may need to stop progression to farm out some uber gear that you can otherwise avoid until later on in life (Shield of ages, ultimate weapon, etc..). Obviously the more characters you add from 6 the easier things become. Personally i rolled 18 characters and got through a lot of content without a ton of difficulty but then always felt like i had too many when i was at the end of each tier farming for my last few characters. But i was just being a baby, 18 is awesome....12 may be the sweet spot.

Even if you do only 6 through T9 and find you need more chars for T10....its easy enough to back farm another group to T9 in a fraction of the time it took to get your original group through that same content.

Question2: ISboxer Keypress broadcast

This is a tricky question I believe, but not sure if considers as automation. I am fond of using ISboxer as my multiboxing tool. I have read that MQ2melee is considered as automation (and yes I believe it is an automation to some extent), although not sure why it is included on the MQemulator's download package. (I downloaded the correct MQ package, selected EZGold and Rof2 client) None the less, is Isboxer's keyboard broadcast considered as an automation? Should I stick with the EQBC commands? (Which I think its the same thing)

I dont know much about ISBoxer but from what i have gathered i believe all it does is mimic your one keypress to all your boxes? If that is the case it is just the same as EQBC so i wouldnt expect it to be bannable. The line of thought used in the past has always been that you must be a puppet master controlling each chars commands with a keypress. Im oversimplifying but im trying to avoid getting into a debate of what is and isnt automation because thats not really the question. I believe you are allowed to use ISBoxer as i know there are a few current players who do. If ISBoxer has other capabilities that go beyond simply broadcasting a keypress, then those capabilities would need to be considered before using them, i just dont know about them.

Question3: Group Composition

I have read a few threads regarding about the healing and seems Paladins are a very viable class to heal, but Clerics surpasses their abilities once reaching a specific point. I did read a few group composition involving a warrior, paladin, 2 dps, 1 utility and cleric. However having only 2 pure dps seems a little low? I could be wrong.

Regarding DPS, I always thought the casters usually had disadvanteges over melee for their resists. Not sure if this is true in this server. I liked Wizards and Mages. Not sure if monks and rogues have an easier time boxing.

As long as you are keeping up on your strike augments on your melee dps, you should have some good DPS. if you are only running six, i would think you ditch a utility for another DPS to keep things up to speed. Almost all of the content is tank and spank with the hardest thing being you need to switch over to some adds to burn them down. You dont need to mez anything or slow anything. if you are running 12 then you get a little more freedom to add in some of the good buffing classes (DRU/Shaman have good HP buffs).

Wizards and Necro are great DPS on this server, but that doesnt kick in until the later tiers. So if you are boxing only 6 i would avoid them. If you are boxing 12 you can sneak one in. i dont think that resisting is really an issue on this server.
143  General Category / Updates / Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others on: December 26, 2016, 05:19:47 am
  • Muramite Proving Grounds expedition will now enforce essence selections allowable based on the lowest level toon in the expedition

Um why. Now all this will be is a expedition that will collect dust.

Edit: no real change to MPG, i think Akka was just saying you cant bring a lvl 70 into a LP MPG and get mega AAs....still useful zone for backfarming.
144  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Safety Dance! on: December 03, 2016, 06:29:02 pm
I left my friends behind long ago!
145  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Allowed or not on: October 31, 2016, 12:35:17 pm
I don't get the big deal about /melee.  I may be naïve, and not see the overt (and illegal) benefit, but Melee doesn't auto attack and you can't bot farm with it.  If something hits you, you still have to be at the keyboard to command your toons to hit back.

You have to push an attack button with each mob for it to function.  All it does .. AFAIK .. is execute /doability attacks ... kicks, punches, taunts etc... AFTER you hit the attack key.

When the vast majority of mobs die in one second (regardless of special skill attacks) I just do not see how this plugin should be a concern?  #NotGameBreaking

I agree with you in that it isnt game breaking and essentially is just putting a toe over the line. Instead of pressing one button once per mob i mash my key a billion times for each mob. However, Hunter had to draw a line somewhere and it was very early on in the server. Mobs didnt die in a split second, boss fights took time. You increase the hell out of your DPS if you are casing/hitting abilities and the point is that you are the ones initiating each one of those instances so you cant throw your toons on a high hp boss and walk away to come back to loot 5 minutes later.

Bottom line this is a rule that has been around for years and while the game has changed a bit to make it not as meaningful, the spirit of the rule stands and isnt likely to be overturned.
146  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Allowed or not on: October 30, 2016, 10:40:13 am
Check out the MQ2 section on the wiki and the Macroquest posts on the forums. You can find lots of collaboration with simple set ups to get things done efficiently.
147  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Allowed or not on: October 30, 2016, 08:45:50 am
Its all good was just passing the time. But that's what happens when you ask things people get all pissy. No arguing was just curious.

I admit my response was a bit dickish, i apologize for that. I was just a bit annoyed because the seasoned player base (i am not even including myself in this) have always understood it isnt allowed based on the rules. There may be one of them that could tell you they talked to admins privately and confirmed, but that wont be enough. However, you asked a question and dismiss the answers given unless they come from an admin....a bit annoying is all.
148  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Allowed or not on: October 30, 2016, 08:28:23 am
yup read all that many times. Just want an official yes or no or yes but only for this.

Would you like your food chewed up for you too? If you feel like MQ2Melee is still allowable despite the rule above, just search the forums and you will see this isnt the first time this question is asked...
149  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Allowed or not on: October 30, 2016, 07:49:09 am
I've been gone for a bit but last i played MQ2Melee was not allowed.
150  General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween and Doubles on: October 25, 2016, 10:26:42 am

Can someone rehost the halloween files for me? I'm in China with VPN and it still blocks me from DropBox. Wetransfer would be great.


Here you go.... https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B__I1brYM33mZkZpT2tUUTRvV0U
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