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16  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Another Combine Heroic Resists macro on: January 21, 2022, 09:38:13 am
I was seeing the same issues when i first ran it. I adjusted the min delay from 3 to 5 and it solved the issue.
17  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T11 on: January 21, 2022, 09:34:29 am
Guardian charm is going to be a bit of a controversial topic for sure. Its pretty strong but perhaps can be mitigated if it is considered while developing T11. I wont repeat my idea from the other thread completely, but I was thinking that you could give certain mob types an aura. There would be a few different auras that on their own were manageable but if the same aura stacked they could compound or perhaps if two different auras were stacked on a player it would mean certain death. This would slow down the pulling in the zone and keep people from walking into T11 and instant zone pulling with a Guardian Charm. This would be a sure fire way to see all the players re-equip their Ultimate charm since they would be getting very little out of the guardian charm.

I see the issues with having to go back and tune the guardian charm. Far to much time/effort would need to be spent to make sure it was changed effectively when you can simply account for it in future content.

By the way with my Aura idea, if it were to be implemented, I would suggest as one of the final rewards for completing T11, you get an item that would nullify the effects of the auras (if not completely then significantly enough to allow for larger pulls for those who have completely T11 and may be farming essences/extra groups and what not. I dont even think it needs to be an item that is equipped. Instead, perhaps its a clicky with a self buff that would protect you from the auras.
18  General Category / General Discussion / Re: MQ2 macros on: January 21, 2022, 09:24:09 am
Yeah I tried this macro as well. Its having trouble parsing the While statement, so its just doing one turn in of each crystal and then ending. I tried figuring it out but I'm a nooblet in this stuff.
19  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v3.0 on: January 21, 2022, 09:23:03 am
possable that orc size changed back to normal ... suxx alot targeting now the stupid jug's

I just noticed this morning as well. I am not sure if there are other NPC models where the size has changed, but it definitely is weird seeing the Orcs in SR be so small.
20  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Another Combine Heroic Resists macro on: January 20, 2022, 05:53:33 pm
Thanks! It's working.
21  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Another Combine Heroic Resists macro on: January 20, 2022, 04:25:46 pm
I am getting the following error, no augs are being combined so its getting tripped up before it gets going.

I took precautions by emptying my bags of anyhting but resist augs. Slot 10 is an empty Magic Box. I use all magic boxes but went ahead and swapped out all my other magic boxes for normal bags, just in case, but no dice.

Any thoughts?

22  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Another Combine Heroic Resists macro on: January 20, 2022, 12:17:54 pm
I am legit excited to use this macro when I next play. Thanks!
23  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T11 on: January 20, 2022, 12:15:54 pm

yes some may kill out of event time for mask/trg, but can guarantee, most wont
event time comes, and magorian is pera locked out as so many trying to spawn him

call me cynical, but it would happen

Agreed. Anyone who has the pieces they want on their Warrior would likely hold off until event time, I know I would.
24  General Category / Suggestions / Re: A Mineher on: January 18, 2022, 01:36:08 pm
Thought it broke when they became stackable
25  General Category / Suggestions / A Mineher on: January 18, 2022, 08:53:19 am
Time to get woke EZ.

We dont have enough female gnomes in game. Lets create one named A MineHer.

This NPC loves resist augs. Give her a quest, similar to the bulk essence turn-ins but with resist augs. You can bulk turn in X's to get a XV or XX.

Point being nobody likes grinding resist aug combines, and it seems like we have the ability to automate this through an npc turn in, so lets do it...prease
26  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T11 on: January 17, 2022, 05:50:52 pm
"....this will render the Ultimate Armor obsolete."

I would hope that it wouldn't be COMPLETELY useless...I don't care if it ius a few hundred hitpoints m,ore than standard fare T11 armor...I would hope the effort put in top get the UA would at least be paid forward on the next tier....that's just my opinion though.

I think a pretty sweet idea to keep UA from being completely worthless (and perhaps even get new players to farm it, even after T11 is released) is to start including a new augment slot (if its even possible) on the corresponding gear for T11 and onward. This way you can hand in your UA piece and receive an augment that you could slot into the new gear. The augment would include an item effect/stat to increase the power of the T11 (or later) gear. This way players could choose to play without ever farming UA if they wanted but players who have or would end up farming it could do so in order to min/max their gear.

Effects for the new UA augs dont necessarily have to be particularly powerful but something worthwhile. Also, this type of solution can be something where you can deal with it once but the players who put the time in will get that sweet little benefit forever.

I agree with the discussion around having UA to break into T11 is going to be a nice benefit and I understand that armor generally becomes completely worthless with the next tiers gear, but UA was different and shouldn't be treated as typically in tier gear. Personally, I would prefer to forego the benefits of being able to break into T11 with UA gear in favor of getting a permanent boon in the form of these augs. Maybe have T11 boot you out if you equip a UA piece and you can have the UA NPC in T11 ready to accept UA pieces to convert into Augs.

Which leads me to ZPs ... Yes ZPs should not be the standard but I think at a certain point you should always be able to use ZPs to fight and kill more efficiently and therefor farm better and faster. Of course it would need you to equip the best stuff and complete the relevant quests for your char, but once you're done you should really be able to use ZPs (and dont go LD).

Personally I still like T10 the most of all "standard" zones because of ZPs. But to use ZPs I had to farm groups of mobs, farm camps of mobs and get better and better gear first. If there would not be a ZP in T10 (or in HoS) I believe many of us would not play anymore.

As for all the talk around zone pulling, there are a lot of solid points being made. However, we should all remember that most (if not all) zones when rolled out weren't being Zone Pulled. in agreement with Wachna here, I would also point out that Zone pulling is important once you have progressed to a point that it makes sense that you can zone pull. Perhaps most importantly I agree 100% with the fact that without ZP there would be far fewer playing's sticking along as long as we do.

After mastering a zone, you should be able to zone pull it for back farming. This creates a bit of a conundrum in T11 because who knows if/when we will see a T12. Should we be able to Zone Pull T11 once we have completely beaten it? Maybe, maybe not. Should we be able to Zone Pull T11 if another time sink (equivalent to GSS) is introduced? Yes...Yes we Should.
27  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Halloween for Christmas and New Years? on: December 22, 2021, 11:29:37 am
So to loosely insinuate that I do nothing to support the server or the people trying to help the server progress is a bit of an insult.

I was not trying to insinuate that you do nothing to support the server. I was loosely insinuating that pointing out that 10.67 is delayed a month beyond a date that was likely caveated (I'm too lazy to go look at the post) isn't very supportive.
28  General Category / Updates / Re: 10.67, Tier 11 & Other Things.... on: December 22, 2021, 11:22:13 am
I have 18 toons flagged for t10, I have 3 toons in Full UA, I have been in SR for over a year...

I will not zone pull it because I

A) Shouldn't have to(It's a perk not a required mechanic)
B) I and other people tend to go LD and were told it's a problem our end and nothing to do with EZ.

Every time I try to argue the point it just gets shit on..

Are you rotating zones or just waiting for respawn? Even without ZP, seems like your kill rate is low if those numbers you stated were correct. The 3-4 GSS I got while grinding faction, without ZP, I did in 3-4 days of solid playing (6-8 hours a day). All these are rough estimates because I dont typically track these things closely.

I agree that you shouldn't have to ZP...and you dont...but what you do have to do is consider the fact that it exists and everyone else on the server does use it. So the question becomes, should we tune to the drop rate for a couple people or the majority of the server? This is why your argument that gets shit on.

Honest question here. Have you done everything you can to trouble shoot the LD issue or are you not interested because you just don't want to ZP? I recall many years ago when I was zone pulling PoTime (manually running around the entire zone because the ZP item didnt exist at the time) I would go LD half the time. After optimizing my client (i think it was the filters that ultimately fixed it for me) it was resolved.

This is more than a grind for an item, it's an intentional time sink to stop people progressing to the next tier that we don't even have yet..which makes no sense whatsoever,

It is an intentional time sink.....but not to stop people progressing. It was something to progress with in the absence of a T11. Sooo many people have completed T10 then just quit. GSS gave those people the choice to stick around with something to work toward or quit, which they were going to do anyway. It was intentionally made to be a long time sink because it was clear that T11 was a far ways our (and likely even a real possibility that it would never come out).

I understand the introduction of them 5 years ago or whenever it was but the fact that we still don't have new content should change that drop rate so people aren't still trying to get the gss to get to 10.5 five years from now.

I dont follow the logic here. We are pretty much in the same position we were in when GSS were introduced. There still is no T11. Why would it then make sense to speed up an optional grind?  UA was always intended to be optional, so I would assume anything viewed as being main/required content that comes out of 10.5 or 10.67 will be obtainable in T11. I am sure there will be one or two trophies or toys that you can only get from 10.5 and 10.67 but that will be up to each individual player to choose if they want to embark on the GSS journey to get them or not.
29  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Halloween for Christmas and New Years? on: December 22, 2021, 11:00:57 am

A handful of people exploited the shit out of this HW event as well and all that happened was we all got punished for it for 8 months with no events...So nothing has changed there really..

I'd just like to see new content instead of getting a date for release for it and having some hope that it will happen for it to be already over a month late on release, just don't announce a date..


Just try to remember the people who put the work into getting us the new content are doing so voluntarily without compensation (or much of it....I don't really know what they do but if you ask me they should be opening Dono's purely for their time). True that its always better to under promise and over deliver....but generally speaking that shouldn't come into play here.  Anything we put  into the server through donations, we were directly rewarded for it. Any entitlement for donations ends there. We should all do our best to support those who are willing to give their time to this servers development rather than complain because it took longer than expected.  
30  General Category / Updates / Re: 10.67, Tier 11 & Other Things.... on: December 22, 2021, 10:48:10 am
I don't know where you are at in your T10 progression, but it certainly matters. My guess is that you are still early in your T10 progression for you to spend that much time pulling in SR and not getting a single GSS...either that or you are having the worlds worst bad luck run.

GSS were introduced when I was halfway through getting my squad through T10. Even at that stage I was only pulling a camp at a time and wasn't killing super fast. During those days, GSS seemed like an impossible task.

Now that I am through T10, fully geared and can ZP, GSS's really aren't that bad when considering where I was at when I was still progressing in the zone. Take ZPing out of the equation, i had to do 1 and a half factions for toons I was never planning on UA until just recently returning because I figured it was something to do and better than doing nothing (I really really wanted to come back). Just rotating instances to do factions I had 3-4 GSS' drop. I have most of my GSS farm still ahead of me, so I'm certainly not saying this from the perspective of being done...but GSS really aren't that bad of a farm if you consider that they are really intended to be farmed at the end of T10 not while you are progressing through T10. The drop rate shouldn't be changed in T10.

As for the intended drop rate in 10.66666666667, I believe Draca mentioned somewhere that the intent was for it to provide those further advanced players to end up with a surplus of GSS in the hopes that it creates and economy for GSS. The people at the very top who get into 10.667 are going to be close to maxed out on GSS (if they arent already). So it shouldnt take long for GSS to be completely worthless for them (so not really catering to them to heavily). If anything a high drop rate in 10.6666667 is going to benefit lower players as GSS value is going to go down and hopefully you can see some GSS being traded for some EONs which anyone can farm (benefiting the everyone else rather than shitting on them).
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