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31  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A couple questions on Qvic on: August 27, 2012, 05:49:00 pm
Xiggie got it 100% right.  A lot of people will tell you to skip getting your LDoN armor, since it's not that great of an upgrade, and it isn't.  But that little bit will do a lot more than you think if you are having problems.  Raw HP, AC as well as combat deffensive stats all are good things to have, even in small numbers at that point in the game.  It's not just visable gear either, make sure you have all your trinkets ( earrings, rings, belts, necklaces ) as well, since they too have combat/deffense stats in addition to just HP AC. 
I would say FG for your Warrior should be your #1 priority before going back to Qvic,  not only does it give you your 2.5's, but as Xiggie said, it maxes all your skills, even above normal skill levels.  If you are having any aggro issues, being FG flagged means you can pick up level 1 Angry Nerd augs for your warrior, no damage but huge aggro procs.  500 HP food never hurt either.
Qvic will get exponetially easier with each piece of gear you get for your Warrior, and he should be your top priority for gear over your Paladin.  Armor is not class specific, it is type specific, IE: Plate, Chain, Silk, Leather.
Be sure you are offtanking with the Paladin and burning adds along with the Necro, that will greatly reduce the damage your Warrior is taking.  It only takes an extra 1-2 adds on you Warrior in addition to the boss to make things go very bad very fast.
What you are trying to do is very possible, I fought my way all the way to T3 with just a Ranger, Warrior and Paladin.  You have to make sure you have compleatly finished the previous content before you can attempt to move on.  If you try to skip ahead, it will cause a lot of head ache and grief.
If you do all the above and are still having issues, spend some time in LDoN, get your Paladin up to at least Oracle 11 for the extra healing.
32  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Holiday on: July 09, 2012, 05:32:57 pm
I had your guys' smoke all the way over here in Grand Junction for a week or so when it was at it's worst.  It's amazing how quick that shit gets out of hand, and takes forever to get it under controll.  Thankfully they weren't as destructive as originally forcasted.
33  General Category / Server Status / Re: Server Down 4th July on: July 05, 2012, 05:53:50 am
The 4th sucked here in Colorado.  HUGE fire ban going on.  They weren't even selling fireworks, at least on my side of the state, there was not 1 stand to be found.  They are even imposing the same fine if you get caught smoking in public, or using a charcoal grill to BBQ ( propane only or get a fine ).
The fire departmant that usually does a really big event every year didn't even do theirs... such balls.
34  General Category / Updates / Re: Updated - Teleporter Pet on: June 28, 2012, 09:12:35 pm
It's actually "citymist" not "cytymist"
35  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Dead Horse, why the UC needs to be made way easier on: June 12, 2012, 09:35:27 pm
3) Actually it's T5 that seems to be the requirement. However, technically warriors could skim by with a combination of the Shield of the Ages and the 4.0 epic...but warriors are whores, so we won't count them.

5) An UC is not required for T5 if running a whorrior or loladin (maybe). If running a shadow knight or a lower-geared paladin, you will need it. EZ is quick and fun is, but the time investment curve increases in somewhat of a bell curve as you advance in tiers.

Myself and 3 other guys I play with all broke into T5 at around the same time.  All of us were running full T4 4.0 toons.  Each with a Warrior with a lvl 50 Guardian charm, and 2 Paladins with lvl 50 Oracles.  None of us were able to survive with any regularity.  Sure we could down a few mobs here and there, but we got slaughtered.  I added a UC to the War and main Paladin, and now I can survive 90% of my encounters, a much more managable rate of what seems to be intended.  IE: I'd say it's required.

Now if you run a group with 2 Paladins and a Cleric, or even 3 Paladins, then I would say a UC would not be mandatory.
36  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Shadow ettiquette on: June 12, 2012, 07:05:38 pm
The answer to your questions is, there is almost no "ettiquette" here. It only comes down to the rules, and if/when they are actually enforced.

Does he clearly see that you are after the mob? Yes.  Is him running past you with a rogue and ganking the mob when you are 1-2 avatars away a dick move? Absolutly!  Is it aginst the rules? No.

And that is where the problem is.  If it's not aginst the rules, or even if it is a rule violation, but they know it's not heavily enforced, they are gonna dick you 100% of the time.

It's an easy out to get rid of complaints just like this one, to say "make an instance".  You will get no support here if you are having any problems in a public zone, regardless of why you are in public.  Public zones here almost seem to have their own seperate "BM" rule guideline, and every single time you bring it up, you are going to be told to make an instance.

As unfair or stupid as it may seem and as much as you and others may not like it, just make an instance.  It will save you a lot of time and headache from having to deal with a lot of the BS that's gonna come your way if you expect to stay in public zones.
37  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Can I use the EQ Emulator Launcher? on: May 22, 2012, 02:23:01 pm
We don't have to patch anything for EZ server.  When the emulator comes out with new stuff, our GM updates the database directly.  The only thing you need here is our custom zone files, and our custom spell file.
38  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing? on: May 09, 2012, 11:21:52 am
I'm on XP home 32 bit with only 4gb ram and 1gb video memory. Using SoD client with no wineq or anything I am able to load up and play 6 toons. Getting loaded in sucks sometimes, but once they are all in, it goes very smooth. I do have some of the textures an spell particles turned to low but not off. I also play with all Luclin models on. If I turn all particle effects and Luclin models off, I can load 18 at a time, still without wineq.
39  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: May 08, 2012, 06:15:41 pm
40  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: May 03, 2012, 11:47:26 pm
A small word to the wise: The majority of the players on this server are American.  Everyone in the world is welcome here, it just happens to be that America makes up the biggest portion of the community.

That being said, if you know the majority is American, perhaps you should take into consideration how they might interpret a particular saying or phrase.

I'm not saying you must bow down, but be smart and put a little thought into what you are naming yourself.  So what if some guys who are named Richard go by the name Dick, name your toon anything with "Dick" in it, and it's gonna get reported.  It's not a hard equasion to figure out.
41  General Category / Suggestions / Re: New Spells List Suggestions (W.I.P) on: March 14, 2012, 06:24:36 am
Hate, you need to take a closer look at names before you try to belittle people...

Duladian and Dethundrel are quite a bit different.
42  General Category / Suggestions / Re: New Spells List Suggestions (W.I.P) on: March 13, 2012, 10:50:26 pm
Even though you are not that deep into the EZ Server yet, your opinion is still valid since you are a player here too.  :-D
EDIT: Good catch, it does NOT affect augs' damage.

Again that's why I didn't notice it was due to no aug proc modifer.

And what says I'm not that deep into EZ server? I've been here well over a year...
43  General Category / Suggestions / Re: New Spells List Suggestions (W.I.P) on: March 13, 2012, 09:50:52 pm
I see now why I wasn't noticing any damage increase from bard song, it's casted spells only.  Procs / Epic Click damage does not count.
44  General Category / General Discussion / What parse program do you use? on: March 13, 2012, 09:08:44 pm
I have Gamparse Version 1.0.3 and

1.0.3 doesn't pick up any procs or casted spell damage for any player except the one who's log I'm monitoring. isn't showing me any casted spell damage, but does show proc damage from augs, but not from bard song.  It also does not properly display healing information.

Anyone got a parser that will show everything?

Yes I'm 100% sure all my filters are turned on properly, and I can see the damage from spells / procs in my combat window in game and in the raw .txt file, but the parser is not including them.
45  General Category / Suggestions / Re: New Spells List Suggestions (W.I.P) on: March 13, 2012, 07:47:14 pm

The Ancient: Call of Power is approx. +35% spell damage. That is already pretty substantial.

To prevent overpowering and to make it more "ranger" like, it may not be a bad idea to make that Hail of Arrows into an instant cast spell with a short cooldown (AoE rain effect, 1 wave [4 targets], 6-8 sec CD?).

Ancient: Call of Power spell description says 30%, yet I have never had it boost any spell damage at all, casted or proc, let alone 30%, that's a big number that I've just never seen.

As for Hail of Arrows, on live the damage actually scaled with what bow you had, and it was not magic damage delt, it was physical.  With it being physical, it was also effected by Trueshot in that it doubled it.  It was supposed to be like shooting an extra 4 arrows all at once.  Originally it was not limited to 4 targets, but was later changed.  It was also directional, as it is here, but the damage here is absolutly pathetic, only hits for around 1500 or so per shot. To have it be accurate, you would have to have 1 spell per tier to match the power of the Epic Bow for that tier.  IE if my 4.0 bow can pop 25k normal hits, this spell would have to be 25k damage x4 targets.  That being said, the 4.0 Epic Bow already has a 30k dmg AOE x4 targets on it with the added snare effect.
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