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31  General Category / Server Status / Re: Server is not down, but... on: January 15, 2014, 07:14:35 pm
Had this issue earlier. I just opened a new client and it seemed to clear it.
32  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Winter on: January 06, 2014, 09:35:16 pm
I'm from the south and basically my winter clothes consist of a fleece jacket, but have a heavier one if it gets down to around 0, normally it doesn't.

That's my strategy. I typically don't do more than a fleece or running gloves unless I'm skiing or tailgating at a football game. 
33  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Winter on: January 06, 2014, 09:09:54 pm
It's 5 degrees here in Buffalo, which isn't that bad to be honest. Apparently we could get up to 3ft by tomorrow night though with lake effect snow.
34  General Category / General Discussion / Re: "Uberitis" on: January 04, 2014, 02:04:13 pm

3) (and this was a biggie!) The fact that I am better geared or farther along than you just means I have more time on my hands![/b] No need to be a douche to someone else just because they are new, or because they progress slower, or because they lack the knowledge you have. We all play for different reasons, or at different paces. One isnt better than another. And to those who would say, "Sounds like an excuse for failure" my old GL would without a doubt say, "Sorry your life is so shallow and empty than you have to turn to a video game to stroke your pathetic excuse for an ego or to find what passes for self worth".

And trust me....he accomplished more in these silly little games than most of us.

Anyway, soap box off.

Great post and seriously agree with this last point.
35  General Category / Updates / Re: OOC Trolls on: January 03, 2014, 12:48:06 am
Giving people the right to vote silence people I can see being a good idea on paper but in practice it would lead to people exploiting it. X guild leader gets in a pissing match with y person and does a /vote stfu. He then asks everyone else in his guild to do the same thing. Then he sends a message to his buddy who leads another guild to do the same thing. It would be especially hard on new people an would give another way for end game people or long term people to troll newbs. Those who are established, whether they be right or wrong would have rights over those who are not established.

I am not going to be coy, I think I would be a good candidate for a guide. I know I have been pretty sharp on the forums in the past but I think I am far removed enough from the drama to not be drawn into it to take sides. Dispelling a dramatic situation does not involve resolving drama. It just means taking the fire out of it. Banning or even suspending would not even be needed. Equip with the power to silence if needed would be the most I think a guide would need. I'd like to reiterate I am not asking to be able to resolve peoples drama or to take anyone's side. Just to help out with dispelling that drama and using silence if needed. I would keep a log of everything to show what happened and why silenced was used or even any interaction I would have with anyone in tells or ooc. There would be no banter from me or even opinions thrown out for that matter. As a guide it wouldn't be my job to have an opinion, it would be my job to dispel loud opinions. And if I abuse it, fire me. Simple as that.

As for being able to stealth, fraps what I might see, report it to Hunter and he takes the action. I don't need to.

No offense if you don't take my offer up, I know this is something you have always resisted but Hunter, the offer is there and I extend it with as much dignity and honor as I can possibly give. I am not looking to impose my will, I am looking to help. This is something I can give back to a server that has given so much to me since 07 or 08.

Veto. I cannot veto harder than I am vetoing right now.
36  General Category / Updates / Re: Stats Update on: December 29, 2013, 03:44:21 am
So I was looking at the pet stats (T6) and they have 500kish on avg HP's. The stone monster has 5 million and goblin has 10 million HP's... Soooooooooo Anyway we could like throw some more HP's on those pets or what?

While I do agree pet classes are kind of bunk T5+ and are in need of some sort of fix, Halloween pets are hardly the justification. Honestly, the Halloween pets are really only good for novelty/eating DTs. If anything, they are a liability at best and can royally screw up a pull if you're the tank.
37  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 12-20-13 on: December 21, 2013, 05:19:06 am
Yeah, I never even got a chance to respond that Hate's last post towards me made a lot of sense, and that while it was a noble ambition, it was a seemingly difficult task. To me, it seems like there should be a survival weapon, a dps weapon, and a caster weapon. Balancing those so that they would be situational to the point where people would use them/change between them would be tough, but as I moved up in tier, I could totally see myself utilizing those options.

I definitely agree that the old weapon was way OP, but as someone who's not exactly at the end of the game with all my characters, I would certainly just choose DPS for now. As I moved up and I would need  HP/resists, and my other chars DPS started to scale upwards, I could see switching out to a defensive weapon.
38  General Category / General Discussion / Re: pay to win server? on: November 02, 2013, 01:19:38 pm
I think between my chars I have every credit-bought item (last I looked); my group is not even near end game. They're toys. Completely not necessary, but helpful. On top of that, there are in game ways of acquiring those items without spending a dime.

The mere fact that people are willing to trade credits and CAN trade credits indicates that it's not pay to win. You could legitimately farm items in game and sell/trade them for credits to others who have bought/acquired credits. I think the use of credits in regular transactions speaks more to inflation issues on the server, but that's besides the point.

39  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Halloween 2013 on: October 24, 2013, 11:10:08 pm
Awesome, can't wait!
40  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 09-22-13 on: September 24, 2013, 08:24:27 pm
If there is one thing I have learned about Hunter is when to shut the hell up. You people keep complaining and you are going to find out really quickly on your own when you bitch too much about a change Hunter has made he is going to knee jerk and make it even worse. If shit keeps going in ooc and on the forums your going log in one day and find that Hunter has disabled the quest all together. People just need to learn how to shut the hell up. Read over the forums and you will find plenty of examples.

And in today's news, hell froze over and I agreed with Xiggie.
41  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 11, 2013, 04:19:33 pm
My favorite way of making things "rarer" is just to cut the drop rate, but put it in an accessible area and make the combines no-drop.

Farming charms in LDoN "sucked" and made UC's pretty damn hard to come by not because of the difficulty of the mobs, but because of the rarity of the drop. On the upswing though, when you finally got one after two hours of a bad streak, it was like hitting the freaking lottery; I still get a tinge of excitement when I see the sorc charm icon.

UWs probably fired off the way they did because they were very progression based and made from droppable components. Couple that with how easy plat is to come by these days and UWs are extremely feasible if you can find people willing to sell the components. UCs used to be rare because they were optional and farming them did not contribute at all to your progression (unless you're working on your 2.0). Furthermore, components were all no-drop. You really had to go back and just grind it out if you wanted it, hoping it would make it easier to break new content.

42  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 06-25-13 on: June 25, 2013, 10:35:12 am
Abyss is going to really really suck. Maybe just make Raid's deletable and not guild/solo? That way people can do the other ones if they want to hang out, but then they can't spam them as soon as they pop to make a new one but Raid people can actually progress. At the very least it would cut the problem of what was before by 1/3rd.
43  General Category / General Discussion / Re: HoH Plat Reduction on: May 12, 2013, 07:46:21 pm
I got about 150k-160k in a clear; no plat bags. I also never got 1-1.2 million per 3 clears either. If I was doing 3 clears I MIGHT get one clear that was about 250-300k, but that's it. I usually averaged 100-120k.

EDIT: To toss in my two cents, I prefer the new way. Then again, I have horrid luck and hate looting gems. I think it should be either or though, not both.
44  General Category / Updates / Re: Update RoA 1000 on: May 08, 2013, 09:30:00 am
I feel like Hunter is trolling Fugi into never having a life here.
45  General Category / Suggestions / Re: ToFS Suggestions on: April 29, 2013, 11:29:49 am
Haha, I completely agree that there is a competing interest in having stuff drop for a UC off of mobs which are scaled to pretty much need a UC to survive, but that's kind of inherent to the whole thing. Level 4 is especially tedious finding where your gimp last died and then getting him to the loot, but I'm not sure it's meant to be "easy". Right now the other option is clearing HoH and getting about 2-5 per clear.

A long time ago, I remember TOFS being planned as a zone for higher-end characters/groups to get a change of scenery farming their 6th+ UC, but that narrative was swapped out for one in which it would be for everyone, with each floor corresponding to a tier. I don't think I could give an accurate assessment of where either of those interests are at the moment, but from what I've seen it's probably more of the former and less of the latter.

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