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31  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 24, 2010, 08:07:45 pm
Like i said do not take my word for it create a new character and with no help from your guildies/friends just see how far you can go without asking for help Smiley
32  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 24, 2010, 07:21:55 pm
i have personally never ninjalooted a corpse (i always ask first) i think many forget what its like to be new. many of those ninja looting i have noticed mainly do it in qvic. do you know why? A new player with 2.5 can not kill in the zone. and those who can kill in the zone never allow these new players to group with them in the zone to get tokens/gear. so how are they to get the tokens they need for their 3.0 epics?

I understand the frustration of players camping these bosses for their alts/guildies. But few consider the new player who has 2 choices to get their 3.0 epics/gear either ninjaloot or quit. If every new player would quit the server would become quite stale. if all progression is going to be stopped for the new players then i would suggest locking the server as a private server altogether to save new players the trouble of getting started only to be stuck and so players would not need to worry about ninjalooters.

Try this, create a new character and do not box and do not let friends know who you are. Just act as if you are a new player. Get to level 70 then try doing your 1.5 with out asking for help. same with quill/terror. Then try to do ldon to get your 2.0 pages without help. Then try to camp your fg/cg items then try to do qvic. 1.5-2.5 you could probably get help with i have myself helped a few players in potime and ldon for pages. So getting the 2.0 epic while hard it is doable.

But i wish you the best of luck with 3.0. Most say "make friends" or "join a guild" 2 problems with that the first being that friends you make are not powerfull enough to help you in qvic most of the time. The second being that not all guilds do qvic and those that do it alot have high criteria for those who join that new players generally do not stack up to and can not without help.

There is a huge jump in dificulty from bot to time. Then another huge dificulty jump from time to ldon (many do camp bosses in ldon for points so leave pages which can help new players if they follow those groups in) And an insane jump from ldon to qvic. Most that have been here a while do not notice these jumps as they either walk alts through it or have friends do it.

Yes ninjalooting is becoming a problem but that is generally because it is a new player that does not know better and never had any one tell/show them that what they are doing. Many log onto the server from the login and do not know these forums are here. This is evident by some of the questions asked in /ooc.
33  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Over camping? on: May 18, 2010, 03:49:35 pm
You have reported people for rules violation on the forums. For what other purpose would there be than to get them into trouble. There is definitely a lot of negativity in a lot of your encounters, but the constant in those encounters is you. That in itself says a lot about where that negativity is coming from.

i think you should check my posts........go ahead we will wait.........Ok done? alright now outside of this one player i took a screen shot of (which some one told me to post) please show me where i have named another player directly?
34  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 03:46:12 pm
Zolton, you have done nothing but complain since you got to these boards. I dare you to come up with a post that isn't some how part of a complaint so I can counter dozens of other complaints. I have seen people banned for being a complaining ass. Hunter has said in the past he does not like drama, and Z, drama is not following, you are starting drama. At this point, anyone who reads the message boards is not going to want anything to do with you.


So asking for clarification of the rules in this topic is starting drama? 0_o If you are unsure about a rule are you not suposed to ask questions to get clarification of a rule especially in a grey area such as respawn waiting which is not really covered in the rules?
35  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Over camping? on: May 18, 2010, 03:34:23 pm
With your other posts taken into context Z it is no wonder your having problems. You have all these negative encounters with people, how many now have you tried to report for rules violation? How many have you tried to get banned? You try to defame anyone who gets in your way, but Z, it is your reputation you are trashing.

No i seem to be running into some really strange people. How many have i reported for a ban? So far to date? 0 If you were to meet me in game you would know i'm generally quiet helpful and courteous. I have ran into quite a few negative people i'm not sure why. But i have noticed that the negative ones are generally few and far between.
36  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Over camping? on: May 18, 2010, 02:57:06 pm
Wow so in your mind any complaint coming from some one other then you and your friends and the point in the game you guys are at is minor bs? You do realise that cursing does not help you in expressing yourself and does not make you look cool right?
37  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Over camping? on: May 18, 2010, 02:50:36 pm
just because i only one line quoted your post doesn't mean you had to repost your idiocy.

You are being a fucking crybaby.  Don't try to rationalize it.  Stop trying to post how in the right you are.  When you come here and make your posts about how you were wronged - you always wind up looking like an idiot.

just knock it off while you still can.

I'd much rather read 1000 posts about how people are wronged then 1 post bashing some one. You do the math.
38  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Over camping? on: May 18, 2010, 02:44:06 pm
If you got your fg item drop you really should move on. if you need 2 then finish 1 then come back for a second as to not bottle kneck every one else needing the drop.

you do realize this is all your post is coming across as?

Wow that was an original post about 5-6 years ago kinda old now. They said they neded 1 item when asked how many they needed. if they said they needed 6 items i'd been fine with that. I'd camped my guy there and went and did the drop later. my problem with this guy is that he claimed to need 1 item only so i hang out there for 2 and a half hours waiting for him to be done then he decides he is gonna camp another one. So about 5 hours later i was able to finally get a chance for the drop. Did i hang out there? No i got it told in /ooc that it was open (zone was empty) and left.
39  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Over camping? on: May 18, 2010, 02:28:23 pm
I try to be helpfull i helped 1 player get the 3 pages he was missing in time then went to help another. they decided they wanted to bring their alt to get 2 pages from each mob. so i did it any way got them 2 of each page for every boss except pages 4 and 5 and only 1 page 10. Only reason i did not further help them is that they went afk while i was helping them on the second ds kill and i sat there for almost 10 minutes trying to get a response. So i logged ate dinner then played an alt to get them further along. i do try to help when i see them need it and show respect to other players.
40  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 02:22:09 pm
This is why i was asking as in the rules it does not specify what the rules are on camps between respawns or waiting on respawns and thought it best to ask. i let them go ahead of me and kill the mob any way but wanted to know the rules on it in case it happened again.
41  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Over camping? on: May 18, 2010, 02:13:25 pm
Thats my point this player said they needed 1 then changed it to 2 to grief that is my problem with him.
42  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 02:11:21 pm
So i could have 5 toons 1 at each of the bosses in time to hold my place then use my main running to each killing them when they spawn as i get my main there a minute or so before they respawn? Thats how it sounds to me.
43  General Category / Rants and Flames / Over camping? on: May 18, 2010, 12:33:20 pm
Ok so i go to get the knuckle duster drop i make it there and there is another player there. So i ask them how many do they need so i know how long i will need to wait. They say 1 so i sit down by the door and check out the forums when i hear i'm being hit. I check and a ph had spawned and agroed at me so i spam pet back but it dies. i apologise and tell them how my pet killed it. About 5 minutes later i get a response that tells me i should leave the room then.

I tell them i'm not there to ks them and if it had dropped it was theirs as i was not going to ks them. They said well many have said that before yet did it. i told them i am not like that and ksing was bannable and not something i'm gonna do. So they then spout a bunch of nonsense then said they were gonna put me on ignore and start frapsing. That was fine with me the conversation with this guy was less then desireable any way.

Well 4 respawns later the knuckle dusters show up. I think ok cool my turn to get this done. He kills it loots it then sits back down. (i have been there for over 2 hours now waiting) So i say i thought you only needed 1? well no answer. Guess he did put me on ignore i'm unsure either way. Then another player shows up asking him why he doesn't give some one else a chance to get the knuckle dusters?

So obviously he was there long before i showed up farming the mob. Since he had me on ignore i sent a tell to the player there and we started chatting. he asked for a gm in /ooc but to no avail. Then we described in /ooc what was going on. I get on my second account and send him a tell here is a ss of it:

A direct link http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff111/shieldbreaker26/EQ000000.jpg

To me he seemed to just be griefing me as he changed his mind about wanting more then 1 only after our conversation. How is some one to finish their fg quest if people like him bottle kneck it? If he had said he needed 2 at the start it been no problem. But he clearly changed his mind to try and get back at me and in that sense have people waiting untill he is done. If you got your fg item drop you really should move on. if you need 2 then finish 1 then come back for a second as to not bottle kneck every one else needing the drop.
44  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 11:21:37 am
Also what do you do when a person is afk farming the knuckle dusters gets the drop and continues to farm it so no one else can get them?
45  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 10:32:52 am
So if the mob pops at the next turn you can fraps them as ksing if they attack the mob? I could see several people getting upset about this. What if you get there and you talk/send a tell and get no response for 5 minutes and the mob has not popped? What then? They were cleearly afk for 5 minutes of the camp were they not? These things are making my head hurt to figure out lol
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