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301  General Category / General Discussion / List of Pet Commands on: February 15, 2017, 07:00:48 am
Just in case anyone needs to have this list I stole it off a mage website:

Pet Commands
There are a number of commands you can use to control your pet, especially useful for macros. Some of them require you to learn specific alternate abilities in order to use them. Most of these commands are now available as buttons on the pet window (you can set buttons to any of the commands available to you, although it doesn't support the [on|off] options this way).

/pet attack - tells your pet to attack your current target (if it is attackable).

/pet gattack - tells your pet what target to attack next. If it is currently fighting something it will wait until that enemy is dead before attacking the new target.

/pet regroup - reorders your pet's hate (attack) list. [Needs clarification.]

/pet back (or back off) - tells your pet to stop attacking, but if it is attacked again it will resume attacking unless it is on "hold" (see /pet hold).

/pet stop - tells your pet to stop attacking, but it will resume attacking unless it is on "hold" (see /pet hold). [Need to clarify the difference between this and /pet back]

/pet hold [on|off] - switches your pet between attacking and not attacking new enemies. If a pet is on hold it won't attack even to defend itself or you. When you tell a held pet to attack it will attack until its target and anything else that attacks at the same time is dead. [Requires Pet Discipline]

/pet ghold [on|off] - similar to /pet hold, but when on this will cause pet ONLY to attack what you tell it to and nothing else. [Requires Pet Discipline]

/pet spellhold - tells your pet not to cast any spells. [Requires Advanced Pet Discipline 2]

/pet follow - tells your pet to follow you.

/pet guard - tells your pet to stay where it currently is. An ecample of where you might use this is to have pet at a spot to where someone in group is pulling foes, so you can sit back out of the way and not have your pet take the time to travel to that spot, thus allowing it to engage a little sooner. Don't forget to tell your pet to follow if you move to a new spot.

/pet taunt [on|off] - switchs your pet between taunting and not taunting it's target. You might want to turn off taunting when you have someone that is tanking and doesn't want your pet to taunt the target off them.

/pet notaunt - tells your pet to not taunt. The same as '/pet taunt off.'

/pet focus [on|off] - switchs your pet between focusing on a single enemy or sharing its attacks among the enemies in range. Most of the time you will probably want your pet to focus on killing one enemy at a time, but there are times you might want them to keep multiple enemies engaged so they don't attack someone else. [Requires Advanced Pet Discipline 1]

/pet leave - causes your current pet leave you. This can be used to dismiss a familiar as well (leaving any buff from the familiar atill active). This was a useful command when "chaining" pets, i.e. summoning a new pet to replace one that is dying. To do this, start summoning a new pet, and just before the summon completes do "/pet leave."

/pet target - sets your target to your pet's current target. This is useful when your pet is fighting multiple enemies and you want to be sure to target the same one. Best used when the pet is focused because an unfocused pet might switch between multiple enemies.

/pet sit - causes your pet to "sit" to regenerate hit points and mana faster. Since pets seem to regenerate quickly anyway, this command is probably not all that useful any more. A sitting pet won't attack or do anything else, so make sure you make it stand when you need it.

/pet stand - makes pet stand up after you have had it 'sitting'

/pet health - tells your pet to list their percentage of hit points left and any spell effects on them (probably not that useful any more).

/pet leader - makes your pet say who their leader (not a very useful command).
302  General Category / Updates / Re: EZ Update 2/12/2017 on: February 15, 2017, 04:29:28 am
Akka have plat bag/chest bulk sales been fixed or is that still bugged?

Bugged for now

I didn't know you could answer like that! I was looking at my post and thinking, "I don't remember typing that." hehehe  Huh
303  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 15, 2017, 04:27:25 am
Things actually seem a lot better now, than they used to. Instances. Resists. People MGB'in all over the place, the EZ-Wiki (I had to bother Chunka every other minute back in the day), extensive guides etc. for the most part, people even seem friendly in OOC.

Lots of the crap that has been listed in this thread are 1st world problems. And I honestly don't think, that this server caters to absolute EverQuest virgins, unless they have some sort of masochistic need for timesinks and RNG frustration.

But hey I could be wrong, haven't played T1-4 in 5+ years - but back then, it really sucked too. Thankfully, there were a lot of peers in the same pool of piss as you, that you could team up with and uberleets, who'd show up to give a small leg up here and there. That may not be the case anymore.

But I kinda thought that was the point of it all. If it's not, then I have a ton of recommendations for T9 changes =D

304  General Category / Updates / Re: EZ Update 2/12/2017 on: February 14, 2017, 06:46:29 pm
Akka have plat bag/chest bulk sales been fixed or is that still bugged?

Bugged for now
305  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 14, 2017, 06:38:56 pm
UC2's give a HUGE boost to spell/proc damage and healing...UC3 even more. Also with mana necks I take it you are heavy caster classes.  That's a plus! Hate designed T10 for casters since they were classes rarely used and he looked to build content to make them more useful. You do need to finish UC2's at bare minimum.....I would work on doing anything and everything I could to boost dps.  The faster you can kill something the less it will beat on your tank and kill them....kinda like the best defense is a good offense theory.
306  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 14, 2017, 03:48:05 pm
Gell, I hate to say this but the reason you are going slowly is because you havent taken the time to gear your toons before moving into T10. I don't have UW on two of my 3 groups.....and I dont have SoA on every toon either.  I have UC3 on healers/tanks primarily (pally,clr,druid,shm,war,war and maybe 3 dps toons monk/zerker/zerker maybe a rogue)....when you are running T10 with toons that only have a UC1 when a UC2 is sooooo easy to get then you kinda lost the argument on nefing T10.....T10 has been nerfed....nothing else needs to be nerfed there.

I like your idea of taking ToFS esse's out of the UW recipe though.  They weren't there to start with.

As for too much grind to get the 100 esse's, no....can't agree with that....is it a pita...boring....YES! I don't want it to be an item that you don't have to grind for.

Now I did propose an idea to Akka about making T10 epics have UW aug slots....no clue if that is going to stick or not. I would like to be able to spend berries on toons that dont have an UW for augs that aren't game breaking (because if they were they wouldnt be in-game) and the epic 10 is a grind all too itself. As I have said I am on last faction and have several sun shards (just waiting on faction at this point) and I will have UA and everything for UW BEFORE I get the t10 epic! With that kind of grind I would expect a better than normal epic weapon for each toon......all this is of course my opinion...so you can take it or leave it.  Cool
307  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Newbie, first week. Getting buffed??? on: February 13, 2017, 04:58:59 pm
I found it funny when I told everyone I was MGB in nexus (it was an open instance) but I didnt advertise that...then I said INCOMING! and by the time I zoned over to my tiered instance I got a crap ton of tells about not getting it. I said, "Well I cast them all." but was laughing my butt off because folks thought it was gonna be public nexus.....but I am a butthole like that and get my jollies hearing people whine  Grin
308  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 12, 2017, 06:39:23 am
Pot meet kettle..... Grin
309  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 11, 2017, 02:35:26 pm
I do agree though that CT sucks....a change that would be very cool....and still keep with Hunter's original concept.....move that tier back to oh crap the name of the zone from Qvic.....I am forgetting...the way it was originally....wow I am brain dead this morning.


Gonna be the first time I have ever said this.

Thanks, Maslow. Shocked

That's just silly man.   

I know, but it wouldn't be me if I didn't continue the feud....you know Hatfield and McCoy kinda thing. Grin
310  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 11, 2017, 01:22:05 pm
I do agree though that CT sucks....a change that would be very cool....and still keep with Hunter's original concept.....move that tier back to oh crap the name of the zone from Qvic.....I am forgetting...the way it was originally....wow I am brain dead this morning.


Gonna be the first time I have ever said this.

Thanks, Maslow. Shocked
311  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 11, 2017, 06:27:30 am
I do agree though that CT sucks....a change that would be very cool....and still keep with Hunter's original concept.....move that tier back to oh crap the name of the zone from Qvic.....I am forgetting...the way it was originally....wow I am brain dead this morning.
312  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 10, 2017, 03:54:43 am
I say make it so you can't use heroic resists until t7 and level limit buffs for lower classes (as this seems a constant complaint) so that content remains challenging.
313  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Suggested Changes (mostly lower tier content) on: February 09, 2017, 04:54:11 pm
I don't like the idea of changing anything that Hunter established....I think it discredits the work he did. If he were still with us and agreed to changes that would be another matter all together.
314  General Category / Suggestions / Re: State of EZ and T10 on: February 08, 2017, 10:25:36 am
Last night I finished sarnaks faction/tokens on all 18 of my toons. Previously completed orcs before revamp of zone. I am down to Gnolls faction/tokens to begin Ultimate  Armor quest line. Sitting at 507 PB kills atm. If current  trend holds true I will have Ultimate Armor (at least a few pieces) complete before I finish the epic...../boggle
315  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Client login question on: February 04, 2017, 06:58:15 pm

[Account Username]
Server=Server Name
Character= Name of toon

[Account Username]
Server=Server Name
Character= Name of toon

This is kinda what I was thinking...just the ability to have the username and password for each client...I dont mind clicking the buttons...just getting tired of entering passowrds for each toon...and seems that with having to enter server id's would be about the same...entering new stuff in each day.....
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