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316  General Category / General Discussion / Re: CT essences on: November 21, 2013, 06:59:31 pm
If you know the boss locations, you can probably farm them quicker, esp if multiboxing.
317  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 21, 2013, 06:58:29 pm
More and more neighbors showing up to recharge their cell phones.

My house is starting to look like a mobile phone store.
318  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 21, 2013, 06:41:38 pm
Not sure if it will run on alcohol, probably will but I don't want to break it.

We're using unleaded now, per instruction manual. Also says we can use regular if octane is at least 85.

We've had no power for 1 day, and is expected to last for at least 1 week of no power.

Generator been running about 90 minutes now and we're already charging 6 cell phones for family and neighbors. The first few were free of charge, family only, but now everyone showing up at our door cause they can hear our generator.

The generator is not hooked up to our utility lines. We ran in a separate new power line from the generator to our air conditioner, and from there I have extension cords and multi outlets to charge the phones, and run laptop.

Because many people are starting to show up to recharge their phones, we're going to have to start charging pesos for the recharge of phone. We're running out of outlets for the phones here lol. Right now we're charging very low and don't even come close to breaking even on cost of gas. If I wanted to be a dick, I could charge what they do in the city to recharge mobile phones and then I'd break even on gas. Anyways, how much power does it take to recharge a mobile phone anyways, 5-10 watt? Just a guess, haven't checked yet.

319  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 21, 2013, 02:13:37 am
Some good tips Hateborne. I'd like to try the Xbox One but without any camera. Not sure how to disable it and still able to play games. Don't you have to use it just to turn it on and get started? I'd have to do some more research on it.

Anyways, power here is out again right now. I'm using my generator for the first time, will see how long it last so I can calculate the cost per hour to run it. So right now I only have air conditioner and computer running. Hope regular power comes on soon, generator going to get expensive.
320  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 20, 2013, 05:36:17 am
Power has been on now for maybe 4-5 days strait.

I think its because we're between a water plant and a hospital where are getting priority on the power rationing.

So I guess we're lucky on location.

I have a new generator now that I haven't had to use yet, which is good cause it could cost average $2/hour to run.

Some have asked about WU and yes it works here, when they have power. Most of the city is getting priority power now and/or have generators, so its not so much an issue, can still pick up.

Now that the power is back, the family here is getting back to gaming, and are having a great time. Thank you to those that send consoles/games. Anything from old and used to new and current gen, all appreciated.

I probably won't get new PS4 or Xbox One for the first year, will read reviews, let prices drop, etc. If the stores about Xbox One are true, that you have to run the Kinect, then I probably won't get one, not even if its free. A required camera in my living room is sort of a deal breaker on gaming.

Saw in the news about tornadoes going on in US Midwest. Weather just crazy everywhere.

321  General Category / General Discussion / Re: VodkaVideo (Russian Accidents) on: November 17, 2013, 03:17:23 am
Winter is coming and for the northern states this means snow.

322  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Loads of lag on: November 16, 2013, 03:36:15 am
I just logged in and seems to be running fine. Maybe a certain zone about to crash? Reboot in 1 1/2 hrs from now anyways.
323  General Category / General Discussion / VodkaVideo (Russian Accidents) on: November 16, 2013, 02:24:42 am
Some good entertainment of Russian Dash Cams capturing accidents on video, but makes me not excited to start work again as a driver:

324  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 14, 2013, 09:13:37 pm
Power just came back again, after being out for 26 hours.

Thanks for all the tips. Not much room to hide supplies here, and huge family that visits, there are no secrets around here.

I like the idea of making as much drinking water you need on demand rather than having to store it.

Ordered a 400 gallon water container that will be put up high so we can have water for shower, toilet, dishes, and laundry even when the power is out, by using gravity, sorta like a water tower.

Generator going to be expensive, probably eating 1-2 gallons per hour depending how much load is used, and its about $4/gallon over here. Probably just use it mid day for air con.
325  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 13, 2013, 07:13:30 pm
The hard part about prepping in a poor area, is that nobody else is prepping. So when things get bad and there is for example no water, all the neighbors will visit to get water from you, and in the end you have no water for yourself. If you say no to the neighbors that have no water, then you become the bad guy. And in extreme cases, you get looted.

Many rich foreigners here have a big house surrounded by a big concrete wall with broken glass sticking out the top of the wall and barbed wire above that, and several dogs to patrol the property.

Unfortunately I'm not that lucky to have that kind of setup. So far my home defense items are a Bolo, Baseball Bat, and about 25 family members that live in our neighborhood.
326  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 13, 2013, 06:38:59 pm
WU works when the power is on.

Power has been on now for about 12 hours. Going to see if I can find out why, if its fixed in our area or what.

Thanks for list of advice. Looks like I got some shopping to do for next disaster.

327  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 13, 2013, 09:25:39 am
NYC not the place to be when SHTF
328  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 13, 2013, 09:18:13 am
Total cost is 32k but 25 would get reimbursed.

Almost sounds reasonable.

Yeah, new roof first sounds like good idea.

What area are you in? Sunny? For example, I'm near the equator, and we get 12 hours daylight year round.

Will have to check out that doomsday prepper show too.
329  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 13, 2013, 08:48:55 am
After researching Solar Power and Solar Generators, I realize how much I underestimated that its over priced and gives back very little power.

A $2,100 solar generator might say 1000 watt and use a battery that recharges, but the panel might be only 90 watt, and if peek sunlight is 5 hours a day, thats only 450 watt hours per day? If that gets stored to the battery, and the unit is used 24 hours a day, that would only give average 18 watts every hour of the day? That'd barely be enough to run a fan or light bulb here if that.

Saw a 6000 watt worth of solar panels system that would run just about everything, like air condition, fridge, etc but cost $28,000 which is way too much.

I realize gas generators require maintenance (oil, spark plugs, battery, etc) not to mention they are gas hogs aka cost a lot per hour to run. Would probably get one for emergency such as few hrs a day if power was out more than 1 day.

Anyone here a prepper, listen/read alternative media, and have tips how to survive? I'm guessing majority of people have 3-7 days supply of food, and no plans in case of society collapse, riots, civil war, etc that we see already happening in other countries. Guess the mentality is can't happen here, and government will take care of us. And being addicted to games is like being addicted to alcohol, your trying avoid thinking or worrying about IRL and reality. Not trying to sound like a dooms day prepper conspiracy theorist, after all I wasn't even prepared for this 7.2 earthquake and category 5 Super Typhoon. Got caught with my pants down, with all generators sold out, no water, no power, etc. Probably only enough dry food for 1 week and rice for 1 month here currently. Anyways, any opinions or advise very welcome here thx Smiley

330  General Category / Updates / Re: Super Typhoon on: November 12, 2013, 05:08:43 am
Thanks, was trying to access their website and that was down too, so sorta figured.

Power has been on for almost 5 hours now, hoping that it stays on, but I doubt it will. They are rationing 15 megawatts from diesel power plant to different towns across the island. Seems we're still permanently cut off from main power plant for now.
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