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421  General Category / Updates / Stuff To Do on: September 20, 2013, 07:08:46 am
Tomorrow might lose power for the whole day so I won't be able to log in or read emails for a day.

I've already gotten my Tier 10 Tank in World of Tanks with aprox 2k battles played, which is pretty fast, other WoT players were surprised. Used premium account and then the gold to convert exp between tanks to do it. Time to take a small break form it and get back to EZ updates soon here.

After that I'm planning to start work on a new Tier 9.

A few things first.

Need to finish up T8. Someone requested a Port Ring for ToV so will make one of those.

Will look into Cara (and other npcs) equipping a dagger. Probably default loot table, should be simple edit in the db.

Need to rename the T5 vendor for consistency for all the clone/test npcs in cshome, easier updating, editing, etc.

I have both note book and computer text file with things to-do on EZ which easily is more than 100 things. Just need to prioritize them, so those are some of the top things on the list.

Also need to talk to Hate about installing some ToFS quest for FBv3 pet weapon.

Planning to make for T8 some new ranks for Strike Augs, Shield, Mana Necklace, UW, etc. While making those I'll make additional ranks as well during my copy/paste spree for Tier 9.

T9 will probably be a T5 style boss spawn (hopefully with a bit more complicated hard to figure out triggers /egrin) in some big open zones similar to Loping Plains, maybe oldcommons or oldfieldofbone which if anyone has seen those zones they are really cool. I know some people begging for Kael and other old school zones, but we just did ToV.

Haven't heard ANY feed back on Anguish Mata Muram update, so I'm guessing its working as intended.

Heard Spirit of the Ninja is conflicting with another spell and I have no idea why, hopefully someone can help with that. Someone asked for this item to be on EZ Rewards NPC which I haven't decided yet. It is kind of a special item. Might make a special long quest to obtain it. Its just one rank too, so just 1 long quest would be nice.

I'm possibly considering revamping UW again to make it "possible" for lower tier players to make the final combine without requiring the ToFS essence. Might do either Resist Stone XI - XIX and/or make new ToFS essences per floor, as a RARE drop off bosses only, so rare that might still need to buy off another player. Or just make up whole new super bosses per floor with essence, with special trigger to spawn it, etc.

Not sure if I'll finish Tier 9 before Halloween comes up, but a few days before Halloween will have to put everything on hold to review the code we already have, and add some more stuff to the event for us. I know I troll about nerfs sometimes which phreaks out players. Haven't decided how will drop Sceptres, maybe just a bit more rare, or maybe lower ranks of it, etc. The BU (Black Unicorn) Weapons that dropped last year will have their stats increased by a LOT for the duration of Halloween. These weapons will always have their stats boosted during this event.

I'm just one person creating stuff for this server, but also appreciate the help from players like Hateborne for spells, and a few other players for perl quest codes, etc.

If I'm missing any important bug fixes or updates, then let me know and I'll check my list.

Took some excedrine an hour ago (it has caffine) so its probably the caffine talking in this post, but yeah this is what's on my mind, and about to start work on EZ again. I've got test server updated to the new source code as well so I can work on things locally without having to reboot the EZ Server additional times each day to test new items/spells, etc.

I read all the new emails in my inbox (eventually) but still try to keep feed back and ideas on the forums here instead, unless major exploit that needs asap fix. I read about 98% of the stuff on forums here so if seems like good idea I'll write it down.

Any ideas and feed back welcome. Leaderboards seem to be going nicely. New instance code and repop code seem to be working nicely. I haven't seen any mass zone crashes since I've updated the database to load up more dynamic zones, so hopefully that was the issue. Hardware still healthy, HDDs mirrored, and about 98% life left on SSD. Current version of windows allowing 32 of the 48 GB RAM to be used, and so far no reason to upgrade the license to use all 48.

Guess the post is getting long, huh? Ok, will check in again towards end of weekend and start work on stuff.

422  General Category / Updates / EZ Store T5 Task Steps on: September 19, 2013, 12:39:59 am
Fixed a minor bug when getting a T5 Task Step completed from the EZ Rewards NPC. Had to do with the names of them in the database had underscores, already fixed now and replaced with spaces.
423  General Category / Updates / Mini Map Update 09-18-13 on: September 18, 2013, 02:32:36 am
Updated the Custom MiniMap link on left side of forums page.

Had several versions sent to me, and this is the one I'm using right now.

The map is small enough to act as a radar, and the buttons are small too, with description if you hover the mouse over the button.

Has Atlas, and can change background to light or dark. I like to set my dark at 50% transparency.

424  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 16, 2013, 02:25:49 am
Updated Shield of Ages recipe.

The Essence of Norrath only required every 5 ranks (1, 6, 11, 16, ... etc)

Haven't updated the recipe book yet though.
425  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 14, 2013, 08:20:54 pm
I might edit the SoA to require the Essence of Norrath every 5 levels (1, 6, 11, 16, etc). Will update recipe book when I do.
426  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 12, 2013, 10:05:35 pm
Yup, thats the stuff I read, but still scratched my head. Maybe was too tired. I know the #,1 is default
427  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 12, 2013, 09:21:58 pm
I can manually add them back in to specific bosses as needed.

I briefly looked at the changelog notes about those changes and got confused. Will probably figure it out later and redo a few bosses, like Epic bosses, etc, to have Rampage, which were all still very doable before UW came along.
428  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 12, 2013, 08:50:50 pm
I don't see anyone upset over the removal of rampage or aoe rampage.

And all the custom tiers was doable without UW, as Fugitive and others proved and did. How much more doable is custom tiers now without the rampage? Lets wait and see how much the majority of custom content is actually easier now that rampage is removed. I think removing rampage came at a good time, almost a trade off for the UW changes.

The UW is not required for surviving the custom tiers as already proven. I forgot when I made the UW, maybe after T7 was already done? The UW quest is something to be super rare for the super hardcore players and give end game players something to do after they already have max gear from final zone and are bored. Was not intended for T1-T4 players really to have and trivialize content blowing their way to end game within weeks, when the old timers spent years to get where they are today.
429  General Category / General Discussion / Re: uni teleporter clicky on: September 12, 2013, 08:57:00 am
Hopefully that mirror will fading memory you, will have to double check.
430  General Category / General Discussion / Re: uni teleporter clicky on: September 12, 2013, 07:49:56 am
I have no intention of people aggro'ing top floor bosses then teleporting down to the entrance.
431  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 09-10-11 on: September 11, 2013, 09:59:43 pm
Gave out 100 free credits to each person that helped / submitted mini map to me yesterday.

Give out random credits sometimes other places too, like TwitchTV, ooc chat, etc.

Such things are rare, just gotta keep eye out for the opportunities.

Giving out credits for serious bugs/exploits too all the time.
432  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 11, 2013, 07:53:37 pm
I did all of UW1-UW5 in a single double loot weekend and farmed the other 4 ranks within almost a month and a half.

Yeah, that is way too fast and definitely not intended to be that fast.

The UW's was intended for players with 150-300 days played which most players on the leader boards has.

rampage was removed poop butt


Maybe Hunter wants us to band together to kill the ToFS boss rather than do everything solo. Almost every MMO has a weapon that requires a bunch of people to work together to gear one player. Like the original epics in EQ or the legendary weapons in WoW.

Highly doubt this, Hunter has seen what happens when you get everyone from the server, or large amounts from the server over to one zone to kill one boss. It is a huge lag fest. The point is just to make it rare.

I know we can't get 50+ players from what I saw during Halloween, or maybe we can since I reduced combat speed. Anyways, try something more than 6 characters, plus no more rampage so win.

Personally, I've been on my way on a break for a while now. Got a bit obsessed with the RoA - but you can only clear T6 so many times. And with the neatness of T6 exp out of the question (thanks Dimu), that just cements it Smiley

You can't put blame on 1 person for that one. This has been brought to my attention over a period of time by several people, and I finally figured a simple way to fix it, without allowing people to bypass the other bosses.

A better solution might be, instead of Essence of Frozen Shadow, if it truly only drops off that incredibly hard mob, would be to possibly put in a task or combine that would allow you to make the essence. Maybe 10 rank 4 or 5 stones in magic box( that would be either 80 resist stones or 160 resist stones to farm per level) .


Put in 9 mobs that drop a no drop item that are all tuned to 6 or 12 man group of appropriate gear/charm/aug for that tier and can account for UW from previous tier as well.   Thinking like old war outside Thurg for 10th ring type event.  Could add a time sink here as well via tasks to make it happen.

Neat idea bout using Resist Stones, but no need to use 10 rank 5's when we could just use 1 rank 10. Will have to think about it.

Also for the 9 mob idea, we already have Essence of Norrath (previously Shield Mold) that are 10 bosses across 10 zones, which the first few are super easy. This item is also tradeable so can expect to see it on the market like SLS are.

I will agree that the best thing to do in this situation  is to remove the UW

I actually did consider this, and almost did it, but instead decided to make them near impossible to obtain, like they originally were intended to be.

I think Hunter should remove UW entirely..

Yes, I got several people suggesting this, and thought about it. For now it'll be impossible to acquire quest. Another idea was to disable the whole quest, so there are limited UW's in game just like Live did to Manastone and Rubicite.
433  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 09-10-11 on: September 11, 2013, 06:37:59 am
He spawns same as before, but he will depop if you attack him AND other bosses or trash are alive.
434  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 09-10-11 on: September 11, 2013, 06:28:59 am
Only the first version of Mata Muram will check if mobs are in the zone.

I've removed mobs near by him to help with accidental aggro.

Lord_Mata_Muram and Overlord_Mata_Muram the 2nd and 3rd versions are not changed.
435  General Category / Updates / Re: Custom Map Window on: September 11, 2013, 06:05:57 am
I usually hit ALT-O then click load ui
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