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46  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T5 Neck on: April 12, 2013, 12:55:51 am
I was messing around the other night, couldn't have been in abyss more than 20 minutes and got one. Guess I should be thankful!
47  General Category / General Discussion / Re: FUNNY PICTURE THREAD!! on: April 09, 2013, 09:32:55 pm
48  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Poetry Contest (5 Million) on: February 20, 2013, 06:12:43 pm
Everyone's gotten their money so far except Rannd and Battlewagon. I'll be on for a little bit tonight and a little bit either tomorrow night, or during the day on Friday.
49  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Poetry Contest (5 Million) on: February 17, 2013, 10:03:56 am
Alright it looks like all the submissions are in!

I'll get right down to it! Everyone did fantastic and I enjoyed them all, so everyone's getting something:

1st Place - Blanky - The Moonflower Wrestler - 5 Million Platinum! For some reason, the opening line just grabbed me and I couldn't hear anything than Hulk trying to riff of a poem. Fantastic.

2nd Place - Tie - Lunacy, Love & Wrestling - A Valentine's Day (Massacred) Poem, Mojave Aster, Thunderlips. In the flesh, baby. - 1 Million Each

3rd Place - Tie -  Handlebar Blonde, Hoboken - 500k each

Send me a PM with your in game names and I'll find you tomorrow.

50  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Poetry Contest (5 Million) on: February 15, 2013, 04:23:31 pm
These are all top notch submissions, I'm rolling on the floor. I'm going to have a hard time picking a winner even if they end here.
51  General Category / General Discussion / Poetry Contest (5 Million) on: February 14, 2013, 02:25:45 pm
Over the course of the next week I'm going to be giving away roughly 30 million, verified and approved of platinum! This is the majority of my stash but I figured I would blow it in a manner which is most entertaining to me.

The first official give-away is a poetry contest!

Now this isn't just your normal poetry contest; there are rules. Not crazy ones, but they are there and you must follow them. They are as follows:

1. I will be the judge of the contest.

2. Hunter is free to veto/override my choice should he chose to.

3. Your poem MUST INCLUDE a reference, either explicit or implied, to each of the following:

a.) Hulk Hogan
b.) The Moon
c.) Flowers

4. If the previous references are not made, you are disqualified.

5. No haikus. Haikus suck.

6. English only. Good English is NOT required.

7. Poetry MUST be submitted to THIS thread no later than 12:00AM EST Sunday, February 17th. I will likely make my choice the next morning. Hunter will have until 12:00AM EST on Monday to veto my choice, and the prize will be awarded sometime during the day on Monday.

8. All entries must be marked with ENTRY: YOUR TITLE HERE at the top of the post.

That's all folks. No length requirements. Creativity and wit will score you points. May the best Bard win!
52  General Category / General Discussion / Re: public apology on: February 13, 2013, 08:34:49 am
You guys bicker and moan like a bunch of middle age women. This thread is ridiculous.
53  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ultimate Weapon Picture Request! on: February 11, 2013, 03:14:17 pm
Here are some pictures of things I will never own:

54  General Category / Updates / Re: Plat and No-Drop on: February 10, 2013, 09:25:29 am
No wonder no one ever wants to fight for the Gem Collector. That's insane; who does something like that and says "Yes. This is a good idea. Surely no one will ever notice 800 million!"? Oh well, I won't complain too much, it's my own fault for not putting the FS V on my Pally after having it for three weeks. I shouldn't be so lazy about simple things.
55  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: February 07, 2013, 01:48:23 pm
You really should change your name from littlebaldman to littlebaldvagina. I mean come on that was nothing. Look over this thread, you will see I am all over it and am a stickler for rules and reputation.

56  General Category / Updates / Re: Update 02-06-13 on: February 06, 2013, 05:08:04 pm
Just a heads up, the EZ Credit dude no longer takes the 1 EZ CREDIT dropped from the superior willowisp.
57  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Essence and UW on: February 03, 2013, 12:28:17 pm
OMG this will totally unbalance pvp

In about 5 months when someone finally acquires 100 D-Minors lol.
58  General Category / General Discussion / Re: 60 PvP on: January 28, 2013, 07:37:31 pm
You guys shouldn't get so caught up in semantics. If you want to be a pvp purist, play on a red server. You can contribute your ideas, what you want to see, etc., but that doesn't make it codified law subject to section 234 of pvp law because this is the EZ server. 

My suggestions and things I would like to see as "one of the people":

-Remove random spawn and replace with 4 set spawns: server reset, noon, 8:00pm, and 2:00AM. Fighting can start in preparation of the spawn, more people will be ready/making plans for it.
-Reduce to 1 Million Plat, add a 5 credit token. Ups the stakes and diversify what can be purchased with a victory.
-I would be in support of an I.P. filter with a one kill a day limit and a removal of bind.

-Gear and skill do not beat sheer numbers in a fight where no one can outright one-shot each other. As it stands, the person who can box the most and coordinate their attacks appropriately across class will win. I don't care about this, good for them, just pointing it out.
-Current rewards aren't interesting enough to inspire allegiances.
- I like Xiggie's idea of adding augs. I say just add them to the loot table of everything in the zone and make them class specific. If you want to farm them, you have to duke it out or forge alliances. This would help create a degree of separation since gear is pretty easy to come by but would take some effort to balance.

NOW, before I get flamed, here's an idea for the purists. If Hunter so inclines and has time, he can always hold a tournament that can be registered for in advance, one registry per IP, and access is gained to a specified zone through a flag once you register. Winner gets some sort of unique prize in the form of a credit code. This would take some work on his part or by a designated host, but a once in a while thing could certainly make such events unique.
59  General Category / Updates / Re: Update 01-28-13 on: January 28, 2013, 07:42:05 am
Took 23 minutes to kill today, uninterrupted. That's pretty reasonable. Dropped a Big Bag of Plat and a Heavy Bag of Plat.
60  General Category / Updates / Re: Update 01-27-13 on: January 27, 2013, 02:08:28 pm
FYI the Superior Wisp took almost 2 hours to kill solo on a nearly maxed out gearwise 60 Monk with only a few AAs. Not sure it would have gone that much quicker with AA's, but at 60 it hits hard enough that you need to have a plan to take breaks or heal up if you're soloing it.

It dropped a 1 EZ Credit Token and a 22k plat bag.
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