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46  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 10:25:13 am
Ok if they no longer have rights to the camp then what happens if it was a ph and then they come back before the respawn from the ph you killed? Do they still have their camp? or must they then leave the camp? i see how this could cause some drama which is why i ask lol
47  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 10:17:52 am
If I arrive at a camp, and the mob is up, I sent a tell to the person camping the spawn saying that the mob is up.
5 minutes after that, if the mob is still alive, then the person (in my mind) has forfeited the camp.

But I would not stay within aggro range of the mob and go afk for any reason so that I get attacked and pet kills the mob.  That's killstealing.  The camper may have had to go afk for emergency bio break or something.

Stay well back so you don't get aggro, send a tell, wait 5 mins.  If the mob is still up, the camp is yours.

Disclaimer: That is my interpretation of the rules.  if I am wrong, please correct me

i have a good question where could you not be withing agro range at  Herbinger Freglor? That is a very small room lol
48  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 10:05:47 am
And here is another question for the rules i find unclear. The 5 minute wait for attacking the mob to allow some one to buff their group before engaging does this apply for regular mobs such as fg or cg mobs? I get to where the knuckle dusters drop as an exampile and the person there does not respond right away so i know he is going afk alot but talk to him. I sit my toon down to wait untill he is done farming and go afk to check the forums. The mob pops agros on me and my pet kills it. 3-4 minutes later the guy sees my "i'm sorry it spawned attacked me and my pet agroed and killed it" (it was a ph) and then responds. When i noticed it attacking me i was spamming back with my pet but it still killed it.

How long are you to wait untill attacking a mob for clarification when you know the person is afk farming? I understand for bosses and the 5 minute rule but it mainly mentions encounters that require a group and allowing them time to buff before killing it.
49  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 09:51:13 am
i mainly posted this because of the knight spawn as i was not sure about camps when it comes to waiting for respawns. i know that if the mob is up and the other team is not ready then its an open camp. But what if they are boxing 2 toons and the spawn is not up yet and they have their main away killing another boss? the boss is not spawned yet they do not have their main dps there to kill it. but then they get their main dps there before the spawn? Does the camp go to the one waiting? or does it go to the one who left their alt there to hold their spot?
50  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 08:49:27 am
1. If you were waiting at the camp and he shows up with a train SSS is yours.

2. If you went to Silver Knight camp and left and came back and he was there when you came back he has priority. Unless he didn't have all the toons he needed to kill it there when you had all your toons necessary.

For the most part this thread seems unncessary for the reason Scootz mentioned.

if you read what i wrote you would see he did not when i first arrived as his main was at gemcutter.
51  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 07:05:49 am
I don't hug morons

Wow aren't you nice? You do realise this post has nothing to do with your tikis right?
52  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 07:00:33 am
Just wanna say the rules are always clearly posted, except they change when people bitch about crap that is not as important as other camp sites, but hey I am just stating my two cents in a rant over nothing really.  I bet all of you got the pages you needed too.

Need a hug?
53  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 06:50:20 am
In your initial post, you never mentioned that he was a part of the group that was already there.

In fact, from his post, he was not part of the group that was there when you were.

You left the queue for that boss (you again mention this in the last sentence of your previous post), therefore you loose your spot in the queue, the other person in this dispute moves up into your spot.

Yes, you cannot hold 2 camps at the same time, but surely that should also apply to having a place in two seperate queues (without the agreement of others in the said queues).

You chose to leave the queue for the Knight.  You therefore would need to rejoin at the back of the queue when you return.

Lesson to be learned:  If you are in a queue for a boss, don't leave said queue else you lose your spot.

he was not in that group and i never said he was. the full story is i show up there and there are 3 people there. (these 3 had no connection to this guy) i asked how many more pages they needed they said 2 (i had no idea at the time that they needed 3 but knew it be at least a 30 minute wait 20 for their spawns to be done plus 10 untill my turn) So i knew it be a long wait for my turns as well as a longer wait at the next 2 spawns. so i told them i'd be back and kill gemcutter while i waited for them to finish.

So i killed gemcutter and decided to kill warlord real fast. So i killed them and while on my way back i saw that dude killing mobs moving towards gemcutter. So i hurried back to the knight. I asked the group still there if they were almost done. They said yes thats when he used his alt to tell me i'll have to wait untill he was done. i look behind  me and notice him killing gemcutter at tunnel entrance. He kills it moves up to his alt then took his alt to loot the page from gemcutter.

so he had his alt there holding his spot afk while he was camping another boss.When i first posted i was in a hurry and did not have all the details in the original post as i was posting this and was responding to his tells in game. This same player tried to cause drama by /oocing the drama. I chose not to take part and kept it to tells and posted here for clarification. I thought you could not hold 2 camps at once? Him killing gemcutter while i was at the knight means he was doing 2.
54  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 06:02:51 am
The other group needed 2 pages from the mob and now i know they needed 3 from the next (gem cutter) then 3 from warlord. I went and got the 1 page from each i needed. What the guy did not say was that when i got there his main was not there he was at gem cutter as i was returning from warlord. So he runs back after i showed up there pulling gem cutter to the tunnel entrance and killing it so his alt could loot it.

And i thought that this Applied:

Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp. You can not have 1 toon hold the camp while waiting for your group to arrive. If your not ready to engage when the mob spawns, then your not camping it, and forfeit the rights to the camp if another party wants it.

And this:

You can't hold 2 or more camps at the same time, so if a group/guild is fighting a boss, then another group/guild is welcome to 'leap frog' and claim the next boss.

He had his alt there when i got there but he was at gemcutter but since his toon was waiting there he thought he had the next rights as i had left. a link to the rules http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0
55  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 03:12:31 am
A huge hole in your story as you said you saw my pet killing mobs? That is untrue the mobs near me were dead and only mobs left were the ones you trained and the respawn of sss i was waiting on. And whether you admit it or not you ran into the agro area but hunter can check for that if need be. There is 1 mob at the pyramid where i was a griffen that was already dead.
56  General Category / General Discussion / Rules question on: May 18, 2010, 02:26:47 am
Ok i am at sss in potime and sitting at the temple awaiting a spawn. A dude runs in killing a train he had started and was killing in and around the area where sss spawns it pops so i send my pet in he agros the mob and it goes to him since i was camping it i let my pet kill it while nuking. As i was there camping it. i get my kill and my page but also a "nice kill stealing asshat comment for my trouble.

I get to the knight and there was a group there they said they needed 2 pages. I say ok then leave to kill gemcutter as well as warlord to get those pages while awaiting my turn. i come back as the other group is killing their second spawn. Who is there? The same person. So they tell me i now have to wait for them to kill their mob before i can kill my spawn? So i did. But i would like to know who was at fault here in these situations?
57  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 13, 2010, 10:26:46 pm
Thyl did you read through the whole thread? I do not always ask for help in /ooc.
I actually did read most of it. I admit not all, there is alot in this thread to read while I'm at work.  I understand you don't just sit in OOC. The point I was trying to make is you can't single toon this server, you have to box or group and make some lasting ties with people.

Honestly I'm confused about what you want now because your attitude shifted from first post to most recent and even seems contradictory inside some posts.

Generally i'd much rather do it myself though as i like knowing that i did it by myself without any aid from others.

This is kind of a weird comment to make after earlier on complaining about antisocial players. Do you want everything to be soloable?

Are you complaining the server style discourages new players because older players have an advantage?

I'm not trying to be a jerk, I am just having a bit of a disconnect. You got 3.0s after two weeks, even with your current playtime thats fairly quick compared to a while ago.

I played a Wiz on live, which I enjoyed, but the first toon I got to 70 here was a War because it met the needs of the situation. You have to at some point adjust your approach to the situation unless everything gets nerfed to being soloable.

I'm not sure whats so contradictery about what i said. I like to group with people and do so when ever i can. And try to help people when ever i can. And i do not ask for help on things i know i can do myself (such as fg/cg quest and epic 2.5 book as a few exampiles). No i do not want all things to be soloable. As that would defeat the purpose of playing a mmorpg. i do wish more people would allow others to group up with them. But i also know that many box characters out of a need as there is not many groups on this server.
58  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 13, 2010, 01:20:34 pm
Thyl did you read through the whole thread? I do not always ask for help in /ooc. And i do go out and search for groups and help others when i can. i only ask and have asked for help with things i absolutely could not do myself such as 1.5 book dragon slave as well as the 2.0 book. I am generally quite self sufficent. I am not the lazy type player that constantly begs for help in /ooc. And i do not want or expect every thing to just be handed to me.

Since i got my rangers 3.0's i just kill dragon slave using it then log out and log my alt in to loot. So i do not even ask for help for it now since i can now do that myself. You make it sound like all i do is sit and constantly /ooc for help which could not be the furthest from what the truth is. And if i fail at something and i know i can not do it by myself i then seek out help in the imediate area in the way of groups but if that falls through i ask for help in /ooc. Generally i'd much rather do it myself though as i like knowing that i did it by myself without any aid from others.
59  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Charm! on: May 12, 2010, 12:26:53 pm
lol i got lucky they got uncharmed right as they were attacking me. Then said "i should of just killed you!!!" i was like "what?" they said "didn't you see i was charmed?" Then "why didn't you help?" I said i am sorry i did not see and did not notice anything untill you started to attack me >_< And from there it went down hill lol
60  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 12:10:39 pm
Nah i have not messed with guilds as of yet although i did get an invite for a new guild about to start up wanting me to join. And i thought i may join up with them as they seem nice as well as mature players. Some one asked before if i played live? I spent most of my live life in tutorial helping to walk new players through killing quest mobs for them. Although i did level a lvl 70 mage on live i played from time to time i spent most of my time in game helping out the new players. Untill i decided to return to runescape which i did the same thing in helping other players lol I think its one of the reasons i was made a player moderator for runescape.
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