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76  General Category / General Discussion / Re: SoD Question... on: May 02, 2010, 09:30:06 pm
Check here:

77  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Energy Drink on: May 01, 2010, 05:41:41 am
I would say dr pepper no real comparison in taste. Dr pepper does not go flat half as fast as pibb. Although i prefer my mountain dew any day Tongue
78  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi Leaping? on: May 01, 2010, 05:38:10 am
If you read carefully in his first post he said he went to attack and was fighting him when this guy attacked as well causing agro to kill his cleric then he died trying to rez his cleric before he started fraps. So what you are seeing is him coming back to confront the guy. At lease thats my understanding from his post and what is shown in the video.

He starts out to tell him he was camping tacvi (condensed without the swear) But he deletes that shout

Then he types your ks is on but deletes it without sending

Then he says your ks is on fraps that one he does send.

The guy says what ks?

He responds by saying do you think the minis died by themselves?

The guy says funny how the first one died seconds before the last and to bear in mind you can't camp bosses (think he meant bare >_<)

He says your a real stand up guy

The guy says i logged into an empty zone guy with the last boss up I'm sorry you failed on him

He then says its up now for hunter to decide

Then the fraps ends.

Thats a strange conversation to say the least. He first says that the boss was up and he was alone in the zone then says that you can not camp bosses?

He then says i'm sorry you failed on him? He also claimed to of left the loot for the guy yet in the video you can see him looting it?

And if it was not recovering from a wipe then why was the last boss up yet all the others were dead except the first boss that respawned? I'm new to the game but from what i understand is that there are 8 bosses correct? And they have a 1 hour respawn right? If it took 5-10 minutes to kill each boss and if you were wiped while fighting the last boss then by the time you got rebuffed and reset your spell gems that 1 hour could easilly pass between the first kill and the last which the person died on right?

But oh well its up for the person in charge to make a choice on if a rule was broken or not. So guess you would have to wait for what he has to say. Although if i was camping an area working to the last boss and mafe it there then died from a mistake (be it my own or not) i'd be upset as well to come back and see some one else killing it. And i think most people would be as well. Just my 2 cents though.
79  General Category / Server Status / Re: 4-29-10 11 PM PST world server connection lost again on: May 01, 2010, 05:04:38 am
I heard he likes his mailbox spammed with emails saying the server is down too....


I definitely do not envy him lol He has a great server and did a great job. With that comes the emails full of compliments questions and if he makes even one small mistake a boat load of hate mail >_<  Hope he knows despite all that the server rocks.
80  General Category / Server Status / Re: 4-29-10 11 PM PST world server connection lost again on: April 30, 2010, 11:39:55 am
I have patience i generally post here if the server is down to give other players a head up before logging out zoning or trying to log in. It has nothing to do with hunter. I believe that if he knew the server was down he would reboot if he could. Also i would never email him about it simply because i do not even know him Tongue Plus i can imagine the other people already spamming him.
81  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: WSC Loss and Zone Crashes on: April 30, 2010, 01:49:15 am
Yeah kinda sucks at the moment. Me my game some times freezes at zoning in or out forcing me to close the game out as it stops responding locking me out each time grrr
82  General Category / Server Status / Re: 4-29-10 11 PM PST world server connection lost again on: April 30, 2010, 01:47:47 am
I read that he was writing one but never a post stating that it was finished. And yeah it really sucks for me as my game sometimes freezes just from normal zoning forcing me to close out the game to restart it. So i get locked out every single time >_<
83  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: WSC Loss and Zone Crashes on: April 30, 2010, 01:32:52 am
I don't know the cause but the effect is horrible. I do hope the bugs are worked out soon though. This is a great server and i love the feel of it. If it had better stabillity it would be awsome. But i think they are working on it and will find a cure soon.
84  General Category / Server Status / Re: 4-29-10 11 PM PST world server connection lost on: April 30, 2010, 01:29:23 am
Yeah i just hit 65 and was zoning to surefall on my monk to practice on the dummy there when my screen froze so i closed it out logged back in to see no server Sad
85  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi Leaping? on: April 30, 2010, 01:27:53 am
Yes I did do a /who when I zoned in since I logged out in Tunat's Room and he was up.  I also use Macroquest for the map/stick features and can see what bosses are up and who is in the zone and where.  So I knew without a doubt I was the only one in the zone, along with Ashbane asking to join.  I also knew for certain that Tunat was the only mob up, prior to engaging and setting up, I noticed the first boss had spawned and was planning to pick up agro quickly on him when he came running to the room.

Playing tag with Agro? If I engaged a mob from 100% to dead and he's agroing adds that spawn, I'm not sure how it's my fault he died by getting in range with a squishy class.  That's like telling me it's my fault you died in PoD from dragon AoE poison because I was killing too close to you.

What he says though is that he engaged then you jumped in. Yet you are saying its the other way around? Thats he said she said without proof.

BTW i would not zone the server is not showing up  Huh So you could be like me and not be able to log back in >_<
86  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi Leaping? on: April 30, 2010, 01:18:53 am
If his cleric ran in and died during the fight it was due to adds spawning, which is not a train.  If you're familiar with tacvi, there are 8 mobs that spawn, period.  3 have pets/familiars, and 2 spawn adds once engaged.  The second boss and the final boss (tunat) spawn adds throughout the fight.

I didn't run anywhere nor did I pick up mobs to create a train, they just spawn, much like Qvic mobs only at a faster rate.  It is possible he got agro simply by being in range without my warrior having a chance to pick up the add.  However, I never once saw his cleric or a body of which he speaks, only someone shouting I KS'd them from the zone in.

Look forward to seeing the fraps.  The zone and Tunat's room were empty upon engaging.  It's a little upsetting I need to be prepared to fraps every single fight (even in an empty zone) in order to prevent accusations.

Read what he wrote above he said you were playing tag with the agro which is what got him killed. And how do you know you were the only one in the zone? You do a /who when you entered?
87  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi Leaping? on: April 30, 2010, 01:05:26 am
Sounds like these 2 rules were broken to me but thats the server owners call i would post the fraps:

Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp. You can not have 1 toon hold the camp while waiting for your group to arrive. If your not ready to engage when the mob spawns, then your not camping it, and forfeit the rights to the camp if another party wants it. If a guild is actively buffing up when a boss spawns, then please give them about 5 minutes to engage, or else they lose the rights to the boss. If a guild spawns a boss thru a turn in quest, then only that guild has rights to the boss. You can't hold 2 or more camps at the same time, so if a group/guild is fighting a boss, then another group/guild is welcome to 'leap frog' and claim the next boss.

Do not make a train bigger than 10 mobs in a custom zone. This does not include pofire, which is considered non-custom. You can make any size train in non-custom zones. Do not purposely train anyone in any zone in order to kill them or any other reason.


First, see my bolded text in your quote

Second, I'm extremely confused how No Trains applies, please fill me in on your logic

First off i was posting that as you were replying. Second if you agroed the mobs to his cleric killing it as was stated that is training the mobs to kill another player. He said you attacked the mob after it was already engaged. Which is why i said kill stealing.
88  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi Leaping? on: April 30, 2010, 12:56:21 am
Sounds like these 2 rules were broken to me but thats the server owners call i would post the fraps:

Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp. You can not have 1 toon hold the camp while waiting for your group to arrive. If your not ready to engage when the mob spawns, then your not camping it, and forfeit the rights to the camp if another party wants it. If a guild is actively buffing up when a boss spawns, then please give them about 5 minutes to engage, or else they lose the rights to the boss. If a guild spawns a boss thru a turn in quest, then only that guild has rights to the boss. You can't hold 2 or more camps at the same time, so if a group/guild is fighting a boss, then another group/guild is welcome to 'leap frog' and claim the next boss.

Do not make a train bigger than 10 mobs in a custom zone. This does not include pofire, which is considered non-custom. You can make any size train in non-custom zones. Do not purposely train anyone in any zone in order to kill them or any other reason.

89  General Category / Server Status / Re: World connection lost again? on: April 29, 2010, 06:17:35 am
I can not even get some one to help me kill quillimane been sitting for an hour staring at that horse >_< I think it must be my cologne or some thing lol


Finally a real nice person helped me to get this done.
90  General Category / Server Status / Re: World connection lost again? on: April 29, 2010, 05:16:58 am
Woohoo back up!!!
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