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76  General Category / Quest and Guides / T10 - Wiki Update - SPOILERS CONTAINED WITHIN on: October 26, 2017, 11:51:14 am
I think T10 has been out a good while and the re-vamp has been around for almost a year now. When the revamp came about it was suggested we not post too much on the forums or the wiki as to not spoil it for others. I think the time has come for some public collaboration and for the Wiki to be updated. Right now the wiki contains the original walk through, which is mostly accurate and is a bare bones account of what it takes to fulfill the requirements of the zone. It could use some polish in the content already included and its definitely lacking on information for certain items that are optional in the zone. I will be updating the T10 wiki with those two tasks in mind. For the second one, i wont claim to know the inner secrets of spawning certain bosses so i will get the conversation started. If you would like to join in, feel free and if this isnt for you and you dont agree with this kind of thread, it is duly noted and your saying so isnt necessary Smiley.

Ill kick this off at a later point and post what i know for spawning each of the bosses. i likely dont have a perfect understanding of each of them, so i am happy for any collaboration. In the meantime, if anyone else wants to brain dump their tidbits, go for it and ill get everything up into the wiki in due time.

77  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ultimate Weapon Essence tasks on: October 26, 2017, 11:08:37 am
Perhaps once you do a turn in, you should be able to summon that tier again at will, ala T10 armor scripting. This would prevent such crazy problems, and with UW lore it wouldn't allow you to have more than 1 at a time.

Hell, epics and all armor should work this way. This would allow people to correct their own problems from bad combines, glitches, etc.

Great idea, but probably a fair amount of work. I think its probably easier to just go in and reset a quest for the once in a few years someone decides to delete a UW. most other mistakes are trivial.
78  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Halloween 2017 on: October 19, 2017, 04:01:18 pm
I hope this even runs through Halloween and a bit after! I couldn't get off time before but can after.

I can say it will run for an extended period. It will be a blast

I like this!
79  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Network Issues - Troubleshooting on: October 19, 2017, 04:00:19 pm
I appreciate the help guys! I broke down and just bought new equipment, here is to hoping thats all it was!
80  General Category / General Discussion / Network Issues - Troubleshooting on: October 19, 2017, 10:28:32 am
Several months back i started having some internet connection issues. Out of the blue everything (wireless and hardwired) will lose internet connection for about a minute and then the network is able to restore internet connection on its own. This happens several times a day and is seemingly random. It doesn't matter if there is one device connected or every device i own is connected it will drop connection. This is particularly annoying when you play 18 chars and have to constantly re-log everyone back in.

At any rate, i know enough about my network to know i have a cable modem and a router and the issue is probably in one of those two items. I borrowed a friends working router last night hoping that was it.  However, that didnt fix the issue. My next step is to try a known working cable modem, but before i do that i wanted to check in with you guys. I figure there are a handful of you guys that are experts in troubleshooting this type of stuff. Is there anything i can do to actually nail down what the problem is?

Also - i have chatted with my neighbors who have the same ISP and they do not experience the same issues while streaming.
81  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Economies of scale on: October 13, 2017, 12:15:33 am
The second you slap something on a vendor, you just set the market price. A vendor sells GSOA for 50mil? I'll sell you one for 45mil...

1.) i dont necessarily think this is a bad thing, after all an economy is what we are trying to establish but 2.) i dont think this is likely to happen.

I suppose it really depends on what you put up there. GSOA, for sure somebody would sell those but thats only because its the most traded item (only because of its desirability). Other things are near impossible to get in from players. If this does happen i propose that the plat prices be more than what the players would consider to be reasonable Smiley. Getting enough essences for a UW up to X should cost 100 million in plat.
I would rather see really high prices. 100 million to get the ess for UW 10 is waaaaaay too cheap. which is why I suggested only putting a price on the qvic essence and having you trade in ess to get higher ones. The plat costs would be super high but it could help out with some of the low tier ess that people hate farming, and having the ability to trade ess in for higher ones would be nice without making it much easier to get the ess.

Lol yeah i was just thinking about that too and was in the middle of editing my post to up it.
82  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Economies of scale on: October 12, 2017, 10:33:54 am
The second you slap something on a vendor, you just set the market price. A vendor sells GSOA for 50mil? I'll sell you one for 45mil...

1.) i dont necessarily think this is a bad thing, after all an economy is what we are trying to establish but 2.) i dont think this is likely to happen.

I suppose it really depends on what you put up there. GSOA, for sure somebody would sell those but thats only because its the most traded item (only because of its desirability). Other things are near impossible to get in from players. If this does happen i propose that the plat prices be more than what the players would consider to be reasonable Smiley. Getting enough essences for a UW up to X should cost hundreds of million in plat.
83  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Feature Request: Weapon / Shield skins on: August 05, 2017, 12:14:01 am
If you add ornaments then I request that some kind of farming be required to get them. It's no fun if you can just pick whatever graphic you want from the list and throw that on all your toons.

each Graphic costs 50 stones of impatience.....omg im a genius
84  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Bog's Buff macro Version 5.0 ( buffv5.mac ) on: August 02, 2017, 03:01:29 pm
As my current Buff macro has recently run into issues and i was dreading troubleshooting it....i look forward to setting yours up and using it Smiley

85  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Bank broker on: July 22, 2017, 11:02:16 pm
...its not terribly difficult to make money.

86  General Category / General Discussion / Re: xtarget issues (bugs?) on: July 09, 2017, 09:18:39 pm
If you have a mob on your Xtarget and drop agro, sometimes they remain in your Xtarget. I cant figure out why they remain but i think it has something to do with DoTs or other agro effects that may remain when you drop agro. If you then kill said mob the corpse ends up on your xtarget. if the corpse is hidden the name drops off xtarget but the slot is still occupied by the corpse. Also, if you loot the corpse fully then the name drops off xtarget but takes up that slot.

Since xtarget may keep mobs on the list (with or without agro) even when you have zoned out and zoned back in, these "empty" slots will continue until your log off or server reboot. One mob isnt a big deal but if you wipe on a pull, this is an easy way for most of your xtarget window to be taken up by these blank spaces rendering xtarget worthless.

This just happened to me when i accidentally pulled Vulak with the rest of the dragons in TOV. I dropped the other dragons then succored my raid. Vulak stayed on my xtarget list but he was next to die anyway. Once dead i observed the above xtarget interaction.
87  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T10 Bugs/Problems/Questions on: July 08, 2017, 10:37:54 pm
True friends stab you in the front
88  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T10 Bugs/Problems/Questions on: July 07, 2017, 05:32:00 pm
Nothing important here but figured i would drop it here for when in 6 months from now you have nothing but minor things to change.....

Tier progression doesnt check UA as having all the necessary completed gear to advance. Instead you need to request the faction gear purely as a means to advance to 79.

It never has checked UA and probably never will.

Factioned Gear + Epic = Level 79

I get it - just isn't intuitive (for me at least). It took me a night to sleep on it to figure out thats why i wouldnt level to 79. I figure if i have UA, it would know i have met the armor requirements. Once the wiki is written up ill make sure its noted in there.
89  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T10 Bugs/Problems/Questions on: July 07, 2017, 08:56:32 am
Nothing important here but figured i would drop it here for when in 6 months from now you have nothing but minor things to change.....

Tier progression doesnt check UA as having all the necessary completed gear to advance. Instead you need to request the faction gear purely as a means to advance to 79.
90  General Category / General Discussion / Re: SK Dot's Bug on: July 03, 2017, 11:36:36 pm
Akka said in game he found the issue causing AE spells to hit the characters themselves....should be fixed very soon.
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