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796  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Odd Lag / Zone Issues Random Characters on: November 24, 2014, 04:29:27 pm
Ok.  I tried installing SoF (had the disc) changed all the stuff to get it to hook up to Eqemultor/EZ server...still high ping rates...so I know it isn't just UF client......unchanged ping rates/load times between UF and SoF clients.  Huh
797  General Category / Updates / Re: DPS Comparisons and Parses on: November 24, 2014, 02:18:26 pm
Sorry going to call this as I see it.

For casters to be viable you need near instant spells and you don't need to have to micro manage them.  that is what makes strike aug classes awesome.  You would have a hard time convincing anyone that a caster should get anything that comes close to a strike aug class on dps w/o having to spend an equivalent amount of plat/esse/sls/etc on a spell that would come close to a strike aug.  Now if a spell were made that would cost 2ct,2dminor,2gminor,2gminor,2gmajor,2abyss,2anguish,2abyss,2lp,2tov,2oldcommons/22 sls/20 million plat on vendor ores...then by all means make some insta cast/proc caster spells with a very minor delay (to keep it equivalent to a melee proc).....also need to keep into account how twincast would affect this so that the dps would stay balanced between the two melee/caster
798  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Odd Lag / Zone Issues Random Characters on: November 24, 2014, 02:09:04 pm
Have an SoF disc....thinking I should try that and see if maybe it is a UF problem?  I am still thinking it is a server problem myself, but Akka and Hate or anyone who could possibly verify have been very quiet...... Undecided
799  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with EZ Server on: November 23, 2014, 01:47:35 pm
800  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with EZ Server on: November 23, 2014, 01:27:56 pm
just tried to log in again....started (pinging at 64ms) within 5 minutes was pinging at 1600ms and had incredibly hard time getting toons to even log in.  Would make it to character select and then just stick between that and entering world. I am getting the feeling you guys have put my isp address in the file to mess with lol.
801  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with EZ Server on: November 23, 2014, 12:47:59 pm
I don't think that's the issue as one folder is unchanged (my main toon and off tank) the other (bot folder) is modified and both have issues.  I am just hearing from the powers that be, that the issues cant be server side...but I am seeing more and more people coming out and saying that something is going on.  The closest I can come to putting a finger on anything is the tell que system....I am wondering if that hasn't created the whole issue.  My only other suggestion is something with daily missions...that was when I first started noticing a change.  I don't know if queue tells came at/around the same time or not as the dailies though.
802  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with EZ Server on: November 23, 2014, 05:49:21 am
Just wondering if Akka has looked into this or not, as it started slightly (for me) before Halloween.  I am getting to the point now that when my toons get booted while zoning, I just shut the computer down and go find something else to do.  Undecided
803  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with EZ Server on: November 22, 2014, 03:08:10 pm
this seems to happen more when im connected to the universal chat server then when not. didnt that go live about the same time the event started? i.e. tell queues

Saw this and had to stop and wonder if all this happened around the same time....tell queues...could that be the issue?
804  General Category / General Discussion / Issues with EZ Server on: November 22, 2014, 02:18:39 pm
Ok, lately I have had my fair share of issues with running  clients on EZ Server.  I have done a complete system restore, just in case I had a virus or something else causing issues.  I have reinstalled the game....but I am still having issues with lag and high ping rates.  When I zone my crew of 12...I will loose 9 of the 12 on zoning.   Those that make it will ping around 100-700ms.  I am debating about running 12 different clients and having WinEQ just load each client individually...instead of running 2 clients (one for main and a bots folder running the other 11 toons)....maybe have a folder for main 1 bot 1, bot 2, bot 3, bot 4, bot 5, bot 6...etc etc to bot 12....think that would help?  Just trying to find a way to get EZ to be reliable like it use to be for YEARS....the past 2 months have been like fingernails on a chalk board.
805  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Godtank or Warrior5 whatever your name is on: November 20, 2014, 07:11:25 pm
As for my off topic message after hate, I had it all typed up when he posted, which is why I added the apology. Considering I also complimented the devs in the same post, which I do a lot because they deserve it, I think he will let it slide.

So we can insult you and call you names....as long as we compliment someone afterward?  Well where to begin.........
806  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Godtank or Warrior5 whatever your name is on: November 20, 2014, 01:27:49 pm
Enough of this group hug...I hate you Fugi!!!!!!  I mean that from the bottom of my heart.  See you in-game where I can hate you more.....I love hating you, Fugi...now get out of the van and put your hands behind your back!  Grin  Shocked  Cool
807  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Server Infighting and Disconect on: November 20, 2014, 01:19:57 pm
Started off thinking this guy may have a point trying to help both sides find common ground...read through and it sounds like someone pissed in your Cheerios.  Kiss
808  General Category / General Discussion / WOOT got new video card on: November 19, 2014, 07:48:39 pm
ALRIGHT! Finally got a new video card that isn't broken!  Geforce 650Ti and everything is running smooth in my system again!  YAY YA YAY /does the happy dance. Grin
809  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Buying SLS on: November 19, 2014, 07:43:07 pm
Quote from: Orthanos on Today at 06:23:00 AM

Why would you not need to farm SLS if they were put on the Hive Queen?  At 25 points a pop that's what 5 SLS every two days (assuming that on a 6 man team you have 5 banking berries and 1 working on UW augs).  5 every two days isn't game breaking, it's hardly a dent.  My point to this whole post was making things reasonable.

Think big picture: 12 toons in Dranik + 6 prisms (3 berries each) = 138 berries
12 toons in Abyss + 4 prisms on avg (3 berries each) = 72 berries

Thats 210 berries a day, or 8 SLS a day (and change). If u only run 6 toons thats 120 berries a day, or 5 SLS a day.

In the last month if vendor was in anyone with a pulse is up 240 SLS w/ 12 toons, or 150 SLS with 6 toons.

Its game breaking. I hate saying it out loud, but its true.

If berries were droppable and you could give all berries to one toon AND you could sell prisms back, maybe.  As it stands now you get 90 berries a day for all 6 toons (15 berries per toon per day)  so once again...1 SLS per toon every two days=not game breaking.
810  General Category / Updates / Re: DPS Comparisons and Parses on: November 19, 2014, 07:37:56 pm
frankly this entire thing, born in ooc is a little on the tard side to me. casters are fine, melee is fine. we do not need Hate wasting his time further balancing classes, which WILL butthurt far more players than it will make happy in the end.

I cant agree more.  I constantly say in /ooc to stop bitching about little things cause that's what causes the BIG nerfs and people quitting etc.....this is one of those things that will screw everyone over in the end (just like nerfing the UW did)
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