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91  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T10 Bugs/Problems/Questions on: July 02, 2017, 12:12:30 pm
Are you sure that isn't intended?

Don't run away from a fight, just saying

It wasnt in the changelog and i live and die by the change log. i was raised by Montey Pythons Knights....i know only to RUN AWAY!

If it is intended sweet - but if not its a real lolercoaster out there.
92  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T10 Bugs/Problems/Questions on: July 02, 2017, 09:53:16 am
I believe the work performed to level off the damage spikes in T10 were undone. getting backstabbed for 7M hps in sarnak land.
93  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Cazic Thule OP on: June 28, 2017, 09:13:38 am
Yea been bouncing between there and pyramid. I seem to get more ess at pyramid so it's a decent tradeoff

Dont let RNG get to you this early!

What u mean?

RNG = Random Number Generator. Essences are random - you get more by killing more...the pyramid has nothing to do with it. One day you will swear the server understands what last armor piece you need before moving on a tier and refuses to drop it for you.it is at that point RNG has won.
94  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Cazic Thule OP on: June 28, 2017, 12:14:42 am
Yea been bouncing between there and pyramid. I seem to get more ess at pyramid so it's a decent tradeoff

Dont let RNG get to you this early!
95  General Category / General Discussion / Re: How to make plat? on: June 23, 2017, 09:18:15 am
I'm been on server for a while but I have not figured out a good way to make money beside farming sls. I'm qvic geared able to take tofs floor 1/2.
People been telling me to tier up and cash comes easy. My question is how. I want to work on my first uw and weighing cash flow from where I am now vs t4-t5.

Cash certainly comes easy in later tiers....much much later tiers. I was cash strapped until T7 or T8...my definition of cash strapped is that i didnt have tens of millions of plat to start my UW....so i didnt do an UW until i was in T8.

As boring as it is - SLS is the most reliable way to make plat at your level but i would encourage you to forego the UW until much later down the line. Make sure your Strike augs are current with each tier and your damage should be find as long as you have a good group make up or are boxing 12+. My personal opinions on selling essences/GSOA are that you should hold onto them because you will need them. I would maybe sell my first 2 GSOAs to get enough cash to start my UW...but that is assuming i have the ability to farm up the essences.

Lastly i wanted to mention the Free Waypoint reward item....or just playing in pub....instances can be a huge plat drain.
96  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Update 6/20/2017 on: June 22, 2017, 11:36:59 pm

Feedback helps.

Unfortunately I'm going to keep things this way until we are able to make adjustments necessary to fix the issue.

I totally get it - and there is plenty of fun i can have playing around the current issues, so you wont hear too much complaining from me Smiley

We know what's causing it, it's just not a simple fix and we're working on it. We should have some new code fairly soon

When things are working smooth again at least people will have something to be thankful for instead of taking a smooth running server for granted Wink

I didn't know that you were already keyed in on the issues. I am happy to hear you guys are working on it and that gives me great hope....i am all for a little suffering to get to an improved state! As you mentioned i have already noticed vast improvement when i am alone in a zone....its awesome and makes me excited for when things running to their full potential.

97  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Update 6/20/2017 on: June 22, 2017, 07:54:32 am
I had been having problems that i thought were exclusive to T10 and posted the detail in that thread prior to this being started. Basically i am experience black screen "You have been disconnected." I thought i fixed the issue but turns out i really just discovered another symptom.

If  i have T10 all to myself, i will not experience disconnects. As soon as another crew logged in my first death = disconnect. I suppose this is somewhat good as i can control being by myself by purchasing instances. It sucks because my guild has recently been playing together in T10, but at least i can keep playing.

If this gives anyone any ideas as to the issue and possible solutions - im happy to listen and try anything.
98  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T10 Bugs/Problems/Questions on: June 20, 2017, 08:40:54 am
There is a chance the below issue is with my computer and not a widespread problem but i thought i would post just in case anyone else is experiencing this.

T10 has usually been a bit more laggy to play than other zones but after last nights patch i am seeing the following:

- On my main client it takes much longer to zone into T10. Once i am in the zone my raid takes about 1 minute to load along with the zone to settle in.

- I am bound in T10. When i die and zone back into T10 there is about a 50% chance my character that is zoning will get booted to character select. I dont think i am getting the disconnected screen, just straight to char select. This problem appears to be isolated to the same characters...but i havent done enough testing to confirm.

- When I zone my entire crew into T10 at the same time only 3/18 will stick....the rest get black Disconnected screen and booted to char select.

I can zone other zones even quicker than i did prior to the update and am not having the same problems.

I will keep updating this post as i observe more over the next few days.

FYI - ran speed test right after zoning all chars into T10

13MBps download
2.03Mbs upload

In game i have about 95ms

Update: It appears o have been a system issue. Pre-change things were a bit laggy but i never really worried about dumbing things down beyond stick figures. I went through all the options and optimized and did everything i can to reduce system memory usage. i have 16gb and was able to move boxes from using 800 mb to about 200mb and now things are going smoother. I now only disconnect 2-4 boxes when i zone everyone into T10 at the same time. In zone deaths dont result in DCs nearly as often.
99  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Sharpclaw on: June 07, 2017, 02:40:01 pm
would you agree that in every quest with a great item there must be a ridiculous grind aspect?

if not, the reward item is easily obtained and everyone gets it and starts looking for a new quest for a new item.

the rate is not meant to be a rage quit item, but this is this guest's bottleneck

While i agree with your point Rent, i also see value  in Godtanks suggestion that perhaps up his spawn rate while lowering the soul drop rate for an overall neutral impact on soul drops but net increase in the sanity of those farming it. Farming Svart sucks but each spawn of Tser i get gives me hope.....even when svart doesnt follow.
100  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Ultinate charms an idea on: May 12, 2017, 07:34:45 pm
I got 5 of them during the "whoops this is wayyyy too easy" event last year.
we all hope they never repeat that mistake..
assuming everyone has 20 of them is a bit much.
yes, if you have a few sets of them it makes UC3 a tiny bit faster.
not quite as easy as "get 10 clickies, camp at vulak = WIN" I was responding to...

I only assumed people had 12 but not quite as grim as the 3 scales per 3 hours i was responding to...
101  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Ultinate charms an idea on: May 11, 2017, 03:07:44 pm
so... if you have 10 of them that's still only 9 scales every 3 hours.

which would take you... 100 hours.

I have 24 so that's 24 scales for about 15 minutes of work. I get there is a cool down but i wont sit at my computer waiting for it to come up.

with perfect drops thats 3.125 hours of playtime 37.5 hours of real life time of sitting at my computer watching my cool down expire.

I think it is fair to say a lot of people who have been through the Halloween event where they were able to mass clear it have suited their entire crew (average size of 12) with DT clickies. So double the numbers above and you are still looking at about 6 hours of play time without really having to have a tank that can pull the entire zone.
102  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Ultinate charms an idea on: May 11, 2017, 12:00:45 pm
run to vulak.
summon raid..
get withen melee range of vulak
hit hotkey to fire off 10 dt clickys
loot vulak

it only takes 3 clickies, but they have a 3 hour CD, so at best that's 3 scales - random scales, maybe not the ones you need, every 3 hours
at best.

Except most people have more than 3 clickies in their raid.
103  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Login things on: May 10, 2017, 05:11:08 pm
Your mom goes to college.....
104  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Login things on: May 05, 2017, 10:57:46 am
I too am really excited for this project. Another one anxiously await is that gutted client (for the box army). I realize everyone is working hard and will wait patiently, but wanted to bring it up if only to make sure when it gets released that someone posts about it on these forums, since i dont really keep up with on the eqemu forums.

105  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Loping Plains traps map on: April 25, 2017, 06:56:59 pm
They are definitely static, though I don't have them all on here, and a few aren't pixel-perfect accurate. But they are static for sure. Go try it out, and add any you find.

Ill definitely check this out and add to it next UW farm fest that rolls around
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