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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: graphic bugs? on: June 09, 2015, 11:40:42 am
Update on my toon from previous post. Later that same evening I got him to level 52. Proceeded to then go to Velks Lair and remembered how much I hated that zone in eqlive. Will find an alternative to leveling further. lol

But inserting my editorial opinion here, if I may, as fun as it was to level that fast in one day, most likely due to years of plodding xp grind in eqlive, I don't think I could do that to many times before it completely bored me to tears.

I'm wondering, if what you guys say is true about EZ starting at level 70, why don't the people who run this server offer the option to create a level 70 right from the start. Level 70 toon with all the appropriate gear and let loose the dogs of war at 70? I mean this isn't eq, really. It's another animal altogether based on eq. Just a thought.

@ Chunka, that was one heck of an endorsement. While reading it I was all psyched to make my 6man team and go on a rampage. lol Then I remembered I am to stupid to even figure out how to even make macroquest or wineq work. I've tried and I am seemingly incapable of understanding those programs. My shortcoming. I try and follow some guide or instructions and then I see what they are saying is not matching what is on my screen. wtf>?!? Stopped in my tracks.  Sad

When I tried to 2box or one time 3box in the past, it was with full screens doing the alt+tab thing or I even tried to make 2 smaller screens side by side on the monitor and then just cick the mouse on the one I wanted to use. Both proved to be more work than I wanted to do and the smaller screens were very unsatisfying visually. Back in 2003 to 2004 or so, not sure of the exact dates, I 2 boxed a druid/warrior combo to level 65. Burnt me out. I found some guy who 2boxed a war and shaman and he let me join him with my druid. I had a lot more fun. Made 70 with the druid.

Personally, I like mmo's for the immersion factors and exploring and basically being engrossed in the game with 1 character. More than that and its not an immersion in a game reality but a mass game rape using so many characters at once I cant see how anyone can possibly enjoy and character identify. The toons become tools to solve the riddle that is the game. I think in todays mmo enviorment, I am a lost breed. I'm stuck in 1999-2004. Sad

As for the comments about the dick waving players, I've seen that far to much for my taste in playing mmo's, so I agree with you 100% on what you were saying. I want to work and earn my way and take satisfaction in a job well done. My comments about time sinks are not directed at long quests or hard work, but at soe's version of sitting in one spot and camping a single mob who may or may not spawn and once spawned may or may not drop the one item needed to progress on the quest. One example was my monk in eqlive camping some mob in lower guk for an item needed for epic 1.0. Camp lasted over 80 hours of game time! That is not fun. Let me kill some PH's for awhile to spawn the mob and let the mob always drop said item. I firmly believe soe created time sinks to keep players paying for subs longer thus soe collects more $$. A BS logic since it doesn't factor in how many people quit in frustration and hence lost subs equal lost $$. Yikes, I went on a rant there lol

Wow, this turned into a long post. Sorry.

Oh well, like I mentioned above, I'll play my warrior til at least 70, but if the comments above are any indication of what I am to expect, a lone warrior has zero chance or progressing thru the upper levels of the game. I have my style of playing and ultimately this server may not be my cup of tea. It may be a great game as these eqemu's go, we'll see if it's for me.

Good luck to all you guys with your EZ adventures  Smiley
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: graphic bugs? on: June 08, 2015, 08:53:35 pm
To start, thank you for the replies.

I am using the RoF2 client. I had downloaded the EZ file pack, but to my embarrassment, I forgot to load it up. Did that and some of the issues were fixed, namely seeing the swords actually swinging now. Also the chat window is now displaying my damage output altho with the monstrous damage assigned to these weapons, the fights don't last long enough to see but one or two damage statements. lol

The 3rd thing I mentioned was the endurance bar fluctuating wildly. Its not as bad now but still way more crazy than eqlive ever was concerning endurance. Not sure why, but I'm not sweating that.

Concerning comments about this server not even starting until level 70, sadly if I had known that I might not have even tried to join. But since I'm here and my toon is now level 45 after killing just a few more pirates in Dulak's, (crazy xp) I may as well stay around til at least level 70 and see whats in store for me there. TBH tho, top end game play in any of these mmo's has never really been my cup of tea. I think soe burnt me out after years of pathetic time sinks and ridiculous mob progression.

At any rate, thanks again for the responses. Appreciated it.
3  General Category / General Discussion / graphic bugs? on: June 08, 2015, 03:44:14 pm
I recently joined EZ server and created a Barbarian warrior. Gave him all the goodies I read on forums about and started to do the beginner quests in SFG. Once out of SFG, I noticed some graphical and play problems.

1) in combat, my toon is not swinging his weapon

2) chat log is only showing that my toon is kicking and scoring damage via DS, I assume from the Buff Bot. No weapon damage is showing in chat window at all

3) endurance bar is bouncing from full to empty and back like a yoyo on crack

4) in SFG, using the practice dummy, combat is working normally. Graphically, chat log recording and endurance bar.

So the problem seems to be once I leave SFG and venture to FoB, Paludal Caverns, forget the zone the dwarf sent me and finally to Dulak's Harbor.

I don't know about anyone else, but not being able to see the visual combat of my toon, is a put off. I went from level 1 to level 41 in a few hours, basically DSing mobs to death. Which in itself is pretty sad.

Of course, on a side note, I'm not really a fan of handing out a ton of overdone party treats to new characters. Not sure of the logic but it really robs the feeling of any sense of accomplishment in the game. Just my opinion.

Anyway, the point of this message was to point out the combat problems outside of SFG.

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