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General Category / Shadowknight / Re: Came back afetr several years
on: January 13, 2017, 12:56:44 pm
As several people have pointed out, the wiki really is your friend. So many things have changed over the years that you will struggle more than a new player would. The wiki has details on mq2, setup options and some useful hotkey macros. You can always go to a lower level zone with your warrior and pally to test out commands. If you have trouble getting something to work thats not covered by the wiki, ooc or the forums are a good place to ask.
The only thing you can't do with mq2 is automation. Thats having your toons do things without you telling them to. As long as you have to press a key to get them to do something(auto attack, cast spells, click clickies) you are playing within the spirit of the server.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Content
on: December 25, 2016, 03:34:40 pm
Much of the content was a bit difficult to figure out. For example T5 was hard for the people that figured it out, the EoN mobs were challenging to figure out at first, T9 boss spawning and T10 also presented some puzzles. Unfortunately or fortunately (there are people in both camps) the content was all put on the Wiki and spoonfed to players. I've argued against that for years. Without the wiki much of this content would still be challenging for new players.
I wanted to have a resource for people who needed the information. I might shout at everyone who asks questions in ooc to read the wiki, but its really up to the player if they want to use the wiki.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Content
on: October 30, 2016, 12:44:49 am
Updated spell list would be amazinggggg. Also fixing the ones that are wrong like pally avenger 2 recipe....wasted so much plat on buying Velium and the recipes not working.
If you find an incorrect recipe please report it so we can correct it. What was the correct recipe for avenger 2?
General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween and Doubles
on: October 24, 2016, 10:00:25 pm
That sounds about right Noot, but I was talking about a picture of the merchant window for the undead sporali. Its easier to just save a picture of it to the wiki instead of having to make a table for the pricing data.
General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween and Doubles
on: October 24, 2016, 04:45:21 pm
Looks like "somebody" was slacking last year and "they" didn't get a picture of his inventory for the wiki.
My bad... I will add it once the zone opens up.
General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween and Doubles
on: October 24, 2016, 12:05:35 pm
The zone is open to everyone 70+. It is an expedition.
The bosses do not scale, but Diablo is limited to spawning random bosses based on the zones level. This means he wont randomly spawn any higher level bosses on a zone thats scaled to a lower level but it does not stop them from chaining higher.
The wiki has details.
General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0
on: October 09, 2016, 11:58:11 am
Mage would not proc. Over 60+ casts on surefall dummy and hoh mobs(1shot kills). On both the mage and enchanter i had to use neck to get mana back to attempt to get 1 proc.
Can someone else test this and post their findings? If theres something that i can do to fix it id like to know.
Logged on my mage and got a proc off the stonehive dummy after 3 casts of shylo's.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Content
on: September 30, 2016, 06:09:43 am
I don't see a problem increasing the plat bag drop rate, but I never had a problem making instances for anyone without a FWP. Unless that attitude has changed in the months since, I would think most players could ask a friend or ask in OOC for a few extra instances. T5 respawn is not that long when you're at level.
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