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General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Lotto Bot....
on: October 28, 2010, 01:04:27 am
For every 100pp you put in, it only ups the jackpot by 50. So if you pumped it up to 18200, you actually put in 20k not 10k. So likely you actually lost 1800pp...or some other people put their money in too and you broke exactly even.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: EZ not so friendly....anymore!
on: October 19, 2010, 06:03:44 pm
Stuls, I in fact agree with almost everything you said in your original post. But in the same context that you are trying to make me see things a little different, I was specific to my choice of words, as I think most "senior"/uber players are quite friendly and it's been an enjoyable experience on the server overall...but recently I have felt that things are turning (even if ever so slightly) for the worse and again it's hard to generalize but in my experience it seems more people are quick to flame newer people readily...
and I can verify, having been in their shoes...it doesn't feel jovial even if that is the intent, it feels like you are being ridiculed. In my particular instance it went something like this:
My ooc: MoW is up, can someone come kill him please? (Now I'm sure you can critique the way I asked but essentially I needed help, was willing to pay if needed, etc)
Responses: I will come kill him and loot him and you can watch, is that what you meant? haha lol etc
So ya, jovial sure, were they just joking yes, but at my expense and it didn't feel good AND server wide!
And if my posting here helps just one person take the edge off when dealing with someone that "doesn't know any better", then it was worth my time.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: EZ not so friendly....anymore!
on: October 19, 2010, 04:37:39 pm
My point originally was not to defend the noob asking the question or complaining, my point was that the "senior" members of the server/forum have the choice on how they choose to react to it! And in my recent observation, more and more, the responses are "not so friendly".
So even if those that are being "not so friendly" feel just and validated for being "not so friendly", because of the huge influx of "more and more complaints", it doesn't change the fact that they are still being "not so friendly"!
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: EZ not so friendly....anymore!
on: October 19, 2010, 12:20:48 pm
This is from another thread where I diverged from the original post, but Smoka is right on in my opinion, 100%. Smoka said: Or, do like I do...
don't help anymore. I used to help out, but then it got to the point where it was expected, even though I was busy doing my own thing. So, I stopped unless I knew the person in RL.
There's a difference asking for help with something and asking for someone to come kill everything for you. Note, he really didn't stop helping, he still helps just selectively, and in my opinion help should not only be selective but limited! Like you get most of your LDON pages and I'll help you finish the rest. If you are selective with your help, then people WILL be grateful and not act like spoiled brats. Just be more selective, people will be more grateful and everyone will be happier/more friendly! And Funkinmofo, I agree with almost everything you said! I think the answer to your situation is tell them you can't help anymore as soon as they ask you to wait! You are exactly right that you don't have to help and if it starts annoying you, nothing will be gained for them or for you so that's when it's time to pull the plug. They learn their "lesson" to not ask you to wait, and you still helped out, it's a win win! Either way, the attitude isn't the answer I think.
General Category / Updates / Re: KD Update
on: October 19, 2010, 11:02:45 am
Even though I too likely won't benefit from this specific change, I feel the need to say thanks for the changes you do make to try to make the server better.
So Thanks!
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: This is BS...
on: October 19, 2010, 10:39:11 am
Tried that and it failed. Grin Dangit Cracken, you are one of a kind bro! I know you in game and I think you are great guy...just take it a little easier on the youngins, man...cheers!
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: This is BS...
on: October 19, 2010, 10:30:16 am
What is the problem with politely saying..."sorry man, I feel your pain, but the rules say, yada yada, if you need help message me in game" and leave it at that instead of flamin the dude?
General Category / Rants and Flames / EZ not so friendly....anymore!
on: October 19, 2010, 10:16:39 am
I have been playing for several months...I'm thru qvic and tacvi, should be going to PoD soon. You might call me a noob, and that's fine. I try to enjoy the content instead of rush thru because apparently it's just a grind eventually....so the way I look at it, the longer it takes me to get to the grind, the more fun I'll have, but whatever.
Anyway, there is a certain understanding that you can receive help getting epics, yet more and more you get this "attitude" when you ask for help. Just now I saw someone /ooc saying "can anyone come and do Twinkle Toes for me?"
The responses were: "while you watch?" "lol"
Now you might say this is an isolated case but it's exactly the same response I got when I asked for help with TT too! More and more there is this mentality from the "uber" people that, 'ok I'll help you but I have every right to be an asshole while I do it'. And if you think this is true in game, it's RAMPANT in the forums. I could link to many many posts that basically go like this:
"Noob" posts complaint/question Uber retort says stfu noob you have no right to complain/question, read the rules, learn how to play right, yada yada Uber post scripts, o btw, if you need help message me in game
I mean seriously people, is this what the definition of friendly is? Yell at them then offer to help?! Is the grind at t3/t4 really that bad you have to take it out on other people? Maybe I don't want to get to t3/t4 and become one of these "helpful" A-holes. The easy answer is to say it's isolated, not all the uber people are like this and yes while I believe that is true, I also know it starts at the top and trickles down. I have a short list of people in game that are uber that are actually truly good people, but let me tell you it's quite short! The vast majority are people that only help others to build their own egos, aka, self proclaimed helpers! Let's see you help someone then say "See how great I am for helping!"...right on!
So maybe EZ has changed recently for the worse, or maybe it was just like this all along and I was too much of a noob to understand. Either way I think it's sad...two cheers for helping someone just to help, and not asking or saying anything in return. There are very few left that do this in my opinion!
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: This is BS...
on: October 19, 2010, 09:40:44 am
Wow...this server has really gotten bad with people so high and mighty that in a "Rant and Flames" thread someone can't "Rant and Flame"....
I believe it says under the description "No rules in here. Complain about anything!"
Go ahead and call me a newbie for my 6 posts or whatever I have and completely ignore this post as I'm sure the vast majority of you will (think high and mighty again here)...but frankly I DON'T post a lot because I'm well aware of all the high and mighty people that will flame me for saying what I really think about a lot of stuff.
You point newbies to the forums...yet when they post a message in the correct location you are all still too caught up with yourselves to understand that maybe, just maybe he had a right to post this and maybe that's all that was needed was for him to get it off his chest and he woulda got over it.
But instead he gets responses that he's just a newbie and to "go away".
Let's review....
Point newbies to forums, newbie posts in forums, yell at newbie for posting in forums! Geniuses, all of ya!
P.S. This wasn't pointed to everyone just the "high and mighty" responses...you know who you are!
General Category / Suggestions / Re: Warrior farming fix
on: October 17, 2010, 12:02:21 am
I bet everyone that doesn't think Warriors need a nerf play warriors regularly! Maybe not their main but just as frequently as or with their main! In my honest opinion, I think warriors need a nerf, even though I have one and play it, I have not yet got anger augs and enjoyed the luxury of their GODlike power with them.
I think the new crafter's guild augs are supposed to balance the power but when I saw one selling for 4.5 million today it's like what's the point...might as well dish out that kinda money to get my warrior some anger augs...
Yes it's broke and let's have a real fix please!
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Anger Aug Vote
on: October 09, 2010, 01:47:35 pm
If you want to help the NON-warrior classes DPS to be "on par", (or really should be better) than the warriors, you need to make the updates, whether it be augs, weapons, etc, NOT useable by warriors (hint hint)!!!!!!
Otherwise warriors will just use whatever new items you create and basically we haven't gained anything...
Unless you prevent anger augs from being inserted on these new weapons, then maybe that's a "solution"...
I think it's pretty ridiculous that Warriors are so over powered...
General Category / General Discussion / Re: CG-FG Item Price List
on: October 04, 2010, 05:07:29 pm
There is a difference between what you "can" pay and what you "normally" pay and what you are "willing" to pay. Usually you can pay 5-10k less than the normal price (with patience and watching /ooc) and sometimes you are willing to pay 5-10k more than the normal price (if you want that last piece or two to finish a set).
So stricly speaking of what you normally pay (pre update), my opinion is this...
CG PRice List
1. Greater Lightstone - 5k 2. Thaumaturgist Robe - 10k 3. Flowing Black robe - 30k 4. Robe of the Oracle - 30k 5. Shining Metallic Robe - 15k 6. Light Burlap Sack - 20k 7. Advisor Robe - 20k 8. A Glowing Black stone - 10k 9. Jade Reaver - 5k 10. Fishbone Earring - 100k 11. Golden Efreeti boots - 20k 12. Ring of the Ancients - 15k 13. Lord Bergurgle's Crown - 50k 14. Red Dragon Tooth - 5k 15. Mana Robe - 5k
FG Price List
1. Dragoon Dirk - 5k 2. Shiny Brass Shield - 15k 3. Dwarven Work Boots - 20k 4. Adamantile Band - 5k 5. Polished Grante Tomahawk - 35k 6. A Mithril Two-Handed Sword - 40k 7. An Executioner Axe - 40k 8. Flowing Black Silk Sash - 30k 9. Short Sword of Ykesha - 25k 10. Silver Chitin Hand Wraps - doubt has ever been sold, pre nerf 11. Fighting Baton - 15k 12. Knuckle Dusters - 50k 13. Staff of Forbidden Rites - 5k 14. Fungus Covered Tunic - 25k
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