Hello all! After about 6 years away from EQ I have been sucked back in when I found your server
before I left I had a monk and pretty much exclusively played that class, but with the way you can level here I have been trying out a few different classes.
At the moment I have been using a beastlord as my main and boxing a cleric for heals, it seems to have worked pretty well so far and I have just dinged 70 on both and have been playing in BOT for the past couple of nights I've been able to log in. I don't think I am much of a multiboxer, but I think I could probably cope with one more...and while I was pondering this last night I thought I would come here with some questions -
1) What progression of zones should I go for, am currently in the lower levels of BOT...where next?
2) Is now a good time to start FG/CG? Or are epic upgrades a better plan? Or is just killing in lvl 70 zones a better idea to get some better gear? Or maybe RoA?
3) How far can I realistically get to with my current 2 box set up?
4) If I was to add a third box, what would you suggest? Tank? crowd control? something else?
5) What's the waypoint thingy for in Surefall?
Thanks for any advice