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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Bank broker on: July 22, 2017, 12:33:31 am
yeah.. first of all why?
second.. um..  cool, create 1000 toons, take out max loans, xfer plat to main toon, delete junk toons...

too easy to abuse.

Could always IP restrict it, its possible to.

I could see why too, could help someone to create instances without the free creator, though I do also have to ask why even with that aside because its not terribly difficult to make money.
2  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Stone of Impatiance on: July 17, 2017, 04:28:45 am
As a new player to the server (Capable of soloing t3/t4 gods and t3 stuff solo in t3) this is next to impossible to do, and on top of that it only has the initial stats of a t1 accessory.

I would say to up the base stats on it and make it worthwhile and viable for others to go do.

The quest text for this is very confusing also, from how I initially read it he was trading a scepter 5 for a stone of impatience, which made me stop and try to do it since I have three, but cant do a thing with them.  They literally just collect dust.

I think another option would be to actually allow the NPC to trade a stone for a rank 1, that'd give new players like myself incentive to go do it and get more SOIs. It'd give old players a reason to use SOIs (Alts, pulling etc) and new players an ability to get them decently.
3  General Category / General Discussion / Pet class issues on: July 10, 2017, 12:44:41 pm
Hello!  I'd like to ask a couple of questions, and get some feedback and see if maybe its a server-side issue, or just me being a stupid idiot and doing it wrong.

I'm a Necromancer, and a solo player as well.  I recently finished my t2 gearing, with a good bit of help.  I have my 3.0 epic aug completed, with CG quest done, but having a bit of a problem with the pet himself.

Other than those I'm having quite a bit of fun here as a solo player, and the challenge in doing everything myself is completely entertaining for me.

My problems:

Usually if I go afk in Nexus (I go AFK there because he gets buffs, which has helped me massively with my progression being a solo player), for anything more than 60 minutes he disappears.  I can be standing AFK at the teleporter area not moving, him standing not moving, him on follow, him on guard this spot.  Absolutely nothing and he disappears.  He does not do this in other active zones (I kinda fell asleep in Qvic the other night and he stayed the entire time).  Am I doing something wrong to make him disappear, or should I be following and doing something else with him?

With that being said and going to an active zone, sometimes (PoDragons is perfect example) I will be engaged on a NPC killing it, and all of a sudden my pet just stops attacking, stops whatever he's doing and walks back to me.  I send him again and he goes back, but its frustrating because I try to keep things positioned so I don't get hit.  I don't have the /pet back button command on my hotkey and he still does this.  Wondering if this is something I'm doing wrong as well, am I not feeding him enough for him to throw a temper tantrum? Tongue

Necro issue:

Upon fizzling spell Ancient: Touch of Orshilak (70 Lifetap) it locks my entire cast bar up for 15-20s.  In which case no spells at all are usable, but clickies and whatnot are.  ONLY the ancient fizzle locks the cast bar up, everything else works correctly.

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