So far everything is working great, just the one silver knight glitch so far. I've tested tabs 2, 3 (only able to do v1), 4 and half of 7. Stupid no spawning EoN mobs. I'll start on 5 and 6 (CG/FG) tomorrow.
CG Bug - Dimur (just completed CG quest, "should be" last bug on this tab) When ghoul supplier is up name does not display FG Bug - Dimur Short Sword of Ykesha does not register when looted.
Chief - I'll be starting another set of boxes this week or next weekend and I can run your tracker with them if you'd like me to put it through the ringer.
When in Castle Mistmoore - An Advisor does not display on the list in red when not spawned (DOES show in green though) When in City of Mist - A Black Reaver does not display on the list in red or green King's Chest line has minor text overlap - "4.0(overlap)of 4"