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1  General Category / General Discussion / Impressions from a New Player to the Server on: January 02, 2020, 01:32:47 pm
I have been playing here for about a week.

I had never used MQ2 before, and my only time boxing was two clients on two screens, and prior to that, a guy on follow on a laptop.  Reading on MQ2 made it sound like it was studying for the Bar.  It took several days to realize it was ridiculously simple.  From there, I moved from One Character to Three Characters, got the three to a decent level to group with a 60, and added in the 1st to make four.  A few days later, I added a 5th and 6th, but by then I had discovered the Plane of Fire xp zone.  Clearly, the amount of XP that can be gained per kill is not under any sort of server cap... why does the leveling process exist?  None of the time spent from 1-70 was anything more than a few hours of tedium, and I was fooled in places like Dulak and Fearplane that the looted gear might be important.  I replaced every single item within the first hour in Time, and have since run a naked character with the 1.0 epic in Time to prove that it was not required.  As I understand it, people that have been playing here any length of time have ways to make the process last like 30 minutes... so why have it at all?

Why are there two different hubs, SFG and Nexus?  As I upgraded my charm over three different waves of characters, all this did was make me have to hold on to my first charm so when I /bcaa //useitem 0 I could move everyone in Nexus back to SFG with /bcaa //useitem 30 .  Seems pointless, and problematic to boot.

The race/class restrictions are in place, including some that had been unlocked in the ROF2 client time period.  For a funserver, not sure why it would be this way.

However, the primary issue that is completely unforgivable for a server that boasts boxing as its hugest draw is... why is every single item drop from mobs NO DROP?  Epic Upgrades?  Sure.  However, having to keep up with which box needs which LDoN Card still... that's a LOT less forgivable.  Life gets a little more hectic in QVIC; gems and molds are great, but why do I have to cus every time I loot a mold with the wrong 800x600 window in the matrix?

So... I have been here a week, I'm a nobody, and no one will miss me when I am gone.  All of these things are true.
You have a four page post about why you have a weak server population and every suggestion is about rewarding people that have been here for years.  I just thought you might want to know why people show up, look at the server, and hit the bricks long before you ever learn their name.
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