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1  General Category / Updates / Re: Labor Day Weekend - Server Update - Code Update - Events on: September 03, 2021, 06:04:42 pm
Wow, good stuff.  Many thanks you guys and congrats Drac!
2  General Category / Updates / Re: Zone Development Update on: August 16, 2021, 12:01:57 am
Appreciate your work Draca, thank you for the update!
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: ZP Availability on: August 10, 2021, 05:17:29 pm

I think you took what I was saying too personally. It wasn't intended as an attack on you in the slightest...

Draca just put what I said more eloquently.


You're good, and I apologize.  A lot of it was my bad day at work coming out Sad
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: ZP Availability on: August 10, 2021, 09:18:22 am
    Zone pull spears were intended to be a fairly rare, thus fairly valuable novelty. Most players were unable to zone pull Hills of Shade, and so for a while they were. At some point though, as more and more maxed out players began stacking up, the amount of zone pull spears has increased exponentially (I have 4000+).  Due to this, it definitely makes it feel like it's something you have to have, or that you're being cheated if you don't have immediate access to them, and neither one is true.  Do they help cut down some of the more monotonous aspects of grinding? Of course they do. Are those grinds not doable without them? Of course not, they just suck, like they were designed too. They are a limited time available item, if you weren't ready the last time they were available, whether through EZ Credits or Halloween, just make sure you're ready to capitalize on them the next time they are.

     Akkadius has explained before that donations are only to help him cover the operational costs of running the server, it's not a business for him. At some point, the EZ Server piggy bank simply has enough to cover costs for a significant amount of time, and donations must be shut off.

     I don't speak for Akkadius or Rent, but I wouldn't vote to add zone pull spears to any bosses, or quest rewards, and won't add them to any of my developments in the future. While the Halloween event timing, or donation availability is not always perfectly timed for everyone to be able to capitalize, that has always been true, and no one is at any specific disadvantage.

Most certainly an appreciated and logical response.  I completely understand and appreciate you taking the time Draca.  I also appreciate your understanding of my position.  Hopefully the next time HoS rolls around I will be more prepared.  Thanks again.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: ZP Availability on: August 09, 2021, 09:22:25 pm
I don't wanna come here and be the bad guys/ass hole but ZP Spears are not needed to complete any part of the content on EZ.

Do they make it easier, sure..Have people become reliant on them, definitely.

This is EZ=Extended Zone, not EZ=Easy, stuff is meant to be hard, t5 is not meant to be done in 2 days etc..

People have become almost too helpful these days, I don't mind helping people out but you've got people just pulling tier after tier for people and they get to t10 and can't do anything because they don't have SoA maxxed or any form of EoBA...

These things were implemented as a bonus but now people almost half expect someone to pull a zone for them or open them a triple, hell I've had people get pissy with me because I wouldn't run them through the whole of T10 and get them their 1000pb kills or do their faction for them...

You've got people joining the server and getting to t10 in under three weeks, that's not right but hey ho.

In the end you said it best

Perhaps that's on my own naivety for not realizing what I was doing

Akka has his reasons for closing donations and that's just the way it is at the moment.


Yeah, so I wouldn't expect this from you but it is what it is.  It was just a question.  Everyone's received some help, myself certainly included, but despite my short tenure let's not pretend I started a week ago and rode someone's coat tails the whole way.  Not to mention I never asked for anything.  Anything I've gotten outside of a trade was 100% offered and quite often demanded that I take it.

All I was suggesting is that an avenue was opened up for people that had put some time in.  Go ahead and give 50 zone pulls to a level 70 and let them zone pull qvic.  I'll bring the popcorn.

As far as quoting me, yep I stand by that.  I did it because of the assistance I received.  Sucks to be a nice guy.

And for the millionth time im not begging for donations to be opened.  Like....providing alternatives.  My apologies.
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: ZP Availability on: August 08, 2021, 06:45:22 pm
Well if you focus a little longer on your main gang (or just on warrior as it stands) then you will get tons of zps in around 2 months … by that time and with your play style you should have full UA, the necessary gear from st and so you can focus on HoS .. starting with a big pull and continue over and over with zps .. after the event you can level all other toons and zp as often as you want

Greetings and see you soon

Well that's really part of why I made the post.  My job hours are pretty stupid at the moment and my play time has really suffered.  That isn't helping either of course.  I don't have the kind of time necessary to do much in t10 at the moment heh.

Good to see ya mongo
7  General Category / General Discussion / ZP Availability on: August 08, 2021, 07:53:07 am
First things first allow me to get a couple things out of the way.  Yes, I'm aware that Akkadius informed us a couple events ago to take advantage of donations while they were available.  Myself, I was fairly new to the server at the time, but even so, I dropped a good deal of cash on donating.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the server and I was happy to donate and help support this community and server.  The rewards for donating were nice, but I really did also want to help support this community.

Allllll that said, I'm finding it a bit rough having run out of ZP's.  If it was honestly all from my own advancement, I really wouldn't care so much.  However, I have used A LOT to help advance new players, the majority of which I've never seen log on again.  Perhaps that's on my own naivety for not realizing what I was doing.  Long story short, I'm totally out of ZP's.

In any case, I'm trying to advance some new toons and it would be really nice to have some Zone Pulls to help the process along.  My main crew is in T10, so it's not like I haven't done my part so to speak.  Given the nature of the server, I almost feel they're required to a point.  Guess I'm just asking if donations cannot be enabled currently for any particular reason (I really don't want to be viewed as some kind of beggar), if there's any reason that ZP's couldn't at least be tradeable?  I have a feeling that a lot of maxed out folks have waaaaaay more than they really need and it would open up yet another good trading route for lower level players and players (like myself) that may just not have been really ready the last time an event rolled around.  Another option I've tossed around is having them ultra-rarely dropping at all times and not just during events.

I fully realize and accept that I'm a newer player in the grand scheme of things that hasn't really known much of the struggle without the convenience of zone pulls, but I also feel that at the current point in the life of the server, they are almost a necessity for an acceptable level of progression.  Maybe I'm out of line, but just how I'm feeling right now.  Thanks for reading.
8  General Category / Shadowknight / Re: Shadow knight still garbo? on: July 08, 2021, 05:34:12 am
I don't have any experience with them myself, but based on a conversation I saw in game recently, I'd say they still have....issues Smiley
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Wiki Editor (or 2) on: June 30, 2021, 11:42:02 pm
Would like to help aswell … but I am german so I don‘t know if that would be ok for you.

Like I wrote in the broken stuff thread: there are a lot of things missing. Especially T10 and Halloween Event.

But if Tankus gets his access everything will be fine and fancy

Dude, 96% of Americans speak/write far worse English than you.
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Wiki Editor (or 2) on: June 30, 2021, 03:33:08 am
Honestly I'd love to do that, I'm not complaining but since I've been around I've always wished the wiki was a little more in depth.....and I'm an exceptionally wordy kind of guy anyway.

Holler at me...pm or whatever.  I'd love to do something helpful in light of the ridiculous amount of help I've received here and how much I've enjoyed my stay.
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Double/Triple Instance Problem on: June 19, 2021, 02:36:40 am
Update: Issue appears solved.  Create the instance in the same zone and just /say create double/triple instance.  I was sometimes doing it remotely and including the zone name.  Apparently causes problems.

Thanks again FK!
12  General Category / General Discussion / Double/Triple Instance Problem on: June 18, 2021, 09:54:04 pm
Hey all.  I got a few double/triple instance items during the last event.  I think fairly soon after the event I tried one on something and it worked alright.  Lately though (over the last few weeks or so) each time I've tried it will say the instance has been created, but when I try to enter it will say this instance has expired.  It typically does not consume the items, but one time it did.  The instance will not show up in the instance list, but if I try to create another it will tell me I already have one.

I'm not that torn up about it, but I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to how I can fix it.  As far as I know they seem to be working for other people.

Thanks for any suggestions!
13  General Category / Updates / Re: EZ Event May 10th on: May 25, 2021, 10:02:45 pm
Thank you!  Had a blast!  Grin
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Zone Ideas for new Development on: May 25, 2021, 10:01:49 pm
Seems small for a whole tier, but I love Unrest
15  General Category / Updates / Re: EZ Event May 10th on: May 10, 2021, 09:41:53 pm
Thanks sir!
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