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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: TOFS and possible spell bug on: August 10, 2022, 06:13:15 pm
That makes sense.  Unfortunately I don't believe I can cure it without the special donation item.    It doesn't have counters so I don't think any normal cure I have access to will cure it.  I'd be happy to pay to win in this situation, but donations locked down Smiley
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Airplane not working for me. on: August 09, 2022, 12:44:47 pm
One thing it looks like your not seeing file extensions.   If you go to View Tab,  you should see a box that says File Name Extensions.   You should check this box.

I have these 3 files for airplane:

airplane.s3d     2,563 KB
airplane_chr.s3d   2,063 KB
airplane_char.txt  1KB  (think this file is from the patch)

I think you are missing files,   and /or they  seem way too small.  The files in your first post almost look like they are map files.
I'm not sure if you have a clean copy of ROF2 laying around but I'd check that to see what airplane files are in there.    If not you can download the ROF2 client from here:  http://wiki.ezserver.online/Getting_Started.   In there is a link to download a P2P client that will get you the full Rof2 client which will have the correct airplane files

3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: TOFS and possible spell bug on: August 08, 2022, 03:23:39 pm
Just to be pro-active I decided to test if it was some other weird problem with the client files.  I am not sure where I got my current rof2 clean copy but its been years.

I deleted my EZServer directory,and got a clean copy of rof2 following the forum guides here (using the p2p program).   I then put the current 7/22 patch files into it.    After going into TOFS I still have the bug.

I get the Incisor DOT on me.. it drops me to 0 hp and says I'm bleeding.  After 2 minutes, the DOT goes away and I can cast a spell on my warrior from someone else, and he hops up full health with all his buffs still.

Everyone whose tried to help me insists that bleeding thing is a problem with the spell file.  Is it possible that the latest spell file has some kind of bug that crept into it?   I never tried to go to TOFS pre 7/22 so I'm not sure if this is a new issue or not.

4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: TOFS and possible spell bug on: August 08, 2022, 12:25:58 pm
spells_us.txt   -  7/22/2022  3:330PM    -   9,728 KB
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: TOFS and possible spell bug on: August 08, 2022, 12:16:24 am
I don't think the issue is whether the spell is out of depth (though it does seem to be).    I probably shouldn't have brought that factor up since it seems to be distracting from the main issue.

Its the fact that this spell and so far for me ONLY this spell, bugs me out if its cast on me.   After 2 ticks of 15k dmg, my 30k tank should be dead.  But he doesn't die.  He flops over and is continually bleeding to death.   If I tab over to another box my warrior shows up as full health.   At this point the client is 100% locked up.  I can't open up my inventory, try to camp, stand up,  do anything.   I now have 2 choices:
1)  Open up taskmanager, end the process for that client and load back in
2)  Wait the 2 minutes for the client to think the DOT is expired.  At this point any spell cast on my tank by another character will instantly pop him back up at full health.

Its clearly a bug.  Either something wrong on the server end,  or something wrong with my client setup.   I have the all the latest files(including spell file)  so if anyone has an idea what might be causing this, I'd really like to farm up TOFS.

Also of note to the suggestion to just cure it.    I can't cure it.   I can stand their for 2 minutes casting the appropriate cure, and remove thousands of counters but it won't remove it, since its in this weird bugged mode.

If it helps at all, happy to jump on discord and share my screen and show exactly what is happening

6  General Category / General Discussion / TOFS and possible spell bug on: August 07, 2022, 06:48:21 pm
Recently started farming TOFS for Resist Augs.   The shades on level 1 (blue to me at 71) and all the mobs on level 2 (72 guys)  all cast Incisor of the Unholy  on me (T5 abyss necro spell).   Seems a bit out of depth.    Additionally this spell just bugs out and doesn't kill me.  I get stuck in a bleeding state until the 2minute dot wears off.  Then any spell cast on me instantly stands be back up full health.

I have verified I'm using the current spell file (dated 7/22/2022 and like 9.5m) That I got from the goggle drive.
Is it possible there is a bug with the spell file and its causing this specific spell to glitch?

it also seems weird that these Floor 1/2 mobs that my Qvic geared characters annihilate would be casting that spell.  it kills me in 2 ticks.
Any advice on what I might be missing that is causing this weird glitch would be appreciated.  As it is now I can't really farm the resist augs, Just too much to have to stop for 2m  every other pull.    So back to Arthicrex I guess Smiley

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