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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: AA Buying Macro on: February 02, 2022, 01:09:07 pm
thank you for this!!
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Underwater movement is bonkers...what am i doing wrong? on: March 11, 2018, 12:25:27 pm
Thank you, i figured out my problem.. my FPS on my other 11 toons was horrible.. i increased some of the settings and set the FPS a little higher in the background and everything worked out perfectly since then.

Thank you for the response =D
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Underwater movement is bonkers...what am i doing wrong? on: March 02, 2018, 04:39:01 pm
i increased my fps on my other 11 boxes and that seemed to help a bit. Still isn't "stable" ... would love to know if there's a "fix" for it.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Underwater movement is bonkers...what am i doing wrong? on: March 02, 2018, 07:48:16 am
I use the EQ launcher's and i don't use WinEQ or IsBoxer or any other program to run the game.

The problem i am having right now is in T5 - my guys are like getting stuck on each other and swimming in miles away from where i am and aggroing other stuff i dont need them to. Then when the toon finally get's to where i told him to go via my assist key the mob is already dead unless i'm on land and when i have group levitate on my guys in the water some are way above the mob and some are way below the mob, they make like a synchronized vertical line in the water and don't attack anything at all.

What am i doing wrong? Here are my commands i'm using to make my guys follow / assist.

Assist Key
/bca //target id ${Target.ID}
/bca //stick behind uw 8 moveback hold
/bca //attack on
/bca //pet attack

Follow Key
/bca //tar Vendral
/bca //stick behind uw 15 moveback hold

That's what i got, any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Ty in advance.

-- I did find a post on the forums about this topic - but it's for IsBoxer users and inside my moveutils.ini file there is no WinEQ=On for me to remove.. so i assumed it was auto turned on and i should turn it off.. i tried adding WinEQ=Off and it didn't help.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Mana Neck vs UC - please help on: February 16, 2018, 05:31:54 pm
Tested it anyway and with UC3 equipped and no Mana Neck, Damage dropped to 2.4 mil with 7.2 mil crits.

that is awesome, i hoped they would stack!! =D tyty
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Mana Neck vs UC - please help on: February 16, 2018, 05:18:18 pm
mana neck 11 is a bigger modifier than UC3, so if removing UC3 decreases damage then they stack.

ahh that makes sense. tysm!
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Mana Neck vs UC - please help on: February 16, 2018, 05:12:48 pm
A quick check in QRG tells me that my 78 Wizzy with UC3 and Mana Neck XI hits for 5.7 mil and crits for 10.5 mil using Yamakagi's IV.

When I remove my UC3, the damage drops down to 3.7 mil and 4.5 mil respectively.

Did this in about 5 minutes so, take those results for the small data pool that they represent.

could i trouble you to try just taking off your mana neck - if your dmg does down then that would tell me everything i needed to know. If your dmg goes down by a couple mil then that would tell me they do stack.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Mana Neck vs UC - please help on: February 16, 2018, 04:52:55 pm
Hey all, i have been playing on ezserver for a couple months now. I have ran into a question i haven't been able to get an answer to.

Does the Mana neck and UC spell dmg increase stack? I would say yes, but i've been met with mixed opinions when i ask the fellow players on the server and i'd like someone to break down for me exactlly what makes the mana neck the "strike aug for casters" if it doesn't stack.
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