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1  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: THE RL PICTURE THREAD!! POST YOU IN RL ~HERE!~ on: November 24, 2010, 08:00:10 pm
If you're the oldest, I'm the youngest.
I played classic when I was 10 or 11.

I was like 32 when I started playing... in 1999 played til 2004, then, upon the advice of my Doctor, I started playing World of Warcraft... played it for almost 5 years, then came here...
although unrelated, I had carpal tunnel surgery a few years ago....  LOL
2  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: THE RL PICTURE THREAD!! POST YOU IN RL ~HERE!~ on: November 24, 2010, 07:00:51 pm
Yeah, zomgDanyelle, thats what I thought when I seen Apology...

Come on peeps, am I really the Oldest one on here Huh(43)  Shocked
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Warrior Disciplines on: October 20, 2010, 02:53:04 pm
Thanks for the info..
I'll change it to show all when I get home...

OMG after all these years of playing EQ (about 10 years all up) I finally figured out who Soandso is.  It's so-and-so. I feel like such an idiot that I thought I'd share it with you. 

LOL hilarious
4  General Category / General Discussion / Warrior Disciplines on: October 20, 2010, 07:45:38 am
Can anyone tell me why my Warrior is such a wuss ??  Cry
He does not get Crits... at all...
I even hit the Mighty Strike discipline and nothing, just normal hits..
I created a new window that is for nothing but Crits and it remains empty the whole time I play...

Any ideas ??

5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: AA problem with sod client on: October 14, 2010, 10:48:49 am
I am running SoD client, I purchased a few AA's listed under PoP and LDoN, they did not show the increase in HP's that they should have.
All I have purchased under RoK and SoV work just fine...

Also, when I am logging in now, get to the server select screen, where it used to scroll "you own 20 of 20 expansions" across the window, it now says "You own 0 of 0 expansions."
Any idea what this problem is ??
6  General Category / General Discussion / a few questions. on: October 07, 2010, 11:15:29 am
I have a few questions that I can't find answers to on the forums..

1. is it just me, or does everyone have problems targeting some of the corpses in zones such as BoT ?? (Some, I have just let rot because I couldn't loot them after killing them, I target everything around the corpse, but not the corpse itself, strafe around corpse, scroll into first person, out to third person, have tried everything...)
2. Do you get booted if you engage Naggy over the lvl of 52, as it was on EQ Live ??
3. Do I need the PoDragons download from the forums if I am running SoD ??
4. Am I asking too many questions ? LOL  Tongue
5. Would I be able to acquire Augments, boxing a Warrior / Cleric, and being grouped with my Wife's Necro, or do the mobs that drop them require a full group ??

Thanks for your input..
Gallank / GameFreak
7  General Category / General Discussion / Problem with Cleric spell.. on: October 06, 2010, 06:34:03 am
I am having a problem with my Cleric spell "unswerving hammer of retribution".
I tried casting it and get the error message "Unable to find data for pet cleric_hammer_67_"
Is this spell not available on EZ, or am I just missing a file or something ??
I am running SoD.

Thanks for your input.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Whats with buff timers?? on: October 02, 2010, 09:04:15 am
Its happened on Titanium, SoF and SoD clients so far from what I have heard....and ya, it only happens for me on characters that have not been cg/fg flagged

Happened to me just now, boxing my Cleric and Warrior, got buffed and zoned, timers on most went down to 2 minutes... Sad
I gated, rebuffed, the Warriors stayed correct this time, but the Clerics went back to 2 minutes for most...
I am running SoD on both accounts...
9  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: THE RL PICTURE THREAD!! POST YOU IN RL ~HERE!~ on: September 29, 2010, 01:34:58 pm
This is the RL pic of me and my Beautiful Wife whom I met on EQ many years ago.. Taken at Scarborough Faire.. ahh what Fun times we have there..
Gallank and Daxia

10  General Category / General Discussion / Seeds of Destruction on: September 28, 2010, 09:39:47 am
I have been beating my head against the wall, searching for SoD download.  Sad

I have tried torrents.net, torrenthound, torrentz and several other torrent sites, only to come up empty handed.
They all have a list of External Results which lead to sites such as...
NowDownloadALL, idownload, and these sites have a 1 2 3 step process after telling you access denied..
step 1.. personal info
step 2.. credit card info $39.95 yr
step 3.. activate.....
The general results on all of them (the free download) does not have the file, only the External Results show the file and they are all $39.95 yr....

Went to torrentreactor.net and in the middle of the search, I was whisked away to another page....  Angry
Play Frogger Now...
Tried to x that tab out and a window popped up asking if I was sure I wanted to navigate away from that page... continue or quit...
so I ctrl alt del, end task on Firefox and restarted it......
so be aware...

I did find SoF on Torrentz... but I want SoD...

Now, my question is...
Does anyone have a link to a site that has SoD free download ??
Or do I need to get it from one of the sites that I have to pay $ 39.95 per year for ??
I have read many times on here that it can be downloaded for free, but for the life of me, I can't seem to find it..
I have also had my Wife search for it and she gets the same results...
Pleas PM me if you know where it can be downloaded from...

11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Whats with buff timers?? on: September 28, 2010, 08:11:08 am
I got buffed, all buffs started out with their correct timers, after a few seconds, they changed to 3 minutes or less.. This happened every time I rebuffed, so I clicked off all my buffs, logged out and back in and rebuffed, and they all stayed the time they were supposed to..
Second time I tried that though, it failed...  Sad
12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Multiboxing software on: September 24, 2010, 01:04:17 pm
Is there a way to play two characters that are on the same account ??
I have a Warrior and a Druid on one and a Pally on the other...
If not, I may create a Cleric on the Pally's account to box with my Warrior...
I have been boxing my Druid and Pally w/o using other software.. works out pretty good, except for the auto follow.. druid seems to run in a big circle instead of following behind the Pally, usually getting aggro of a few mobs...
Does isboxer fix that, or is it just my crappy puter ??

13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: balancing SoD/ Titanium difference on: September 23, 2010, 04:12:54 pm
Craptanium is all I have  Sad

Question: If I purchase SoD, is it EQ Plus 15 expansions ??
Or would I have to individually purchase:
Dragons of Norrath
Depths of Darkhollow
Prophecy of Ro
The Serpent's Spine
The Buried Sea
Secrets of Faydwer
Seeds of Destruction

I already own EQ up to Omens of War....
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: New member on: September 23, 2010, 04:06:16 pm
If I were at home where I could play, it would have been less than two lines.. LOL
15  General Category / General Discussion / New member on: September 23, 2010, 01:34:18 pm
Howdy Peeps,

Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself.
I absolutely Love EZ Server...

I have been boxing a Pally and a Drood for 59 lvl's so far on EZ and having a blast doing so.
My Wife plays as well, a Bard named Daxie.
My Pally is named Darok and Drood named Savana.
I started playing EQ in 1999 on Tholuxe Paells server and played until 2005, had a Warrior named Gallank, Druid named Savana, and Pally named Froglips Kissmebaby...
I met my Wife in Highhold Pass in 1999, She was a Cleric and I a Warrior...
She moved from Florida to Texas, we were married and have been for 8 awesome years now...  (That's the shortened version. )
Spent around 5 years playing World of Warcraft and various other games...
Recently, my Wifes friend that got her started on EQ in the beginning, whom I owe my happiness to, contacted her and told her about project1999, we started playing there, then found Solo server, then ended up here on the Best server ever...
My Hats off to the guys that have made this happen..
Personal info...
I'm a 43 year old... Old Man... Happily married...
We have no kids, 9 dogs and 2 cats, most of which are rescues, live out in the sticks (Thank goodness for wireless high speed internet..) on four acres which gets neglected a lot, thanks to my gaming habits / laziness.. LOL
Our Babies are,
4 Great Pyrenees, Polar Bear, Weezee, Lord Iorek, and Lord Ragnar (Raggs)
1 German Shepard, named Sebastian (I call him Sissy Dog)
1 German Pinscher, named Sarah (Operation Kindness adoption.)
1 Yellow Lab, named Hunter (dumped out near our home.)
1 Dingo looking dog named Ginger (found starving on Thanksgiving day 2008.)
and 1 Ugly Rat Baby (pug / beagle mix.) named Lucky
Cat 1... Baby Kitty was a barn cat that I tamed, she was about a month old when I found her...
Cat 2... named Tigger Found on a grocery store parking lot about 6 years ago.

I am a manager of a machine shop near Dallas Texas, been at the same company for 22 years..

That's me in a nut shell..

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