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1  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Server Fail-safe? on: November 09, 2010, 02:47:31 pm
Here is script and thread on this specifically.

Working script for this tweaked many times, just read through posts. Some have said here auto rebooter wont work sometimes but in fact it can work every single time with a good script. Just read through that or have someone who has extensive knowledge of egemu to write one.
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Halloween Event 2010 on: October 25, 2010, 03:56:49 pm
Sounds fun, I just hope he announces it here first to let people know when it starts and where to give all a chance.
3  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Lets smoke some trees! ;D on: October 22, 2010, 02:10:37 am
The trees are not lagging you it is the dragons. They got higher polygon counts. The trees are fine why would you take out aesthetics like trees....Trees are part of the dynamic of a zone in a rpg. Taking trees out would make it feel stupid. Try lowering your view distance all the way down and all particle effects to off.
4  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: This is BS... on: October 18, 2010, 02:46:22 pm
Maybe if it's epics they can be restored. Easy enough to check log and see if there is logging on this server that shows stuff like this. If not well sorry to hear anyway you lost your 3.0 that sucks.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Something needs to change for KD drop rate!!! on: October 18, 2010, 04:41:12 am
Yeah, well 12hrs of camping in a row non stop on my weekend and no KD still. I am going bed. That is just stupid camp for 12hrs I should just gave in bought a KD for 75k but I rather not give to the farmers.

12hrs of time wasted and nothing to show for it blahh.   Angry
6  General Category / General Discussion / Something needs to change for KD drop rate!!! on: October 18, 2010, 02:06:51 am
Seriously 9 hrs at the camp no KD yet and a trail of people waiting all day to get camp. This is sick Hunter. There has to be increased drop rate and take his stupid 30min spawn and change to 15min please. I have several screens of many people saying that this should be changed and should not be 30min spawn while other stuff is 15min that has increased drop rate.

Not to mention KD is not LORE so we see most times farmers get camp and try get as many as they can to sell.

This is not fun camping almost 10hrs strait and to have done it before for 6hrs for my other toons fg.

Please fix this, I think the majority of the community who does not farm KD will agree to this.
7  General Category / Suggestions / Something CG/FG/Epic Pet needs to have done on: October 12, 2010, 08:19:25 pm
CG/Epic Pet-

1. When you hail your cg pet or epic pet you can get buffs off it, however; the buffs do not buff the pet. Please add it so your pet affinity works with this. Having you hail for buffs should buff your pets.

2. Give the CG/Epic Pet weapons a Anger aug V or something. Epic pets and CG pets do not hold agro at all. Even if you spam taunt, which you shouldn't be having to spam anyway. Please give them a anger aug so they can hold agro. This would be very helpful thank you.

3. Give Cg food to go with the drink.


1. With FG melee get to have 400 skill increase, however; we do not get a buff off anything because we do not have a pet to buff us. What I would like to see is a FG item that can give you the full buffs. There should be no reason FG is not capable of getting their own buffs off something.

Give FG a minion pet not capable of fighting but it can buff you up.

2. Give FG a Drink to go with the food.

One other note on FG is when you get to 400 skill with the trainer you do not have in your skills showing 400 cap, instead it shows 330-350 caps. Now I am unsure if this affects anything but thought I should just ask on that.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Horrible Gray Map Lines! FIX IT HERE! on: October 06, 2010, 01:59:35 pm
Lored just to let you know that upload still contains gray lines on the maps. I tried this just cause it was already done but it has all gray lines still. I will do my own when I get time of my favorite zones that need the lines fixed.

Not sure if the uploader accidentally put his map pack in or what cause still gray lines on this upload.
9  General Category / Suggestions / CG Pet changes on: October 05, 2010, 08:53:54 pm
Would you think about giving shaman, druid a better pet from cg please? These are the only classes I enjoy playing but as everyone knows we are not really that great at helping with much because we suck. Warriors are way over powered here and I do not like playing warrior.

Beastlords and mages get a pet that is very good at killing fast and lots damage. While shaman and druids both have the only thing capable of allowing them to enjoy some content ldon 1-5 not level 6 bosses with our cg pet cause they just aren't tough enough.

So please give shaman and druid a capable pet to compete and make us a class that is playable without having to play a warrior.

There are far to many imbalances here. Warrior is the only class if you wish to do ldon and qvic to help others. I want a cg shaman and druid pet capable of doing good damage and tanking correctly for last level ldon bosses and qvic.
10  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: AFK Botting - Tired of it. on: October 04, 2010, 02:47:50 pm
Think what OP is saying is they are bots and they camp 1 spawn for charms. The program scripted loots what they put in it to loot so they can stay there forever. This is an issue cause when normal players come through to get epic pages they can't cause the bot steal kills them and then the corpses loot timers extended so you have wait to loot your page rather then kill loot and move on.

11  General Category / Suggestions / This auto rebooter is good idea if not implemented already on: October 04, 2010, 02:34:56 am
Was reading eqemulator forums found this thread. http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24621

Reason I'm unsure if this is built into the server script is because people tell me if server crashes sometimes late at night then we have to wait for 5 or 6am for auto reboot. So this script will allow server to auto reboot after a crash by itself without having to wait hours for a server reboot on fixed time.

Would be nice for times server might crash and within 10min we could be right back up if nobody is available to reboot server late at night.
12  General Category / Beastlord / Re: Pet Survivability on: October 04, 2010, 12:39:26 am
Just curious I here BL cg pet is hella high damage output. How is shaman pet compare for taking damage? And why is a BL pet more uber for the cg then shamans. You would think the shaman cg pet would be slightly stronger and more damage then BL pet since shamans are basically lacking damage output on this server. They can't melee like a BL can, they got some dots but they get resisted often and are to low damage to even compare to BL melee output alone.

Not trolling your thread Op I was just wondering this since I started here.
13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: CG-FG Item Price List on: October 04, 2010, 12:36:15 am

For the full cg or fg set? This thread was looking for individual prices, thank you for the input though.
14  General Category / Server Status / Re: EQEmu - Bigger issues than EZ. on: October 04, 2010, 12:33:20 am
@Trinity: Good information for people definitely. I think he was speaking to me specifically though about how the login servers work in general. Only problem is that EQEmu is not necessarily SOE's code and probably does not have as many protocols as SOE's does. Things are different on EMU Smiley

Yup yup exactly.
15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: CG-FG Item Price List on: October 04, 2010, 12:27:06 am
Keep them coming guys I am going take the average price of each and make a real price list everyone can follow. This will give an idea what you need to save up or what you could sell each for if you ever happen to just have extra laying around.
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