I imagine this is what you were referring to as your "original concept" because clearly America doesn't even come close to the population of China.
Think what he is saying is he is tired of his freedoms being on the chopping block....America has faced many diseases in the past without this kind of restriction on freedom. Considering the death rate of this disease is less than the flu I have to agree.
I disagree with the premise that this is a "restriction on freedom."
I guess it can FEEL like a restriction on freedom, but why is this any different than making it illegal to be naked in public? Was that a freedom that was stripped away too? Why are some section of Americans so opposed to the idea of wearing a mask? The guidelines were put into place before a mandate was issued, clearly that didn't work.
Also, even "if the death rate of this disease is less than the flu," why are we ok with doubling or increasing the rate of preventable deaths in the world?
Shouldn't we ask ourselves, why is it that our society can't handle 2 weeks quarantine to stop or at least massively stem a disease? We could have prevented several thousands of deaths if we simply had 2 weeks of quarantine, or more targeted interventions.
I understand the frustration with these social distancing and masking guidelines.
Why is it that 2 weeks causes such havoc economically for people? We should have expected and planned to have some support systems in place for these kinds of situations. This possible scenario was foreseen, the contingency plans just weren't planned or executed for containment.