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General Category / Updates / Re: Assassin Quest
on: January 01, 2011, 03:24:47 am
With my idea, if you wanted a lvl 2 range item, you would need to kill each of the bosses once. After the boss respawns you would turn in the corresponding component to spawn the lvl 2 boss. To be clear lets use the freeport boss as an example. Initially you would fight the freeport boss as he stand and he will drop the lvl 1 component. After an hour when he respawns you would give him the component you got from killing him. He would then, either respawn as the lvl 2 boss or he would port you an instance where the lvl 2 boss is. The level 2 boss would drop a lvl 2 component. If you do this to each boss and then combine the lvl 2 components you would end up with the lvl 2 range item. Total 20 kills. The risk is, if you fail at killing him, you lose whatever component you turned in. So it could be done in 100 kills, but you could also get wiped on boss 6 and have to start all the way over on that component part.
General Category / Updates / Re: Assassin Quest
on: December 22, 2010, 01:17:23 am
Ok. I use a SK, Paladin and warrior. SK has full T4, paladin has mostly T4 with some T3, same with warrior. All 3 have UC and the best augs in the game on their 4.0s.
General Category / Updates / Re: Assassin Quest
on: December 22, 2010, 12:40:18 am
I don't think you understand. Nobody is going to get to level X, nobody. It's too boring and take's wayyyyyy too long to get. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind, after spending 768 hours(and that's IF you can do it in 3 hours every single time) killing the same ten mobs over and over in order to get to level 9 and saying, "yeah! I'll do that all over again for the 20k extra Hp!" or w/e the difference is. It's not worth it.
My suggestion? Decrease the HP that each boss has, increase the amount of damage they hit for. Give them different AoE spells that do major damage, or decrease mana by alot or decrease the amount your healing/damage procs do or even a silence. Then you can give them adds, but don't have the adds have an incredible amount of HP, you should be able to kill them. Make it so if an add is up the boss hits for alot more and has a larger AoE spell. Something like that! If you make them MUCH harder to kill (because currently I can attack them and go take a shower or watch TV and that's with 3-5 adds) then you can justify decreasing the amount of times we need to kill them
Also? Decrease the amount of runs we need to do from levels 7-10. It's just ridiculous. Maybe increase the AC on them by alot more, and give them clickys and focus effects that increase every single level. Kind of like the charms.
General Category / Updates / Re: Assassin Quest
on: December 14, 2010, 02:38:27 am
I could see myself getting possibly to level 6 or 7, if I even do it at all (I absolutely HATE grinds) but no way in hell I would ever want to go passed that. Getting to level 7 would take me a few months and getting level 7-10 takes 8 times as long as that. If I ever acquire level 10 I think it would be a wake up call to go out and get some sun. I would prefer if the ten bosses were extremely hard to kill, required a few groups of players. a lot of strategy and you only have to kill them once per level, rather than having to kill each one 512 times. I appreciate the great item with the great stats, but I prefer a boss that pisses me off so badly that I want to throw my computer against the wall than being extremely bored for 12 months and finally getting the item. The tough boss is SO much more satisfying to finally beat. 4.0/UC/Roa/Qvic-T4 are insane grinds, how about a little challenge in order to get a nice item?
General Category / Rants and Flames / Shadowknight 4.0
on: November 07, 2010, 01:14:41 am
I just got my SK 4.0 two days ago and I was rather upset by the clicky and lifetap proc. Why? Because they are the same as 3.0, and the clicky is pretty worthless. i was expecting a much greater lifetap and better click. All of the other 4.0s that I have seen are different and pretty sweet. I know the GMs are very busy doing other stuff, and I really have no idea how hard it is to put a new click and proc on it. Now that i'm done complaing let me say I love the server and appreciate everything you guys do. Keep up the good work! But please make the SK 4.0 worth completing! Thanks!
Love Vell
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