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1  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Thanks for the fun times guys on: June 09, 2011, 02:17:12 pm
Wow.. certainly didn't mean to cause any grief with my post.
Funkin - no worries about posting on here man.

I just wish everyone could get a long better and be nicer to each other.
Some of you know how I was.. if you can think of someone who helped out more newbies or gave away more stuff (besides Hunter himself) let me know - because I can't. I really and truly tried to create some unity on this server anyway I could.

- I joined and became an officer of one of the larger (at the time) guilds on the server to try to bring people together.

- Helped come up with the Christmas events from last year FP ran that people actually showed up for (I can only theorize now it was due to hunter giving out UCs are prizes).

- Ran events on Easter this year which were a huge bust (for me at least)  - I tried to actually engage the server and have them do a simple scavanger hunt (find 6 uniquely named eggs throughout EQ). The prize was a 4.0 epic book.
I shouted the damn event for 3 hours and not a single person could be bothered to get in the spirit and have a little fun; to put forth a little effort and get themselves a 4.0. I was so bummed out I just went to sky and farmed 20-25 books - which I had people roll on in Nexus. Since it required doing nothing there was 40+ people rolling on the books. 0 willing to do a simple easter egg scavanger hunt.

Perhaps I was wrong in how I phrased my sentiment early; maybe the problem is not so much a ME ME ME attitude on this server. I've been thinking long and hard about this.. maybe the draw of the server (being able to solo/box) is the underlying issue why we can't get cohesiveness - EZ server naturally draws alot more people who are antisocial  - who prefer to play alone - which this allows them to do.

Think about the argument that EZ server allows people with a little time to accomplish a lot. It makes no sense to me.
9 out of 10 people I personally know on EZ server (and I know a few lol) box 3 to 23 toons.
Think about how much time the average person on EZ server has invested in their toon army. How many hundreds upon hundreds of hours it takes to get just 1 UC or 1 RoA 100 now.

After playing on p99 (just dinged 50 yay) my opinion is the average p99 player probably spends less time logged in then the average EZ server player.

It just a matter how you want to split your time.

As to those who are talking about the server stats of 200-300 logged in at minimum... did you stop and consider if 90% of the server boxes.. how many of those 200-300 logged in toon are real people? Maybe 70 or 80? I know of at least 5 people (myself included) who would routinely box 12+ chars.

So the average server pop might be 70-80 real people; maybe 125 to 150 during peak (when it shows 450-500).

Thats a pretty small community when you think about it.


PS - Sev I WILL be back. I still love EZ and all my friends here; its just gotten rather stale for me at this point in time. I might have some plat on some mules hidden if you need what I owe ya back send me a PM here bro.

2  General Category / Rants and Flames / Thanks for the fun times guys on: June 06, 2011, 11:08:19 am
I'll pop in once in a while to say hi to friends but I'm pretty much retired from EZ server. Thanks to all who knew me on here for the fun times.

Before I get a spam of PMs and emails asking why I'm calling it quits on EZ.. its really a combination of things. Main two are lack of new end game content and the ME ME ME mentality that is prevalent on the server. That really bothers sigh. Maybe its because I like helping people so much.

For example.. I've given away (not sold - given) over 30 4.0 epics i can remember when I wasn't tore up and just running anyone lol.
I've ran dozens, if not hundreds, of toons through Qvic - again random people. For Free.
I give away rotting armor from T1 to T4 when I farm it.
Helping people makes me happy.

What makes me sad is the mentality of me only that has prevailed on the server. Maybe its due to boxing and not interacting with others people get jaded. I don't know.

What I do know it 3 weeks ago I was helping a newbie friend who needed Hunter/Forager in TT.
Crazy as this sounds I don't have WinEQ. 12 box without it... Kinda think WinEQ isn't quite cheating... and it crashes Air alot more. I almost never crashed when I was there with no one else in zone.
So I have no maps/tracking... so I spent 15-20 mins asking in OOC and shout if anyone could please spare 10 precious minutes to track 2 mobs for me.

Not a single response. I said wow and shook my head

So I decided to give the crazy grind that is p99 another shot.
I've been pleasantly surprised. Sure its slower leveling but if you're looking to interact with people and actually group with 5 other humans.. wow. Its also pretty amazing to be on a 40 man raid and realize its not you and 4 other guys boxing the entire raid.
Having to play 1 toon at a time on p99 pretty much forces people to be a lot more social.

To me that has always been, and always will be, one of the biggest draws of online roleplaying games.

Please don't get me wrong at all - I love EZ server too and prob always will. I might even be back later on (I didn't sell any of my toons). Theres so much here to offer a player -lots of fun; custom content with cool new zones and items; the opportunity to destroy almost any classic EQ zone you want.. this list goes on and on with what EZ provides and provides well.

Its just not what I'm looking for in an online RPG at this time.

So if anyone ever gets the itch to look me on p99 my name is Kental Cowtipper on there.. I'm a dwarf warrior (no pally this time lol).
Original name huh?

See you guys around =)


3  General Category / General Discussion / High End Stuff for Sale on: May 23, 2011, 10:07:01 am
Wanting to sell -

Ninja Strike 4 (x2) - 750k pp ea
Ninja Strike 5 (x2) - 1.9 mill each

Icestrike5 (x1) - 2.8 mill

Firestrike5 (x2) - 2.8 mill ea, 2 for 5.4mill

Aged Platinum Custom BP (RoA BP) - 6k hp - 3mill  (SOLD)!
Aged Platinum Custom Legs (RoA Legs) - 6k hp - 2.9 mill

Will considering p99 trades/platinum (going to play half there, half here) - not selling all my stuff here don't worry guys =)

Looking for on p99:

- Platinum (will trade at a rate of 250k here for 1k there - have plat here or trade items above)

- Haste Item - FBSS, Sash of Dragonborn, RBG
- Cobalt Armor - Legs, Arms, Gaunts, bracer
- Diamondine Earrings x 2, Plat Fire Wedding Rings x 2

Give me a tell in game or PM me here =)

Officer of Forbidden Prophecy
PS - Im not leaving EZ server- just splitting up my time
4  General Category / General Discussion / Wanting to buy... on: May 02, 2011, 03:10:18 pm
Essence of Gods Minor
For Gods sake! Tongue
Tired of farming T3 for em and getting armor/gear I don't need.

Looking to buy:
7 Gods Minors
4 Dragons Majors
2 Dragon Minors

I can gladly pay in you plat OR if you want -
I will trade a 4.0 book  (Kill and Token provided) - for a Gods Minor.

Send me a tell in game.

Officer of Forbidden Prophecy
5  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: adding a 4th, what should it be? on: May 02, 2011, 03:02:49 pm
Hi Atops,

I know playing on Aussie time can be difficult to coordinate but if you're ever able to be on in the morning your time (8-10 am) look for me on Cowtipper. I'll be more then happy to help you and your wife (if you guys want) get lvl 70 and get your 1.5 epics.. I know those can be among the hardest to get when you're just starting out.

Anyway shoot me a tell in game and I'll be happy to help you guys out =)

Officer of Forbidden Prophecy
6  General Category / Updates / Re: Extend Double Loot? on: April 20, 2011, 09:59:33 am
Hey Hunter -
Thanks in the first place for the double loot to make up for the wipe - I had lost a couple 4.0s, a couple T3 BPs and lots of tokens and charms.. but when I saw on the forums here about the server crash I said Meh - what can Hunter do? Its not his fault this happened. Thought hell he probably wasted a ton of time too -working on the server problems instead of our time spent playing a game. I know which one is more fun to do in my book....

Anyway I saw the double loot and I got to say thanks a bunch.

Then I saw this and got excited. It would be a really nice gesture to extend the double loot through Easter weekend - would be nice for Easter and nice to help out those affected by the wipe who are unable to farm during the weekdays. Hell it would allow me to actually work on college homework tonight after work instead of blowing it of because of double loot. This would allow me to farm on the weekend when I have time.  As others have mentioned I'm sure theres many who are in a similar situation.  

Thanks again for the nice gesture this is Hunter and for all the work you continue to put into providing a server thats FREE for all of use to enjoy.

Officer of Forbidden Prophecy

PS If Hunter extends the double loot this weekend I plan on giving away some MCP kills and 4.0 Books for Easter. Thinking of some kind of Scavanger Hunt but I'm only coming up with so many eggs that drop heh.
Will probably do this anyway but would be nice to have 2x the books to give out.
7  General Category / Updates / Re: Update 03 14 11 on: March 16, 2011, 03:43:31 pm
Bah no one found my post funny?
It was a meant to be a sarcastic rebuke to the people complaining about the XP reduction.
Oh well... at least I know Hunter is too smart to take my post at face value.

8  General Category / Updates / Re: Update 03 14 11 on: March 16, 2011, 11:42:58 am
What was I thinking? Would a 0.1x exp rate be better? Take a month to get level 70 (or a RoA Rank).

Hunter man your math is off.. It would not take the majority of people who are running RoAs a month to do.. only about 11 hours at 0.1x xp rate.

The average RoA was about 50 minutes, give or take, back when Exp was set to 2.2x  - I was running 32 min minimum (35 avg) RoAs) with a Bard and an Ancient Blue Platinum BP (highest lvl custom armor – 9k hp, 175 ac all/all no level req – basically sham 3.0 in BP form for RoA – I highly recommend it if you can afford btw).  So with no Sham or Druid I was running 32-35 mins at 2.2x  a month ago (with a 4.0 war in fire instance 47-70). Most people I know who run RoAs use a sham & druid; from personal experience with people in my guild and outside most run it around 50 minutes to an hour; theres some who go down to 30 range so I leveraged down to 50 mins.

If you were to drop Xp down to 0.1x that would increase RoA time by approx 22 fold;  22 x 50 minutes = 18.3 hours.

What the heck is that? The average person doing a RoA in 18 hours – that’s like 4-5 days of playing.. complete BS it would be that fast at 0.1 x.
What I propose is a more sensible exp rate of 0.03x. This would equate to an exp reducation of 73.3 fold x 50 minutes =  only 61 hours for RoA.  15 hours or so a week would net a RoA in a month.  That sounds pretty reasonable to me. Doesn’t  it to too  you Hunter? After all this isn’t the EAZY server – it’s the Extended Zones server!!

Officer of Forbidden Prophecy
Champion of the 0.03x xp ratio

9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Can't enter world. on: February 13, 2011, 01:58:14 am
Anyone else still having problems?
I can't log on any of my toons on EZ server.
Even tried to log in to p99.. after the server select login screen cycles through EQ immediately crashes back to the account login page.
Nothing was changed on my end. Not sure whats going on sigh.

Any suggestions?

10  General Category / Server Status / Re: Problems with EZ server on: February 12, 2011, 06:57:50 pm
I can't log into the server - I get to the server select screen and hit enter world.. it goes through the login screen/bar.. then it immediately boots back to the account login screen.

Any ideas?

11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances? on: January 05, 2011, 12:36:09 pm
Just got a Brawlers Charm in instance 1 on level 2 last night at 1:15 am EST. Was there about an hour and a half and saw 2 charms.

12  General Category / General Discussion / High End Services on: January 05, 2011, 12:09:05 pm
For those who don't know me I play Cowtipper, a Paladin with Forbidden Prophecy - a friendly guild who brought you the gnome PVP and the 4.0 scavenger hunt this last Christmas. Any who have ever dealt with me know I'm an honest and straight forward person who tries to help others in the game.

Please realize - the only - and I repeat ONLY- reason I am doing this is because I need 60 odd lvl 1-25 LDoN charms for my UC and I am starting to loathe doing LDoN. It doesn't matter how much pp you have banked its inevitable no one is ever selling charms when you need em sigh.

I've noticed a few people on the boards have posted offering the services of epic 1.5 through 3.0 runs for credits. That's all fine and well - but what about the higher end people on the server who are looking for items or gear?

Well, I'm here to help - at least until I get my UC  Then we'll see - probably will close shop then.

My Prices are:

Epic 3.5 Page - 5 Credits  - Buy 4 from me get a 5th free
Epic 3.5 Book - 15 Credits
Epic 4.0 Book - Stone turn in + kill - 50 credits

Cyan Stones - 3 Credits each; 10 for 25 credits

Tier 3 Plate Armor
Helm, Gauntlets, Boots, Bracers - 10 Credits Each
Legs or Arms - 15 Credits
BP - 20 Credits

Other Tier 3 Armor
All other Tier 3 armor (Chain, Leather, Cloth) is 50% of the plate price listed above

Teir 4 Armor
Helm, Gauntlets, Boots, Bracers - 20 Credits Each
Legs or Arms - 25 Credits
BP - 30 Credits

FS 4 Augment (only 1 in stock at the moment) - 50 credits

How this works is I will be taking no more then 5 requests for gear/equipment at a time -email me at Dan9221@cs.com.  Once we work things out I will provide you with my cell and email to contact me 24/7.

Those 5 people will be ranked 1-5 in FCFS. I will then go to work getting you the items you want starting with person 1 and working down. Please note for T3/T4 armor it can take more then a day or two to get at times.

In order for this to work I would need to either have access to the character who is getting the items OR you would need to provide me a cell phone number where I could reach you so you could either login or have someone login the character.

Payment would be required in a 50/50 split - 50% credits up front, 50% after and is required in 5 credit blocks.

Hunter - if any of this is against the rules or even strikes you the wrong way let me know and I will stop and take down my post.

Shoot me an email if anyone out there is interested - dan9221@cs.com

Cowtipper, Paladin of Forbidden Prophecy
13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish on: December 18, 2010, 10:04:20 pm
Undeadanger I'm not so sure Santa will bring you Qvic armor but I will =)
Next time you're on look for me. Can clear it a couple times in an hour for ya and get you armored up.

Merry Christmas!
Cowtipper, Paladin of Forbidden Prophecy
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish on: December 17, 2010, 01:25:08 pm
Smoka - I agree there are instances.. but what about the people not guilded.
For a scenario -think about people trying to do public qvic during double loot (/shudder)... its conceivable that some hypothetical people in public Qvic would instead choose to RoA if the RoA was double XP instead of farming their alt Qvic gear.

 Or those in guilds so large there are more people in GI then public in POD or HoH (often happens with FP sometimes).

Was just a suggestion that doing double xp in addition to double loot would likely help clear up both public and GI congestion.

15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: An EZ Server Christmas Wish on: December 17, 2010, 11:31:10 am
Really - would double experience during Christmas be that big of a deal?

It takes 40-50 minutes for an average RoA now; 20-30 for a completely set up person. With double the exp the avg person would be down to 20-30 and the truly set up could fly through in 15 or so with zoning.

Think of it this way - right now almost no one ROAs during double loot. If there was both double loot and XP you'd give people a choice AND free up some of the congestion double loot causes in Dragons/HoH

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