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1  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (Direct Download Links) on: April 07, 2012, 03:46:38 am
HUGE thanks for updating and hosting, Hateborne and Drezden! You guys are great!

I logged in a couple times this week and was considering a new file host, but I see that is not even needed!

I'll update the OP to reflect all of this. Thanks again!
2  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (Direct Download Links) on: February 07, 2012, 02:06:39 pm
I am taking a break from EZ Server. No naming of names or fingerpointing, I just feel like there are alot more people that enjoy talking down to others, making fun of people for playing the "wrong" class and all in all a larger number of annoyances than pleasures these days. I don't quite understand why it is the way it has become, but it's not something I enjoy dealing with at all.

I may be back in a few weeks... or I may not be back at all. My last break from EZ lasted around 8 months I think, and I was nowhere near as disgusted then as I have been for the last several days.

Why does this matter, and why is it posted in this thread? Well, it matters because it means I will not be paying attention to this thread anymore. If my links go away, I may notice it and come replace them with fresh links... or I may not. I will not promise to stay on top of something unless I honestly believe I will be able to follow through, and at this point I am not at all sure.

If anyone else wants to mirror these parts, I am sure the community would appreciate it.
Good luck and keep safe everyone!
3  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: February 05, 2012, 01:22:02 am
That is odd.
All 5 (yep, I had 5 in there, not 7... I f'd up!) postorms files are in the archive, and I had someone zone in and test Plane of Dragons before I ever uploaded it(someone zoned in on the other PC, not the one I uploaded from... I suck).

After EQEMU stopped being flakey, I got in. Samuraibane zoned into PoD just fine. So then I tried the other PC. Sam did *NOT* zone into PoD, he just stood in the nexus looking quite stupid and hailing a defenseless NPC over and over waiting for what I thought was lag to cease.

Part 15: (This is the standalone Plane of Dragons (Plane of Storms) files. They correct the issue in this build. Sorry for the error.
Additionally, if you need them for the Steam Version of UnderFoot, these are the SoD files you are looking for!
In either case, just add them to the everquest folder once you have it extracted and setup. Password is "ezserver" same as always)
Hotfile: http://hotfile.com/dl/145315175/c0b6b11/PoD_Files.7z.html
Rapidshare: https://rapidshare.com/files/2425313733/PoD_Files.7z
(password is "ezserver" same as always)

Thanks for the catch, Fliker! It is nice to know when I screw up, someone is watching out for us all!
4  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: February 05, 2012, 12:54:30 am
Love a list of these missing files. I have had over 2 dozen people DL and use this with no issues, no missing files and no hangups.

Also, thanks for the torrent. My ISP freaked out when the whole SOPA crap started, and torrents are throttled so bad they are unusable here.
5  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: February 03, 2012, 09:45:03 pm
I have yet to finish my all my files for my second download with my busy work week but im getting there halfway done maybe tommorow ill finish up,  in reference to this  "you are not seeing the 001/002 extensions then it means these files have become associated with some other program. If that is the case, it may well be part of your problem". If this is the case is there a way to make them not associated with this other program? i wonder if  windows 7 has something to do with this.

I created the 7zip batch on a Windows 7 machine, and have unpacked/tested it on XP32 and XP64 (yes, I know XP64 is unsupported/disliked or whatever, it is still the version I prefer over any other for stability and raw power without all the bloat). With that, I am pretty sure it should be fine on any Windows system.

For any normal compressed file, you should be able to disassociate the file within 7zip itself (if it is installed). When you open 7zip, click tools then options. The first tab (system) has a series of checkboxes for standard extension association, just uncheck the ones you want another program to handle (like .rar or .zip files that would be best handled by WinRAR or WinZIP respectively). For the 001/002 files, there is not a "normal" program for these extensions to handle (they really are only used for files cut into pieces) and I cannot think of a simple way to disassociate them off the top of my head.

If you need to associate a file with another program specifically that is simple enough, just hold shift and rightclick on "open with" and select the new program which you wish to associate the extension, and make sure the "always open with this" open is checked. MicroSoft assumes you always want an extension associated with something, so it will not work to just disassociate an extension without a new association... so it's not really the best possible answer to your question. It's just the only one I know right off the top of my head.

*lots of editing and retconning, pardon the dust*

When I set out to create and share this, it was intended to save people all the headache of looking for BoT files from previous versions, graphic errors and the other dozen or so issues I try to help people solve every day in game. I had no remote idea in creating this thread it would actually lead to new problems... . For these new issues I do deeply apologize.

6  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: February 03, 2012, 12:30:16 am
the first two files names are ezuf.7z and then the 3rd file is enuf.7z003 when i first downloaded them they where ezuf.7z001 and 002.
These two files have had their extensions become associated with some program (I would guess 7zip). Your computer currently has the option to "hide extensions of known file types" enabled (and for most all end users that is a good thing). It means that both the 001 and 002 files have been told to use something (I would still guess 7zip) as default.

If 7zip is opened and used to browse and then open the file (rather than clicking the file directly) none of these associations will ultimately matter. However, if you have already uninstalled 7zip (earlier you stated that was your plan) and you are not seeing the 001/002 extensions then it means these files have become associated with some other program. If that is the case, it may well be part of your problem.
7  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: February 02, 2012, 08:00:45 pm
The last few hours, I have redownloaded all 14 pieces to check for errors.

Step by step:
1) I downloaded all 14 pieces.
2) Opened 7zip and selected part 001
3) Extracted 2 folders and a readme to my desktop (password worked okay)

I have no errors.

Really confused and not sure what to say. All I can think of is that something is wonky with 7zip and/or file associations?

Tried everything even combined the files together, which when combined they come to 4.69 gigs which leads me to think im missing something but i have all 14 files. The last file number 14 was smaller than the others.
The last file is much smaller than the others. I cut the file into 400 meg pieces as that is the maximum most filehosts will allow for download without paying a membership, and the last part is what was "left over" from those cuts.

What has me really confused about this though, is yesterday you said:
i have downloaded all 14 files and seem to only have 5202 mbs total
But today you have:
they come to 4.69 gigs
The exact filesize of all 14 pieces is: 5.08 GB (5,455,076,888 bytes). If you have a different filesize than this, there is definitely an issue somewhere.

*bewildered look* I just have no idea what to say.
8  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: February 01, 2012, 10:58:23 pm
Yeah I... have no idea what... hrrrmmm...

The parts are interchangeable, which service you DL from does not matter as long as you have 1-14.
Once all 14 parts are in a folder (lets assume it is called "downloads") all you should have to do is start 7zip and point it at that folder, then select 001.
At that point you should see "into" the compressed files, and find the folders inside ready to extract. Select one (or select all) and choose "extract" and give it a location to extract the file(s).
9  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: February 01, 2012, 10:23:53 pm
Ok i have downloaded all 14 files and seem to only have 5202 mbs total am i missing something? Trying one more thing before i give up for the night hopefully this works, im compressing all the files into one folder and going to try to unzip them has a whole. Hopefully this works
Total compressed filesize is 5.08 gig (sorry, too large for a DVD, but I could not get it any smaller). Total uncompressed size will be 6.4 gig.

5 gig for the zipped files is pretty much perfect. What you will be unzipping will be nearly 6.5gig after it is uncompressed. You should be totally good to go.

All you need to do is put all 14 into one place (desktop, a folder, wherever, just keep them together) and use 7zip to open the first one. 7zip will handle everything else, it will recombine everything. The first one (001) is all you should need to "unpack" from your perspective.
10  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: February 01, 2012, 08:33:04 pm
Apologies for my slow response. Today was my one day a week to unplug my network, turn off my phones and sleep until I felt like getting out of bed again.


I appreciate all your work. I figured it out for future reference it was the eqclient.ini file had the full screen resolution set higher than my monitor supports. So all I had to do is go into the file and manually change it and everything works fine on full screen.
DOH! I should have considered that! When I set my native resolution I likely set it for both windowed and full screen, even though I never use full screen!!! VERY sorry, and thank you for figuring it out. I racked my brain for hours and just could not think of what was wrong! I am sure this will save someone some headache in the future.

Narsil how did you unzip it mate? i'm having a hard time, did u need all files first? And Thanks Devil awesome of you to take the time to do this.
YES you need all the files before you do anything else.
When you download a split file, it is a single file that a program has "cut" into pieces. Before you can recombine these pieces you need to have them all together in one directory.

Once you have all of them in one directory, just open the 001 file with 7zip and you should see the complete folder inside. Extract the folder (or even just drag and drop it) from the 7zip browser (using the password "ezserver'), and you should be all set. The only change you will need to make to use this set is creating a shortcut and adding "patchme" to it (and there is a readme in the file that explains this very clearly). Other than that, just watch Hunter's updates for changes and apply them as he releases them, no need to go looking for other files at all.
11  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: For those in need of Underfoot Client (HotFile Download Links) on: January 31, 2012, 12:22:46 am
Can't seem to get this client to play in full screen mode. It crashes if I hit Alt Enter or try to turn the option on in game. Any idea's?

Honestly, I have not played EQ in anything but maximized window since at least 2002, so I never tested stability for it at all.

However, that said... I did just log into an account on my main PC and click the toggle for full screen in-game. It switched over with no issue at all. I am not in a position to test on multiple PCs, as many are working on tasks tonight that cannot be interrupted (apologies), so I cannot say anything about specific graphic card/drivers at this moment.

I will test on some single core machines with Nvidia cards tomorrow if possible, but I can say for certain that my primary machine does not suffer from this problem.
Specifications for the machine in question:
AMD Phenom II x4 3.70GHz
16 GB of ram
2x ATI Radeon HD 5770 2gig video cards (Crossfire linked)
Drivers checked for updates every Tuesday morning at 3am.

If you have an ATI/AMD card I would check your drivers. I promise to test on one of my single core machines with Nvidia graphics in the next day or two.

I had a couple machines finish tasks and was still awake, so I checked in what I could.
On an old P4 3.0 GHz single core machine with 2 Gig of ram and a Radeon 5450 512 meg video card, no issue swapping between windowed and full screen.
On an almost identical P4 3.0GHz single core with 2 Gig of ram and an Nvidia GT430 1 Gig video card, no issue swapping between windowed and full screen.

*added* Checked on an Intel i3 Dual Core (3.1 GHz) with 8 gig of ram and an older Nvidia 8400 GS 1 Gig video card. Still no crash on swap between windowed and full screen.

Also tested on an older Dell laptop with Intel Integrated video. Choppy graphics, not really playable, but was able to swap between full screen and windowed with no issues.

Huge apologies. I have tried everything I can think of, but I cannot reproduce your crash, and so I cannot try to determine the problem.
What video card and system specs are you running, exactly? If I can put one together similar to yours I will be happy to give it another go.
12  General Category / Sticky Topics / For those in need of Underfoot Client (Direct Download Links) on: January 27, 2012, 12:44:06 am
April 2012 *UPDATE*

With all the crap that has happened with file hosts, my original links were gone all too quickly. Thankfully, there are some really awesome folks in this community!

Enjoy ladies, gents, rat trolls.


(P.S - Anyone have SoF or SoD that I might add?)
Thanks to Drezden, SoD is now on the list as well.

Click ezserver -> clients

Enjoy ya crazy bastards!


Again, thanks guys!
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