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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: MPG Trials on: January 24, 2018, 05:19:40 pm
Essences still drop, though they are extremely rare.  8 shards per run becomes more like 10-12 when you factor in charm prisms that you can trade to the hive queen.  Still mind numbing though.  Dranik is far worse than T7 though with the multiple zones.  Once you trivialize T7 you can breeze through in under 5 minutes.
2  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update 12/27/2014 on: December 27, 2014, 11:34:52 am
Being rezzed in Abyss expedition counts against the number of times you can enter the zone, so don't die twice or you get kicked to stonehive.
3  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update 12-20-2014 (Rain of Fear 2 Client BETA Launched) on: December 22, 2014, 11:06:43 pm
2) Also cannot hand a pet anything. When you try its as if the pet isnt there. In fact....cannot mouse target pet at all.

Noticed a new thing in the option menu that let's you click through pets and self.  If this is checked you won't be able to click target a pet.  Might prevent you from opening a trade window also.
4  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update 12-20-2014 (Rain of Fear 2 Client BETA Launched) on: December 21, 2014, 04:43:39 pm
I am not clear on the run speed issue yet, because I am not sure what you are referring to.  Using SoE and SoW seem to increase run speed fine.  Are the speed clickies you are referring do something other than a run speed buff?  I don't think I have tried bard songs yet for run speed, so maybe that is it?

The run speed is EZ server specific, one of the special clickies gives a 155% speed buff.  Should be somewhere in the server's spell file.

5  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update 12-20-2014 (Rain of Fear 2 Client BETA Launched) on: December 21, 2014, 02:20:53 pm
I am not sure why you are getting the buy now button on items after you removed an epic aug.  What aug slot type is it?  I need  more info so I can test and figure it out.  I am guessing it is something in the item header that would cause that buy now button to show up.

Epic is slot type 21.  The mouse hover tip on the Buy Now button says to click to open marketplace to purchase special ornamentation ability.  Shows this on default UI with MQ2 unloaded also.
6  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update 12-20-2014 (Rain of Fear 2 Client BETA Launched) on: December 20, 2014, 10:53:52 pm
Aug Sealer has no combine button

Also the aug sealer merchant doesn't have class 1 distillers listed.

you put in & take out augs directly from the item link now but since you cant use the distiller trick to juggle augs, theres no way to use duplicates in 1 item Sad

mind blown.

Side issue, is mq2autologin broken in the rof compile from here?  Trying to set up a new batch file and crash whenever I load the plugin.

Also messed around with the aug removal and found out removing epic augs replaces the aug slot with a buy now button.  It won't let me put the augs back in.
7  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update 12-20-2014 (Rain of Fear 2 Client BETA Launched) on: December 20, 2014, 09:25:21 pm
Aug Sealer has no combine button

Also the aug sealer merchant doesn't have class 1 distillers listed.
8  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0 on: December 18, 2014, 11:55:38 am
Dranik Expedition:

Killed Squealing Underboss, then while training mobs to Broodmother I got a task update.  I checked the task window and found Squealing Underboss was marked DONE and also Speak with a Miner in Stone Hive was also marked DONE.  I didn't check whether I was rewarded berries but I continued on with the dungeons just fine until the end.  As soon as I got the kill for Pusbelly, all 12 clients lost connection.  Not a crash or immediate kick but the old Linkdead countdown from 100% packet exchange.
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Rampage mechanics? on: December 16, 2010, 09:52:04 am
There's two separate rampage mechanics, single target and AE.

AE ramp will hit anyone within melee range of a mob.  Usually you can skirt the edge of melee range and not take it.

Single ramp works by a list.  The order that players aggro a mob is the order a mob will use to determine who has rampage.
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