I gotta fix instance #2, which requires you have a balance rather than turn in 2k pp to zone in.
Honestly, I prefer to have the balance requiring instance. Most of the time the LDoN instance 2's aren't filled with about 20-30 people like public or instance 1. Maybe if the drop chance for the charm upgrades were higher the LDoNs wouldn't be so over-filled? Just my 2cp.
Before flamed, I remember seeing somewhere that the chances for charms to drop in 2-5 is around 1 in 666 or something like that? Maybe take it down to 1 in 500? 400? 350? Still a rare drop, but it'd get people out of LDoNs and let the people who need the pages kill the bosses and not have to worry about being reported for ninja'ing something the original killer didn't need in the first place.