I have seen both Gnaughty and Lightblade in game,Both of you seem to be good guys that got caught in a bad situation,I hope there is a peaceful resolve to this issue.As far as Lightblade/Cube ksing I find that hard to believe do you have proof of this??If not its just an accusation alot of which have been posted here lately.I know my opinion doesn't mean anything at all just felt like putting it out there.
Yeah was my alt that got smashed.thats just one of the ten times in the past few days its happened.Its just to the point now that i laugh it off and go on if not i would have a mental melt down lol
I know how this feeling goes ldon seems to be a shoot out to see who can get to the end first and on a few instances i have had the same happen to me.I tend to ignore the players who do these things,I could point names out but really I have no need to do so,they know who they are they.In the end there are great players on this server and there are those who well just suck.It seems to be more of a mix of both,Just find those who are good players and fun to be around and it makes the other stuff not so bothersome.