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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Best Group makeup for 4.0 and beyond on: August 10, 2012, 12:14:56 pm
Rog is chain so it's not that bad

Ahh, for some reason I was thinking he was plate lmao
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Best Group makeup for 4.0 and beyond on: August 10, 2012, 11:52:54 am
I run a core group of war/pal/clr/brd/rog/mnk. Love it.. A lot of plate to gear though

I like the idea, but I'll probably sub the rogue for a RNG because that is a ton of plate lol
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Best Group makeup for 4.0 and beyond on: August 10, 2012, 11:31:55 am
Awesome, I appreciate the input
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Best Group makeup for 4.0 and beyond on: August 10, 2012, 10:57:54 am
Well thats good to know Cheesy

Are clerics still NEEDED? or can you sub out that cleric with a pally and UC?

One solid tank or roll with two warriors?


Rest Dps ie. Bard, Ranger, Monk?
5  General Category / General Discussion / Best Group makeup for 4.0 and beyond on: August 10, 2012, 10:47:24 am
I saw other threads.. but were outdated by a year or two.

How far can one get with a decently geared group of 6?
What are some good group makeups for achieving this?
Which toons is it essential to have the UC?

I currently am running a WAR/PAL/BRD

War has 4.0 and 3.0, ROA 100, and working on UC. What should I add/take away from this group?
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: AMD Dual Core Issues w/ multiboxing on: August 10, 2012, 10:44:31 am
Upgrading to UF definitely fixed my issues. Thanks everyone!
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: AMD Dual Core Issues w/ multiboxing on: August 06, 2012, 05:55:48 pm
Do I need to remove all previous folders from the Everquest directory before installing underfoot from hate's signature?
8  General Category / General Discussion / AMD Dual Core Issues w/ multiboxing on: August 06, 2012, 10:05:17 am
<Titanium Client>
I tried every hotfix for trying to get my multibox up. Hell.. I'm even having issues running a single toon without getting the character sliding graphic issues. I have previously played on EZ Server running 4-6 eq windows from this same computer, and didn't have any issues.

Now.. the only way I can get just one process of eqgame.exe to work is setting the affinity to a single core processor.

Once I have one character loaded I try to load another and both screens go immediatly black. I've tried all the fixes/updates from tht one forum thread for the amd dual core processors, and nothing seems to work.
Has anyone had these issues previously? If so, what did you do to resolve them?
9  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6 on: December 20, 2010, 03:28:49 pm
not instanced, was in public
10  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6 on: December 20, 2010, 03:05:23 pm
yeah, will next time. both times i turned the corner and he had 40+ mobs on him then he fd'd
11  General Category / Rants and Flames / Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6 on: December 20, 2010, 02:26:08 pm
Although this area isn't hard to clear. When this kid pulls half the zone and FD's right at my feet its a bit much. Happened twice in 20 minutes.
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