If anything I was hoping this would help rng issues. The drop rate is pretty sparse tho. I'm seeing about one coin per 20 mobs. Yet to see a MCP one tho, or h1n1. Mostly ocean and faceless
Same as kenshou, except ALL of the tokens i farmed the other day my wiz Ilov save the oceanlord ones, are gone. Had ones of every type save mcp and h1n1, all were stacked. bug? lore items poofed that were stacked? Odd that i still have the ocean ones. hope they re-appear after the reboot. Also, am i the only one that they seem to be really rare? clear a whole area and get one token? Im guessing this is the intended drop rate? Thanks in advance.
Long time lurker but just registered to say ... what timing. Was fighting the warlord, he was at 10 percent, all toons lock up, (happens often in poair it seems) and i try to q the cleric to get her back in so corpse doesnt poof.
Ugg, im so pissed right now. It is a game tho, so guess ill go get a drink to chill out.