Can't zone into the Halloween zone on my tank. Mr. Halloween says he's in an expedition. however, if I "#e leave" it says I'm not in an expedition. Other toons can get the expedition and zone in just fine, but then if they invite him and he tries to zone in he crashes and has to be zoned out with the Char Mover. At least one other guy was having the same problem, according to /ooc.
Not really a big deal, since I can't really farm it anyway (only T3ish), but annoying anyway.
Not really a big deal, since I can't really farm it anyway (only T3ish), but annoying anyway.
Getting same on 4 toons
tried #e leave #e destroy
none have halloween quest (enter cursed garden)
tried camping out for 15mins, still no joy /cry
anyone have any idea on how to clear expedition flag?
Yeah same here, I can even invite others to the non-existent expedition on the bugged character. When you memberlist the expedition on the other toons it says "you are not the member of an expedition..." I have made everyone #e destroy, #e leave, I have logged the bugged toon, I have tried to log them on on another client. Nothing works. Any help before this event is over is appreciated.